4 a/b hair types do you strech pass 12wks?

I just recently found out that my limit is going to be 11-12weeks. The first time I stretched I did it fo 18 weeks, and for some reason it was a lot easier than the second time around. The second time I was more worried about breakage and doing damage to my hair by stretching it out longer. So I think I'm good with 11-12, I may try longer again at another time though.

This last time I was using Surge, and it made my NG very curly and thick, which made it harder to do anything with. But I also started doing cowashes and that did help some.
Yes, I stretch past 12 weeks. I have very fine, soft hair and find that stretching has done wonders for me. I learned very quickly not to start out stretching 16 weeks right away. I gradually went from 12, 14, 16 etc. I will be 19 weeks on Monday. But, the buck stops here! :lol: I will be getting a touch this morning! My goal is to one day only get two touch-ups a year. Today will be my third and last touch up of the year.

OT: SweetAKA, you've made wonderful progress since April. Your hair is beautiful!
SweetAKA said:
I just recently found out that my limit is going to be 11-12weeks. The first time I stretched I did it fo 18 weeks, and for some reason it was a lot easier than the second time around. The second time I was more worried about breakage and doing damage to my hair by stretching it out longer. So I think I'm good with 11-12, I may try longer again at another time though.

This last time I was using Surge, and it made my NG very curly and thick, which made it harder to do anything with. But I also started doing cowashes and that did help some.

Girl you have made wonderful progress! Your hair is bomb!
I am a 4 a/b and I am 9 wks post now I used to do relax every 6 wks last touch up was only 8wks but now I'm shooting for 12 wks and I do phony ponies I dont have alot of shedding at the moment but I am going to do 12 wks stretch for now onwards.
I have gone 10 weeks and this time I am hoping to go for 12. I think 12 weeks is an accomplishment if my hair can't go longer than that it's okay. but if it can that's good too.
I am stretching to 14 weeks this time around, it really isn't that big of a deal to me and I am a 4B. I think I could go longer I just get impatient and want to see my progress. I think the next time around I will go for 16 weeks, the only reason I am relaxing at 14 is because I want my hair to be on point for thanksgiving at the In-laws:ohwell:
I can stretch, but I'd have to do rollersets weekly (along with heavy conditioning) or whenever my hair starts to feel dry. My hair gets really big, which I don't like and starts looking like a wig. However, I have retained more length by not stretching b/c I don't have to trim as much. When my hair starts shedding, the ends tend to start splitting too for some reason. So, I don't stretch unless I miss an appointment or the stylist is on vacation or something.
I can go up to 5 months, only with very little manipulation, with lots of moisturisers to keep my newgrowth, soft and under control.
As of today I'm at 14 weeks post retouch. The stretching for me has been painful at times as I hate wearing my natural unless it's in a very controlled bun. It's too puffy and frizzy around the face. My goal is to make it until Mid or End of December, retouch and then call it a day w/the marathon stretching. I'll probably retouch around 8-10 weeks.

What has helped me tremendously though has been going back to co-washing more frequently and deep conditioning. Without the added moisture from the water, my hair would've all snapped off by now.

ETA: The henna treatments also help a lot towards keeping my hair strengthened.
I am 4B and my longest stretch was 16 weeks and let me tell you my NG was :eek: . It took my stylist forever and it hurt when she was even trying to part it! I am at about 12 or 13 weeks post now and I am getting my relaxer in 1 week. I was only able to stretch so long b/c of the 1/2 weaves and my hair was in two braids underneath and I barely touched the NG which I am sure is why it was so uncombable. I do plan on combing(detagling) my ng in wash prior to relaxer this time though
femalegold said:
4 a/b hair types do you stretch pass 12wks?
If you do how has it been for you. I'm at week 10 and trying to go until Dec 31. I wear half wigs and wash my hair once a week. I thinking about doing con washes but I'm afraid of to much manipilation on my hair. My hair is currently shedding any suggestions for this. I know its alot of questions. But, I need some help. I'm trying to grow long thick strong hair.:) Thank you in advance.

My longest stretch (the current one) was 11 months and counting. My last relaxer was December 7, 2005. So yes, I stretch beyond 12 weeks. :lol:

Things don't get tough for me until the 6 month mark. Then it's tangles and knots so it requires ACV rinses to seal the cuticle and avoid that. Moisture is a must, but I don't use a daily moisturizer or a lot of product. I spritz my moisture mix lightly every other day, and I leave my hair alone.

As far as shedding goes, I've heard that Queen Helene's garlic shampoo is good although I've never tried it. Shedding for me was solely a result of insufficient iron intake. You may want to try eating beets or other iron-rich foods to see if that helps. Apart from that, a light protein treatment (Nexxus Kerpahix, Aubrey's GPB) may help.

atlien11 said:

Okay, I'm going to ask a dumb newbie question.

I know it's better to have as few chemical treatments as possible to help keep the hair healthy, but I don't understand the benefit of stretching so long that it causes all kinds of manipulation, hair pulling tugging and beating to get it managable. It seems that would be more damaging than getting a relaxer at a set amount of new growth, say 2 or 3 inches, or what ever length that the hair starts showing signs of stress. (this excludes braid and weave wearers)

I'm just wondering out loud, I'm sure there is good reason... I'm just not clear.
:confused: Help me understand the stretch....

I think it would be easier to stretch with longer hair for sure because of the variety of up styling possiblities. I just don't understand the fight vs the benefit of long stretching....help educate a newbie.

VWVixxen said:
As of today I'm at 14 weeks post retouch. The stretching for me has been painful at times as I hate wearing my natural unless it's in a very controlled bun. It's too puffy and frizzy around the face. My goal is to make it until Mid or End of December, retouch and then call it a day w/the marathon stretching. I'll probably retouch around 8-10 weeks.

What has helped me tremendously though has been going back to co-washing more frequently and deep conditioning. Without the added moisture from the water, my hair would've all snapped off by now.

ETA: The henna treatments also help a lot towards keeping my hair strengthened.
I am currently on my longest stretch to date. My last relaxer was 06/06. I am able to continue due to using Sta-Sof-Fro on my NG to keep it soft and moisturized.

I've been pooing every 3 to 4 weeks for the last 7 weeks which is helping to keep my hair manipulation down to a minimum. I plan to get a professional relaxer in December which will complete my 1st 6 month stretch.
AtlantaJJ said:
Okay, I'm going to ask a dumb newbie question.

I know it's better to have as few chemical treatments as possible to help keep the hair healthy, but I don't understand the benefit of stretching so long that it causes all kinds of manipulation, hair pulling tugging and beating to get it managable. It seems that would be more damaging than getting a relaxer at a set amount of new growth, say 2 or 3 inches, or what ever length that the hair starts showing signs of stress. (this excludes braid and weave wearers)

I'm just wondering out loud, I'm sure there is good reason... I'm just not clear.

The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked!

The first thing to note is that when you're doing mega stretches (i.e. 4+ months), manipulation is a no-no. I ONLY comb on wash days when I detangle my hair. Other than that, I lose my comb in between washes. My hair doesn't have to be tugged at or beaten in order to be manageable. I think the key where this is concerned is to find low manipulation styles that camouflage new growth OR camouflage relaxed hair unless 2 different textures isn't a bother. If the hair starts showing signs of stress, it's probably time to relax. However, it may just be time to up the protein in order to strengthen the line of demarcation. I had to learn how to tweak my regimen in order to stretch. Otherwise, I would have been running to the salon every 6 weeks for the rest of my life because the first time I stretched to 12 weeks, it was a struggle. After being almost 52 weeks post, 12 weeks is a drop in the bucket. It's really all about learning which products and techniques are conducive to maintaining healthy hair throughout the duration of the stretch.

My first stretch was 11 weeks. I would of done 12 but it was the only time I could get back to KC to get relaxer. I am going to try to stretch this next one out to my birthday in April. I dont know how well I will do that but thru the help of LHCF I just might make it. I love wearing my hair up so that doesnt bother me. Its just finding differnt ways to wear it up so Im not causing breakage where the pony will be. I have already seen great results from stretching for 11 weeks. Stretching to April I think will be the first and last time I will do that. I am tasting APL and I think this is the best way to get their. There are a lot of threads on here that help when it comes to stretching I read them over and over to help motivate me to continue my stretch.
I know that it will be much easier for me to stretch when my hair is shoulder lenghth or longer because I could wear it back a lot easier. Right now I have layers, and it's the dickens to keep these buggers down in a pony at times, especially as much as I work out and sweat. So I'm going to have to work at this and find ways to get through. I'll be proud to make it 10 weeks. I figure start with a goal that doesn't seem too harsh and unattainable work my way up.

I love your hair so I know it will be worth the work and exploration to find out what can help me get through.. I think henna is going to be one of my key tools. I just did one last night and my hair was sleek while wet, not frizzy at all!

Thanks for your reply, I am getting such an education on this board!

Divine Inspiration said:
The only dumb question is the one that isn't asked!

The first thing to note is that when you're doing mega stretches (i.e. 4+ months), manipulation is a no-no. I ONLY comb on wash days when I detangle my hair. Other than that, I lose my comb in between washes. My hair doesn't have to be tugged at or beaten in order to be manageable. I think the key where this is concerned is to find low manipulation styles that camouflage new growth OR camouflage relaxed hair unless 2 different textures isn't a bother. If the hair starts showing signs of stress, it's probably time to relax. However, it may just be time to up the protein in order to strengthen the line of demarcation. I had to learn how to tweak my regimen in order to stretch. Otherwise, I would have been running to the salon every 6 weeks for the rest of my life because the first time I stretched to 12 weeks, it was a struggle. After being almost 52 weeks post, 12 weeks is a drop in the bucket. It's really all about learning which products and techniques are conducive to maintaining healthy hair throughout the duration of the stretch.
