30 Day Praise Report Challenge

Praising God for his tender mercies that are Always ALL WAYS abounding towards me. Thank you for your Grace! Praising God for a healthy body with agility in all of my limbs and excellently functioning organs
Praise your name Abba, my Lord My Savior, My Kinsman Redeemer!

Thank you for your divine protection, thank you for the victory! Thank you for every healthcare worker! I Praise you with all that is within me!
Thank You Lord Jesus for showing me how to love through Your life here on this earth. May I always long for and follow hard after You, never fainting, never giving up, secured in Your unending love for and sweet embrace of me.
Good morning @Aggie, I have a private message for you, but it won't go through. I get an error message that says I cannot start a conversation with you. Is there a way to unlock your inbox?
Good morning @Aggie, I have a private message for you, but it won't go through. I get an error message that says I cannot start a conversation with you. Is there a way to unlock your inbox?
Sorry love. I will check it now since you are the second person to tell me this. I had no clue that it locked people out.
All glory, and honor, and wisdom, and strength, and might, and power, and dominion be unto the Lamb who was, and is and is to come, and to the Lord of all creation, Yahweh. No one compares to You Lord Jesus.