30 Day Praise Report Challenge

I praise God that even when I feel overwhelmed and like I won't get everything done, he provides the stamina, time, and mental clarity for me to get done what I need to accomplish. My anxiety is all but gone because I know that what God has for me is for me, and nothing and no one can can ever take that away.
Day 1. I praise God for allowing me to see the positive in things more and not just focusing on the negative when I'm stressed. A long line in Sam's used to have the ability to mess up my whole afternoon mood's.
I praise God for allowing me to pass all of my exams so far and far continuing to bless me to pass the remaining exams and drills, as well as my classmates.
I give God praise for answering my mom's prayers for strength. She was able to stand up this morning using her own strength and her walker. She was so frail when she came home 2 weeks ago, we didn't know if she would walk again. Thank you Jesus.
I praise God for His guidance. This has been a long, busy and sleepless week for me. I have not been online for a few days, but God is still faithful. He has answered several of my prayers and I praise Him for answered prayers.
Praise God for the precious time He allows us to have with our loved ones. I truly appreciate the opportunity I have been given to spend this time with my mom. We have always been close, but I have lived away from her for 16 years. I am so glad to be with her right now and I thank the Lord for it. Cherish your loved ones and give them their flowers while they can still smell them.
I praise God for His provision and love. He is the same God yesterday, today and forever. No matter what happens, He is in control and takes care of His own.