2021 Shoulder Length Challenge

@ckisland, every time I see you and @levettes progress, I am in awe. :yep:

The hairs are growing, but it's shedding quite a bit as well. I switched shampoos and I'm not sure whether that's a factor, but between that and the fact that I know I'm manipulating my hair too much, I need to get ahead of these SSKs. I've scheduled a trim later in the month, but here's my pics.

The top/crown hair is at 5.5 inches. (It was 3.5 in April).

@ckisland, every time I see you and @levettes progress, I am in awe. :yep:

The hairs are growing, but it's shedding quite a bit as well. I switched shampoos and I'm not sure whether that's a factor, but between that and the fact that I know I'm manipulating my hair too much, I need to get ahead of these SSKs. I've scheduled a trim later in the month, but here's my pics.

The top/crown hair is at 5.5 inches. (It was 3.5 in April).

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2 inches in 3 months is awesome growth. I barely get 5 inches a year.
@ckisland, every time I see you and @levettes progress, I am in awe. :yep:

The hairs are growing, but it's shedding quite a bit as well. I switched shampoos and I'm not sure whether that's a factor, but between that and the fact that I know I'm manipulating my hair too much, I need to get ahead of these SSKs. I've scheduled a trim later in the month, but here's my pics.

The top/crown hair is at 5.5 inches. (It was 3.5 in April).

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Aww thank you :blush:!! 2 inches since April is awesome growth!!
I may have to drop out of this challenge because I’m getting a haircut in a few weeks and I just don’t think SL curly hair is going to happen for me any time soon.
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Feel free to stay if you want. I won't make it to SL this year straight or curly. It is just nice to have company on the journey. Even if you don't think you will make it, you are free to stay. It isn't that serious of a challenge.
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Hopefully the pic doesn't post as large as it looks on the phone.

My right side is just tickling SL and my left side has about an inch to go. I retain pretty good in the summer so maybe I'll be able to claim it next update.

You all can also get a mini shot of my struggle edges in the front. The camera just tell all the secrets.
Yes, I hope you get that growth spurt and can claim it. Good work!
OK, So I don't know who asked for an update in July :look: :rolleyes:. I'm not feeling doing any pull test so just posting my wash and goes from April and now. Today wasn't a great wash and go but my attitude isn't right and this is the best I'm going to do :lol: :yep:

I probably won't take a picture pulling my hair until the end.

April 17th

July 5th
OK, So I don't know who asked for an update in July :look: :rolleyes:. I'm not feeling doing any pull test so just posting my wash and goes from April and now. Today wasn't a great wash and go but my attitude isn't right and this is the best I'm going to do :lol: :yep:

I probably won't take a picture pulling my hair until the end.

April 17th
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July 5th
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You hair is soooo much longer than in April.
@ckisland, every time I see you and @levettes progress, I am in awe. :yep:

The hairs are growing, but it's shedding quite a bit as well. I switched shampoos and I'm not sure whether that's a factor, but between that and the fact that I know I'm manipulating my hair too much, I need to get ahead of these SSKs. I've scheduled a trim later in the month, but here's my pics.

The top/crown hair is at 5.5 inches. (It was 3.5 in April).

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Check out DiscoveringNatural on YT and FB. She has a black tea hair spray recipe. It prevents shedding and black tea has DHT blockers.
Thanks, I will. I had a death in the family recently, so I really wasn't paying attention to my hair journey, but I'm slowly getting back on track.
Oh no. I’m so sorry to hear that. My condolences sis. I’m making my tea now. Lolol. The water is boiling!! My first time making it. But I don’t think I have jojoba oil. I have so many.
I did a clarifying shampoo on Friday. Giovanni 50/50. And I think I did too much after shampooing because my hair got tangled and my ends felt a hot mess. Lessons learned?

-Washing my hair along the grain/cuticle is best. So I need to wash in the shower. The sink routine definitely didn’t work for me this week.

-I also used Giovanni 2Chic shampoo, deep conditioner and a liquid leave in. Nope. My hair didn’t like it I don’t think. But not sure if my hair was just all jacked up from the clarifying shampoo. Switching up so much stressed my hair.

-I had just snipped my SSK’s prior to washing and now I have 40 more. Not sure what the lesson is with this one. They really work my insides. Ugh!
I did a clarifying shampoo on Friday. Giovanni 50/50. And I think I did too much after shampooing because my hair got tangled and my ends felt a hot mess. Lessons learned?

-Washing my hair along the grain/cuticle is best. So I need to wash in the shower. The sink routine definitely didn’t work for me this week.

-I also used Giovanni 2Chic shampoo, deep conditioner and a liquid leave in. Nope. My hair didn’t like it I don’t think. But not sure if my hair was just all jacked up from the clarifying shampoo. Switching up so much stressed my hair.

-I had just snipped my SSK’s prior to washing and now I have 40 more. Not sure what the lesson is with this one. They really work my insides. Ugh!

Did you follow the clarifying shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo? This is what many stylists recommend, the moisturizing shampoo starts the process of smoothing the cuticle back down.
I did a clarifying shampoo on Friday. Giovanni 50/50. And I think I did too much after shampooing because my hair got tangled and my ends felt a hot mess. Lessons learned?

-Washing my hair along the grain/cuticle is best. So I need to wash in the shower. The sink routine definitely didn’t work for me this week.

-I also used Giovanni 2Chic shampoo, deep conditioner and a liquid leave in. Nope. My hair didn’t like it I don’t think. But not sure if my hair was just all jacked up from the clarifying shampoo. Switching up so much stressed my hair.

-I had just snipped my SSK’s prior to washing and now I have 40 more. Not sure what the lesson is with this one. They really work my insides. Ugh!
You may want to always have your last shampoo be a moisturizing shampoo to restore your hair back to its correct PH. That could be the cause of your tangling.

Once I learned to follow clarifying, all purpose, any other shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo, my hair troubles stopped.
You may want to always have your last shampoo be a moisturizing shampoo to restore your hair back to its correct PH. That could be the cause of your tangling.

Once I learned to follow clarifying, all purpose, any other shampoo with a moisturizing shampoo, my hair troubles stopped.
I see @GettingKinky already asked the question. Not sure if the Giovanni isn't moisturizing enough or if the process broke down somewhere else. At what step did you notice there was a problem?
I made a black tea spray. Black tea steeped, a few ounces of fenugreek tea, hemp and safflower oils, sweet almond, vitamin E and Jojoba oils. a vitamin B5 capsule, peppermint/rosemary oils.

I will spray this on every day/when it’s feeling parched. I’ll use it for my LCO every few days.
Giovanni 2Chic definitely isn’t a moisturizer even though it says it is. Lolol.
I stick with shampoos that say for color treated hair because they tend to be very moisturizing.
I made a black tea spray. Black tea steeped, a few ounces of fenugreek tea, hemp and safflower oils, sweet almond, vitamin E and Jojoba oils. a vitamin B5 capsule, peppermint/rosemary oils.

I will spray this on every day/when it’s feeling parched. I’ll use it for my LCO every few days.

Have you used this before? If not, keep an eye on your hair. Black tea can make the hair feel hard and crunchy depending on your hair.
I stick with shampoos that say for color treated hair because they tend to be very moisturizing.

Have you used this before? If not, keep an eye on your hair. Black tea can make the hair feel hard and crunchy depending on your hair.
Ok. I’m lopo and I always get crunch!! It’s so frustrating. But so far so good. It’s been over 12 hours. And it’s usually immediate crunch for me. Lol. I’ll keep that tip in mind about color shampooos. Thank you.
Last night I washed my hair without retwisting it. I went through and separated any "married" locs. Then, I did a loose braidout while wet and sat under the dryer for 30 minutes and air dried for the rest of the night. I am full collarbone length now on unstretched hair.

wash no retwist 3 7.14.21 LHCF.jpgwash no retwist 7.14.21 LHCF.jpg