3 strand Twist and Intro


Think, Do, Be
Hello Ladies! I have been a member since 2003 and totally forgot and have recently stumbled across this board. I have gain a lot of insight and healthy hair practices.
I wanted to share with you guys my 3 strand twists, they are in my album in my sig. I really don't know how to post pictures and i am afraid that they may be too large.

Folder 2009. Feel free to browse

Warm Regards,

Pretty Natural.
Take 3 strands of hair like you do with a braid and
Now, take the three strand in your hand an mentally label them ABC.
Take A and wrap around BC then take B then wrap around CA then take C and wrap around AB. Keep going down the length of the twist. They are good, My hair does not hold twist well so, this makes them look compact and twist like. I like the rope effect and I have less frizzies. HTH!

Thanks for the reply. I didn't think I was going to get any love :(
Take 3 strands of hair like you do with a braid and
Now, take the three strand in your hand an mentally label them ABC.
Take A and wrap around BC then take B then wrap around CA then take C and wrap around AB. Keep going down the length of the twist. They are good, My hair does not hold twist well so, this makes them look compact and twist like. I like the rope effect and I have less frizzies. HTH!

Thanks for the reply. I didn't think I was going to get any love :(

You got love!
I hope you make a video.... I need visuals!:yep:

ETA: I made comments in your fotki. LOVELY!!!!
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Your hair is awesome. Can you please tell me how to you make your parts so neat and strait? I'm such a newbie!:grin: It took me 1 and a half hours to do these twists and some of my parts are crooked.
Oh wow!! thanks everyone!
To NatrlChallenge, To be honest, I am horrible with parting! I use a rattail comb with the metal stick, a lot of braider use and I section with that. I don't use the teeth of the comb like my mom use to do when I was a kid! lol!
To do the style in my photo, i started with the center piece and did one side at a time. With one side done i eyeballed and ran my finger across to the other side to see where to begin my part on the opposite side , if that makes any sense!

Rsmith, I thought about doing some youtubes, I love watching them! I may do that if I ever get a camera.

SamanthaJones, Thanks so much, your hair is beautiful!

Darealist, thank you, that is pretty much how someone explained it to me and it made sense to me too!
Take 3 strands of hair like you do with a braid and
Now, take the three strand in your hand an mentally label them ABC.
Take A and wrap around BC then take B then wrap around CA then take C and wrap around AB. Keep going down the length of the twist. They are good, My hair does not hold twist well so, this makes them look compact and twist like. I like the rope effect and I have less frizzies. HTH!

Thanks for the reply. I didn't think I was going to get any love :(

The instructions for the 3 strand twist sounds pretty simple. I am going to try them this weekend. Thank you.

OT: Wow your locks were jammin'. Why did you cut them?
I wanted loose hair again. I will lock again but I want to grow natural hair out to the length it was while I was permed which was bsl. Then, I *think* I will be satisfied.