4 month update on fine hair - --

Instead of sewing the hair directly to the braid where it might cause stresss, she sew the wefts on to the net,, therefore the weft dont even have to touch my hair or add wieght.

Here's the answer I have been looking for for 4 years. Fine hair ladies cannot wear sew ins! It destroys our hair because it is too heavy. Thanks a million.

Do you sew the net to the hair?
Instead of sewing the hair directly to the braid where it might cause stresss, she sew the wefts on to the net,, therefore the weft dont even have to touch my hair or add wieght.

Greattttt progress
How do you wash your hair with the net? I workout everyday and sweat alot in my scalp. Would I be able to wash my hair 2x/week? What is your regimen with the net?
Your hair is so pretty! Congratualtions on how far you've come!!! You are truly inspirational. I have to show my sis these pics who is going through chronic shedding and breaking issues postpartum right now and has chopped her hair off as well.
You have made amazing progress. This have to be the best hair transformation I've seen this year, Congratulations!