30 Day Praise Report Challenge

And the angel answered and said unto the women, "Fear not ye, for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." Matthew 28:5-6

Good morning saints of the Most High God - THE TOMB IS EMPTY!


That is significant to us because it is official - our Savior conquered death, hell and the grave. Ain't no grave had the power to hold His body down and if He walked out of the grave, I'm walking out too.

Coronavirus, you are officially dead right now, because Jesus Christ just defeated you, in His name. Amen and amen
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Luke 9:1
Then He called His twelve disciples together, and gave them POWER and AUTHORITY over ALL devils, and to cure diseases. Hallelujah, I praise You Lord for this word right here.

Jesus gave us power and authority to cure diseases so this tells me we don't have to beg Him to do it for us but rather with the authority that He has already given us, we are to command devils to be silent and bound up, to cure diseases in His name and in the power of His blood. So with that said, I command you coronavirus to stop your advancement in the world right now and I slam the door shut in your face that you will not make another move except to go back to the pit of hell where you belong, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Saints it's time for us to use the authority over sickness, diseases, oppression, and devils that our Savior gave us. Let's command this darkness to retreat from any further advancement. It is a hidden enemy but we know enough about it to command it to cease its destruction of and loss of lives it has caused so far, in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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Luke 9:1
Then He called His twelve disciples together, and gave them POWER and AUTHORITY over ALL devils, and to cure diseases. Hallelujah, I praise You Lord for this word right here.

Jesus gave us power and authority to cure diseases so this tells me we don't have to beg Him to do it for us but rather with the authority that He has already given us, we are to command devils to be silent and bound up, to cure diseases in His name and in the power of His blood. So with that said, I command you coronavirus to stop your advancement in the world right now and I slam the door shut in your face that you will not make another move except to go back to the pit of hell where you belong, in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.

Saints it's time for us to use the authority over sickness, diseases, oppression, and devils that our Savior gave us. Let's command this darkness to retreat from any further advancement. It is a hidden enemy but we know enough about it to command it to cease its destruction of and loss of lives it has caused so far.
I touch and agree with you @Aggie. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, this virus is canceled. Amen!
Heavenly Father I will not give the glory due Your name to no man. The enemy seeks my worship but he will NEVER get any from me. All my life, every tiny fiber of my being was created to worship You Jesus. I will do so until my breath leaves my lungs and then welcome my eternal worship of You.
Jesus Christ, my King enthroned, all my praise is Yours forevermore. My single little tongue cannot even utter the glory You rightfully deserve, nevertheless, I shout a glorious Hallelujah to You Lord! Take Your place as King of my heart.
Heavenly Father, thank You that all of Your promises are yes and amen. The words You have spoken cannot return to You without accomplishing everything You send it to do. We are confident that we are safe under the shadow of Your wings.
Heavenly Father, thank You that all of Your promises are yes and amen. The words You have spoken cannot return to You without accomplishing everything You send it to do. We are confident that we are safe under the shadow of Your wings.
Amen, Amen and Amen again.
Heavenly Father, Your presence to me is like fresh rain, like the early morning dew drops on a beautiful flower, completely welcomed and thoroughly enjoyed.
Today I have a prayer and that prayer is this - Dear Lord, in this harsh present world we live in today, I desire that You give me the spirit of the martyr for You and Your Kingdom.

I know we are entering the end of days with no time to spare, and so I'm preparing my heart to first go through some tough days ahead, looking earnestly forward to the joy of seeing You face to face.

To my e-sisters: Hold strong to God's loving and protective hands. Please do not let go of Him and if you don't, I will see you on the other side. Remember, eternity is a very long time - I urge you to choose to spend it with our Savior, Jesus Christ.

I know this is very sobering, but I felt a need to express it now.

My hearts' cry tonight is "Evens so, come Lord Jesus!"