Day 14 - Thank You, Lord, that no matter what the outcome of any and every election, You reign above all and You are God forever more!
Day 15 - Thank You dear God, that You live in me through Your Spirit. It really is mind-blowing! Thank You that Your Holy Spirit guides me into all truth, and illuminates Your Word for me.
Day 16 - Thank You God for good health and the ability to eat right and exercise.
Day 17 - Thank You Lord that Your Word is truth, and when we know Your Word, we will not be deceived. There's so much deception in the world today, even among professing Christians. There, but for the grace of God, go I.
Day 18 - Thank You, Lord, for Your constant, faithful presence. Mountain top or valley, You are always with us.
Day 19 - Thank You dear God, that You have shown Your love for me by dying on the cross. You put Your love into action - I thank You so much, Lord.
Day 20 - Thank you Lord for everything You do, the things that I'm aware of and those that I may never know on this earth, I thank You Lord.
Day 21 - Thank You God that You are able to subdue ALL things unto Yourself, and that Your power is so immense that we may never fully comprehend it.
Day 22 - Thank You Lord that You are on my side, and that You do not delight in wickedness, so I can trust You with every aspect of my life.
Day 23 - Thank You Holy God that You are not a liar, and You always keep Your promises. Please don't let me be ashamed for believing in You.
Day 24 - Thank You Lord for the fruit of the Spirit.
Day 25 - Thank You Father that You made me able to spend time with a friend who is in an unpleasant situation. I pray that You will use that time to Your glory, oh God.
Day 26 - Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You speak to me, even if I don't always recognize Your voice. Please complete what You have started in my life, Lord.
Day 27 - Thank You Lord, that even though I literally fell near a road, You protected my life and I came out with only a couple of scratches. Thank You for Your angelic protection!!
Day 28 - Thank You Lord that You not only desire for me to be holy, but You have made it possible through the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You haven't left me alone to figure it out, but YOU are always on hand to help me. Please never let me forget that You are no only able, but You are also willing to help me in all things.
Day 29 - Thank You God for Your patience and kindness.
Day 30 - Thank You Lord for preserving my sanity through knowledge and application of Your Word and Your truth. It is You and Your Word and Spirit that keeps me sane and grounded. Thank You so much, holy God.
Thank You
@newgrowth15 for starting this thread. May God bless You and all the other ladies here!