3 months of BKT, claiming APL and thoughts long... (pics)


New Member
I really wish I had a picture of the first time I ever got my hair pressed about a year ago. I remember thinking that my fro, since it was pretty big, would press into a beautiful full head of hair that would look healthy (since I was no heat). I didn't take care of my hair, at all, then. My hair was always under a wig or a weave and I did not wash or condition nearly enough. My hair was dying of dehydration! And I didn't even know it.

Then I found lhcf. It's funny because I was actually thinking of relaxing. My hair had never relaxed well before, but I started to hope that my hair would thrive if I followed the advice on this thread. Thank goodness, before I relaxed, I began to try other things. I called myself getting my hair in good condition to handle the relaxer. Well, it was while I was conditioning and caring for my hair over the course of around 6 months that I found BKT in a thread by dontspeakdefeat: Brazilian Keratin Treatment Where have you been all my life? Pic Heavy

So it's been about 3 months since my first BKT and I thought it'd be nice to give an update. :) I'd also like to share some impressions and revelations I've had about my hair along the way.

Let's start with BKT#1:

** Please note, all :pics: in this thread can be clicked to enlarge

I was surprised and saddened how many single strand knots my hair had accumulated as I'd cared for it in it's natural state up until the BKT. I had to cut off a couple of inches. The above pics are how my hair looked immediately following the 1st BKT (product still in) and the obvious need for a chop.

The BKT allowed me to handle and detangle my hair with fewer single strand knots and hardly any tangles. I was able to wash-n-go without fear of tangles for the first time. This became a regular style for me along with the wet bun without fear of breakage.

I did my first 2 BKTs five days apart. I waited a month before my third and a whole 2 months before I did my 4th. During that 2 months my BKT almost entirely wore off. I had to become a bit more gentle with my hair to avoid tangles. I continued to cowash, wash n go, wet bun, etc. but the addition of coconut oil before coating my hair with conditioner helped to keep tangles at bay.

The results of my 4th BKT are below.

My hair coated with Global 2% and blown out. I apply the treatment to towel dried hair and blow dry only once.
bkt4 blown out.JPG

After treatment is blow dried and flat ironed at 450 for several swipes til silky
bkt4 flat iron.JPG

Back after flat iron. APL Baby!! Whoop Whoop Yayee!!
bkt4 gAPL.JPG

Next morning added sabino and styled with BKT still in.

I have some thoughts about BKT and my hair. Firstly, "man, where has BKT been all my life!?" :lol: I think BKT is a winner for my super super fine fine fragile hair. I experience much less breakage and my hair is so much fuller and silkier and healthy now, after 3 months of BKT. I've regained the hair I lost with my chop and my hair is all the better for it! Also, my hair is so much easier to care for now that I can cowash daily and wet bun when I get ready. (incidently I can workout in the mornings with ease and cowash after. I've dropped 25 pounds in 3 months!)

I look forward to seeing where my hair progresses over the coming months with BKT, frequent washing, no heat styling and more. Thank goodness for lhcf.

There were several times when I handled my hair today in awe of how healthy and full and silky it is. My hair has never ever ever been full while straight. And it's certainly never felt full to the touch. Not too many years ago, I would have paid a small fortune for a weave that looks just like my hair. I love it! This is such a new sensation for me. It's definitely something I can get used to. :yep:

Here's to BSL whenever it gets here! :D

You're making great progress and its sounds like you have a great regimen going. You're one of the main reasons i want to try BKT. Thanks for posting and always keep us updated on your progress and helping current and future BKTers out!:grin:
Congrats!! It must feel sooo great to have nice hair AND lose weight. Way to go and enjoy your healthy body :-)
I'm so happy for you, Sheba. Your hair is beautiful and so are you. Congrats on APL and dropping them 25 pounds ~ Whoop Whoop Yayee!!
Great progression pictures, they really show a significant amount of growth! And you dropped 25 pounds!!!! Wow!!!!! Beautiful.
Great progression pictures, they really show a significant amount of growth! And you dropped 25 pounds!!!! Wow!!!!! Beautiful.

Thought you lost weight! Congrats!

You all keep tempting me with bkt. Your hair looks great! :grin:

You are looking just great and so is your hair! I KNEW the bkt would strengthen the hair. It's good to see the "update" proves my thoughts right on that. I know Brittanynic16 hair has changed 100 percent from a year of BKT. Thanks for updating us as always.
First you and your hair looks FABULOUS!!! :yep: I always enjoy reading your posts. You really give your best in each and one of your posts that I read. :congrats: on APL. BSL and beyond are just around the corner for you. And you deserve it. See ya in BKT threads :wave:
Sheba, you grow girl!!! Congrats on your weight loss and hair growth. I'm so happy for you..... Keep up the good work! We all deserve to be happy with our results be it weight loss or hair growth.

You're looking GOOD!!!!!