
New Member
Hi. what is the 365 day challenge? Is that washing your hair everyday? Send me a link if ya want/can to look at what its about.
Hi keke!

The 365 day challenge is simple. You set goals for yourself and challenge yourself to achieve your goals in a 365 days. Everyone has different goals and different ways of achieving these goals as it your challenge. Also, the 365-day challenge begins when you say it does.

Foe example, I got a touchup on my birthday this year and decided to make that the beginning of my 365-day challenge becasue I knew I would remember it next year.

HTH. Let me know if I was too vague or if you have any more questions.
Hmm. Ok then. Thank you. I think i started mine after i started takin my vitamins about 4-5 weeks ago. :^D I was thinkin thats prolly all it was but i wasn't sure. Ty