30 Days to a More Beautiful You...

Hi everybody, I just wanted to say hi and invite everyone to join the 30 Days to a More Beautiful You Project on my natural beauty blog. It is a comprehensive, all-around challenge thats starts from the inside out and includes dietary tweaking, fashion, skin care and hair care. The challenge starts March 2 but most of the guidelines are already up. If anybody is up to the challenge, it is the ladies of LHCF. I would love for anyone who is interested to join the project and to give input. I would also love suggestions about the guidelines. I really think this could be very fun. The more, the merrier. I will be posting a sign up o n the blog in the next couple of days. Hope to see you there!!!
...You can sign up and leave a brief description of your goals on the 30 Days to a More Beautiful You signup post. It wil be nice to see what we are all working toward...
Count me in. I recently lost my mother and have given that as an excuse to let myslef go. I'm ready to get it together, especially the prayer and meditation.
Count me in. I recently lost my mother and have given that as an excuse to let myslef go. I'm ready to get it together, especially the prayer and meditation.

My heart goes out to you nakaslady. :bighug: I know how it is to let yourself go when you lose someone.

CherryBlossum, you have a very nice blog. I need to get my beautification on, and especially if there is an emphasis on natural things, sign me up.
Hi everybody, I just wanted to say hi and invite everyone to join the 30 Days to a More Beautiful You Project on my natural beauty blog. It is a comprehensive, all-around challenge thats starts from the inside out and includes dietary tweaking, fashion, skin care and hair care. The challenge starts March 2 but most of the guidelines are already up. If anybody is up to the challenge, it is the ladies of LHCF. I would love for anyone who is interested to join the project and to give input. I would also love suggestions about the guidelines. I really think this could be very fun. The more, the merrier. I will be posting a sign up o n the blog in the next couple of days. Hope to see you there!!!

I'm in. I love the idea of the entire challenge. My personal goal is to concentrate on beauty in thoughts and actions.
I love this idea and your blog. I don't do challenges :look: but will definitely incorporate some of your tips into my daily beauty regimen. Thanks for sharing.
I'm so happy to see everybody here! There is so much positive energy that I know will help us all achieve our goals. I don't want to sound sappy, but this is a special place that I feel glad to have discovered. I have learned alot from the wonderful women here and it is nice to give back. It means so much to me to be around black women embracing and reclaiming our own beauty. Anything that helps us know how to care for ourselves in a more healthy way is a good thing. We have been so thoroughly mis-educated about so many things in regards to taking care of our hair and our bodies and spirits. It does me so good to learn and to share ways to love ourselves better in a day to day way that shows our true beauty. Okay, okay, let me get off my soapbox. I'm just glad so many people are joining our 30 day project. Let's keep in touch and spread the positivity...

Please share this project with someone you love.
Why isn't this in the Health and Fitness???
Anyway, I'd like to see a list of tools for getting started. Of course a juicer,what about those without juicers??
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I'm in!

This is perfect because I'm trying to give up dairy products once and for all, so this is perfect timing. I've been having a lot of scalp issues lately, so other than relaxers I'd like to switch to more natural hair products as well. Great thread!

Oh and Cherry Blossom, I love your siggy pic.. you're so pretty!