30 Day Praise Report Challenge

Day 30: Thank you God that your Grace is sufficient for me and that in my weakness your strength is made perfect! 2 corinthians 12:9
@Daina, do you care to share how God has blessed you since you began this 30 Days of Praise Challenge? I know that He used you to bless me and others who have read your praise reports. Thank you for sharing your blessings.
@Daina, do you care to share how God has blessed you since you began this 30 Days of Praise Challenge? I know that He used you to bless me and others who have read your praise reports. Thank you for sharing your blessings.

@newgrowth15, wow the blessings are too numerous to capture them all but the biggest blessing I would say by far is finding a new level of peace and contentment in God. Truly trusting and believing in the promise. It has allowed me to really let go and let God. There are some things I have been holding on to in my life that were keeping me from being what God truly wanted me to be. My life in the last 3 months has become more complicated, more busy, more hurried, more stressed but I am at peace and know that I am firmly standing in the center of His will so I know it will all work out according to His purpose and plan. Thank you sis for asking me to share!
Thank you Lord for being a redeemer, thank you Lord for marriage even when it gets hard. Even though I'm not yet what You want me to be, I thank you that I'm not what I used to be!
Good morning Father God and thank you for your angels of protection while I slept and for waking me with a touch of your love!

Thank you Lord for your gospel and thank you for those true believers that carry your gospel, for beautiful are the feet!