30 Day Praise Report Challenge

Day 20: Thank you Lord for blessing me indeed and enlarging my territory! 1 Chronicles 4:10

Day 21: Thank you God that the suffering of this present time is nothing compared to the glory that is to come. Romans 8:18
Father God, You are creator. You hold the universe in the palm of Your hand and You cause the rain to fall on the just and the unjust. You are holy and worthy of all our praise. Hallelujah!
My whole house has been consumed by sickness but I will not allow that to stop my praise!

Day 26: Father God thank for being Jehovah Shiloh....truly the peace you provide surpasses all of my limited understanding.

Day 27: Thank you Lord for just being God...thank you for finding favor in a wretch like me. I've truly been through too much not to worship you!

Day 28: Thank you God that you have the final word! Thank you for your protection 3 years ago when my son was born 9 weeks premature. Thank you Lord for his deliverance, my deliverance and 3 years later that he is a living testimony with no ill effects. Thank you that all the things the doctors wanted to prepare me for, your master plan was already at work. The doctors said he was early but You said he was right on time!
@Daina, I pray that you and family recover quickly. And praise God that you chose to believe His report for your son. God truly is amazing. Over 30 years ago, I gave birth to a preemie. She came a month early and weighed less than 4 pounds. The doctors told me she would have all types of challenges including mental, physical and social, but God... She has none of those issues. As a matter of fact, she has excelled in all of those areas and more. All praise to The Most High God. Amen!
@Daina, I pray that you and family recover quickly. And praise God that you chose to believe His report for your son. God truly is amazing. Over 30 years ago, I gave birth to a preemie. She came a month early and weighed less than 4 pounds. The doctors told me she would have all types of challenges including mental, physical and social, but God... She has none of those issues. As a matter of fact, she has excelled in all of those areas and more. All praise to The Most High God. Amen!

Yesss @newgrowth15 won't He do it!!! What a mighty God we serve, what a blessing that your daughter thrived in God's plan.
Day 29: Thank you Lord for your arms of protection around my children. Thank you for giving me the mind to raise them as believers and to teach them they can do all things through Christ!