4 month update on fine hair - --


New Member
Hello Fine hair ladies,

This is a 4 month update.. I have been wearing full sew in with proper care since August... I check the condition of my hair during take downs, and use protein or moisture based products as needed.. thanks for looking.
the one below is july 29


this one below is dec 3

even tho my hair is fine, im very pleased with my prgress i had some minor setbacks last year from detangling and manipulating too much, but its on the right track now.....

here is where my HHJ started aug 2009 : note chemically abused dry breaking short hair. also thinning.


this was my BC 12/15/2009

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I'm most impressed with your progress both length-wise and the thickening up of your hair.

I'm a fine-haired natural, too.

What do you contribute your success to? I know you said you've been in weaves, but what's your reggie?
You've done a great job turning your hair around! Keep up the good work it seems to be working

Sent from my T-Mobile G2 using T-Mobile G2
Wow! Well done. So, the weaves didn't stress your edges even more? Did you leave the edges out?
I love it! Look at what all of your hard work and determination has produced. Congratulations, and keep it up!
Wow! Well done. So, the weaves didn't stress your edges even more? Did you leave the edges out?

NO, i used to let any body sew my hair any kinda way, I now go to a professional .she uses a weaveing net and braids my natural hair up.. none of it is left out... she never does it tight and my hair is protected nicely.
Ok My Jaw dropped!! I applaude you on coming so far and learning better habits in the past two years!!

Take what ya know and make it for for you!!!

Be Blessed!!