30 Day Praise Report Challenge

God loves the most - With God there is good and love and thoroughly good feelings between people.

I thank God for showing me kindness, truth, and granting me more understanding and tools to improve. I thank God for the favours, which are numerous, and the help, which is constant.

I promise to stay consistent in remembering God, thanking Him, and I will seek His protection from thoughts which hinder my success and cause me to falter.
@bzb1990 I am praying for you and with you. Below are a couple of paraphrased scriptures that have helped me over the years to keep my mind stayed on The Lord no matter what I was going through at the time. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

God will keep you in perfect peace when you keep your mind on Him. Isaiah 26:3-4

Think (dwell) on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8
@bzb1990 I am praying for you and with you. Below are a couple of paraphrased scriptures that have helped me over the years to keep my mind stayed on The Lord no matter what I was going through at the time. I hope they help you as much as they have helped me.

God will keep you in perfect peace when you keep your mind on Him. Isaiah 26:3-4

Think (dwell) on the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of a good report, virtuous and praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8
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Praise God for His love, strength and humility which He displayed by being born into this world of a woman, as a baby. He subjected Himself to the limitations of being human in order to save us from our sin. There are not enough words to thank our Great and Loving God. Hallelujah!
Praise God for not conforming to our images of who we think He is/should be, but remaining the same yesterday, today and forever.
Praise God for good manners.
I really love this post. It's a unique thing to mention

Something one doesn't go out of their way to think about thanking God for but when you DONT follow good conduct or encounter others behaving that way (eg the horror stories of some hair salons shared on LHCF - to keep it relevant)

it stirs up everything that the devil can pounce on, against your greater good..which only God knows best. Also crimes of injustice and abuse are basically the extreme of that.

Whereas with receiving good treatment courtesy and good manners we draw nearer to God in our heart with good feelings, that motivate us to bring about more good
..( that invalidate the devil-type thoughts). Also notice how behaving with good manners regardless of whether it is returned gives peace of mind which helps a person draw closer to God too (validating psalm 23 in their life). Plus it heals relationships and people. The extreme of good manners would be major good deeds like hospitality despite difficulties, etc. And again validating Gods love, which makes it a cycle gaining momentum
I really love this post. It's a unique thing to mention

Something one doesn't go out of their way to think about thanking God for but when you DONT follow good conduct or encounter others behaving that way (eg the horror stories of some hair salons shared on LHCF - to keep it relevant)

it stirs up everything that the devil can pounce on, against your greater good..which only God knows best. Also crimes of injustice and abuse are basically the extreme of that.

Whereas with receiving good treatment courtesy and good manners we draw nearer to God in our heart with good feelings, that motivate us to bring about more good
..( that invalidate the devil-type thoughts). Also notice how behaving with good manners regardless of whether it is returned gives peace of mind which helps a person draw closer to God too (validating psalm 23 in their life). Plus it heals relationships and people. The extreme of good manners would be major good deeds like hospitality despite difficulties, etc. And again validating Gods love, which makes it a cycle gaining momentum
@bzb1990, thank you for your comment. When I write these praises I am literally talking to God and asking Him what I need to praise Him for at the moment. The Holy Spirit will then prompt me with something or allow me to see or hear something that triggers a praise. i.e. toilet paper and tissues during the lockdown. There are more than enough doom and gloom prophets out there. I want to focus on the goodness of The Lord and the good gifts He gives us from above.
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@bzb1990, thank you for your comment. When I write these praises I am literally talking to God and asking Him what I need to praise Him for at the moment. The Holy Spirit will then prompt me with something or allow me to see or hear something that triggers a praise. i.e. toilet paper and tissues during the lockdown. There are more than enough doom and gloom prophets out there. I want to focus on the goodness of The Lord and the good gifts He gives us from above.
thank you for it. it prompts thinking that follows a happier path than the one we may be used to
How Perfect and Kind God is for putting it in the heart of faraway former babysitter of my children, who we haven't seen since Covid19 began ...
she found out I had a broken foot and was with my mom.. she messaged my EX,HUSBAND and drove an Hours drive to my EX HUSBANDS HOME in the SNOW and ICE ...to drop off gifts for my children!

Thanks and praise to God who put it in the hearts of good, honourable, sincere people, to remain sincere, loving and remember my children and help them not feel deprived!! Thanks to GOD who fills in the holes in our children's lives that WE cannot know of or know HOW to fill... thank to God for allowing good deeds and prayers to cover my children always surrounded by excellent people thanks to God who provides for Children in ways their parents cannot even if they had all the money in the world!

Who gives friends to children who are unable to speak or make friends yet God gives them true friends still!!! God Who puts it in strangers' hearts to be kind to children
ALSO God healing and protecting me so I can be with them
Thanks to God for guiding people if they really want it in different things because otherwise there was no way to know
Thanks to God for forgiving but letting us understand what we did wrong so we dont continue
Thanks to God for discernment

Thanks to God for bringing about opportunities to see the other persons POV which we would have no idea of otherwise
= peace + understanding. Not understanding = unrelenting anger.
Anger wipes out peace of heart and good deeds (because of backbiting and bitterness and bad feeling between ppl)
Understanding = knowing one another. Even if you dont agree you at least no longer feel anger.
And that's how you can let it go.
Thanks to God for helping me when I struggle
And for God's kindness, gentleness, strength, and protection
Thanks to God for helping my parents totally pay off the loan yesterday, for this house. Thanks to God for giving us shelter.
to God for giving us a good principal who cares about families and is sincere (but not foolish).
Thanks to God for the innocence of children
Thanks to God for protecting my dad (giving him a job in a country which actually enforces curfews, restrictions, good proper safety measures) due to his lifelong weak lungs, asthma, having survived severe pneumonia several times...
so even though he is not with us 'it may be that you hate a thing but it is good for you. God knows and you do not know.'
it turned out to be his protection
Therefore: thanks to God for God's knowledge of subtleties, God's wisdom and being the best of protectors