How long do you stretch your relaxer?

Thank you Ladies!! I've noticed that most of you with pictures who stretch 1-4 times a year, your hair is thick and healthy. I'm going to try it. I'm only on week 8 but I'm hoping to last till the end of Dec.:)
Lately I have been stretching my relaxer for 5 mo. It's doing wonders for my hair, but that is the longest that i have been able to stretch so far;)
I'm trying to get to 12 weeks for the first time and I'm on week 9.
I'm thinking about relaxing next week at 10 because I'm having a tuff time trying to keep the new growth tamed but I'm taking it week by week. I dont want to do more harm than good.
last time I went 14 or 15 weeks. I know I didnt make four months. I started shedding like crazy.

This time I plan to go at least 12 weeks but no more than 14.
So every 3 months or so is my goal.

I dont want to relax no more than 4 times a year.
I'm still trying to get my schedule down, but my last stretch was for 3 months,then I relaxed 06/06. I've been stretching since. Hopefully, I'll be able to hold out until December for my first 6 month stretch!