2020 & Beyond Delightfully Delicious Deep Conditioning Challenge

I love the bounce of clean hair. I got round to washing my hair on Wednesday. 1st shampoo with Giovanni TTT, 2nd with CON Argan Oil.

Followed by DCing with the remnants of APB's Ultra Conditioning Souflee, topped with AN Avocado Cream for 30mins. I warmed my baggied head with my blow dryer (about 5mins for my tired arms) and let my hair cool before rinsing.

I smoothed my Shea mix on the last 3-4"ends and topped with diluted KCCC, before styling. I will try not to touch further but I already know my strands feel smooth and springy.
Have DC'ed a few times since my last post. Twice with the SM PM and once with the EBW dc. Have decided that the EBW just does not work for my hair when used as a DC on freshly washed hair. It does work okay if I use it on top of something else (another conditioner). The SM PM is okay but nothing exciting.

Will be looking for more moisturizing DCs going into February.
Annabelle's Perfect Blend Ultra Conditioning Souffle and Naturelle Grow Mashmallow Root & Slippery Elm DC are two of my fave moisturizing DCs
Today I mixed up my DC using:

3 tablespoons of Hairveda Methi Tea
3 tablespoons of NG Rose Clay deep conditioner
10 ounces of Raw African Shea Butter.

I will be using this mix on Saturday possibly with an additional tablespoon of NG Clay Rose deep conditioner for added moisture. I can't wait to see how my hair likes this one :look:.
Pre-poo: Shea butter mix+Philip Kingsley Elasticizer
Poo: Giovanni TTT (diluted remnants)
DC: APB PMM (+a little AN Avocado Cream on my ends)
Clay: Mixes for scalp and hair.
Seal: Shea butter mix on ends, liberal application of diluted KCCC.
@Aggie that sounds like a great mixture! I can't wait to start using the Rose Clay DC.

DC'ed with NG Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm, 30 minutes under dryer, then left on for a few hours.
Thanks hon. It sure smells amazing too and I didn't even add any fragrance oils to it. I want to henna my hair this weekend and will use this combination as my deep conditioner after washing it out.
Mixed Keracare Humecto with Camille Rose Morrocan Pear conditioning custard and 2 tsp of my Shea butter mix. The mixture came out so thick and smooth. I put that on my hair then sealed with Ella+Co holy grail oil. I plan to stay under the dryer for 40 mins.
Since this is a deep conditioning thread I wanted to drop this video here. This has been my challenge this year, I can't wait to see how my hair will fair a year from now with using heat consistently. I can already tell a difference from when I used to use no heat and DC or let it sit overnight with no heat. My hair is much more manageable. Less poofy.

Hope this encourages everyone to consistently DC with heat!!
