2020 & Beyond Delightfully Delicious Deep Conditioning Challenge

DCing now with APB Not Easily Broken DC, sprayed Colorful Neutral Protein Filler underneath, under softball bonnet dryer for 30 minutes
Applied Ayurvedic oil mix on roots
How long do you plan to be in the challenge? Entire journey
How often will you DC? Biweekly
What DCs will you use (top 5-10 if you can't list them all)? Mielle Organics babassu mint, Macadamia Professional original masque, Joico Moisture Recovery Balm
What's your hair profile (relaxed/natural, porosity, strand size, etc)? Natural
What goals do you hope regular DCs will help you achieve? Moisture/protein balance, healthy strands
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Dc'ing w/ Keracare Dry & Itch Conditioner (this conditioner has so much slip!) and added olive oil on top. Under the dryer now, I plan to DC for about 40 mins w/ heat.
  • Overnight pre-poo/ pretreat: Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Extreme topped with ayurvedic oil and castor oil on ends.
  • Clay
  • Moisture DC with Alikay Naturals Avocado Cream- my hair felt good for the week so I'll put this to the test this week.
Hello everyone:duck:
I have been a lurker on this site for soooooo long, and have recently gotten the nerve to start posting. This being my first post, I wasn't sure which thread I should start with, but this seemed like a pretty nice choice. :) One reason I have decided to finally start posting is because I have coarse strands which, from my long time as a lurker, I feel is uncommon here. Many members seem to have fine strands, and the ones who do have coarse strands seem to have high porosity hair which I definitely don't have. I'm hoping that by posting I can get feedback from all of you and it will help me figure out how I can take better care of my hair.

Now to the questions...

How long do you plan to be in the challenge?
All of 2018..

How often will you DC? Right now I am going to shoot for twice a week.

What DCs will you use (top 5-10 if you can't list them all)? I'm not entirely sure. Right now, I have SM Purification Mask and a DC from Eden Body Works (not sure of the name entirely?). I would like to try more when I get the chance, but so far these are the only two I have. I just bought them for Christmas and they arrived today! I have a lot of hair and am worried that these two DCs will be gone in no time so I am thinking of diluting them with water.

What's your hair profile (relaxed/natural, porosity, strand size, etc)? Natural. Somewhere between MBL and WL. Maybe 3C, not entirely sure. Low Porosity. High Density. Coarse Strands. Very dry hair that would like to curl if only it were more hydrated. :cry3:

What goals do you hope regular DCs will help you achieve? I'm hoping I can drastically increase the amount of moisture is in my strands at any given time (which is always the goal I suppose but my hair is soooo dry that's the main focus). My hair is not too hard to manage or detangle, but I hope regular DCs will streamline the washing and styling process. Also, I hope it will allow my curls to become more defined so I can actually wear my hair out and not feel like I have to hide my hair in buns everyday.

Starting photo:
image.jpeg image.jpeg
Both pics are of my hair after I rinsed out DC that had dried in my hair and then I put in a LI (which is really just a rinse out conditioner). This is t-shirt dried hair for like 7 minutes.
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For those of you using the Mielle Organics DC, how are you stretching your jar for multiple uses? I feel like my hair would use up half if not all in one use...:look::confused:

@CurlyWhoCrux I like this DC but it is simply too small. I think I can get about 4 uses out of it if I concentrate really hard on not being heavy handed (because of how it tends to sink into my strands) but I always come back to the tub with a stupidly small amount left. I think that was the long way of saying 3 lol.

ETA: my hair is around APL.
Ayurvedic Blend w/Ayurvedic Oil (Wrapped in Saran Wrap & Plastic Cap)

Cathy Howse Ultra Black Hair (under Dryer 20 minutes)

BoBeam Buttercream DC'er (under Steamer 30 minutes)
I'll be joining this challenge :)

How long do you plan to be in the challenge? Entire year of 2018
How often will you DC? At least once a week
What DCs will you use (top 5-10 if you can't list them all)?
1. Shea Moisture Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil Intensive Hydration Masque
2. Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose Conditioner
3. Queen Helene SuperCholesterol
What's your hair profile (relaxed/natural, porosity, strand size, etc)?
Natural, course hair, high porosity
What goals do you hope regular DCs will help you achieve?
Length retention and maintain healthy hair
Starting photo: Later...
On Saturday, I DC'ed with the Eden Body Works Jojoba Monoi DC. It's super thick. I was planning on diluting it with water before I even opened it to extend the life of the jar, but I would have had to dilute it anyways because there was no way it was going to get onto and into my strands easily as it is... So, I added enough water until it became more creamy.

Application left a little to be desired. It didn't feel very soft or smooth going on, but it didn't feel rough either. It's a good thing I had detangled in the shower prior to applying this DC because I wouldn't have been able to detangle. I applied it on damp hair (kept a spray bottle by my side).

I put on a plastic shower cap and sat under my soft hooded dryer for 30 minutes. It looked like all of, or most of, the DC absorbed. My hair felt more strong than soft after steaming, but before rinsing. I didn't have time to rinse, so I threw my hair into a ponytail and let it air dry on my way to work. When I put my hair into a bun at work, my bun felt full, and also like it had a lot of texture (which is rare). Also, I feel like my hair was soft but also dry, if that makes sense.

On Sunday morning, I finally rinsed out the DC. Maybe it was because my hair had dried a lot over the course of a day, but when I rinsed the DC, my hair didn't feel overly soft. I ended up doing my full shampoo wash routine in the shower and afterwards my hair felt really smooth. Right now it feels soft, but dry..

Moving forward:
  • I will only DC if I can do it with heat. Products just don't absorb well without heat, even if I leave it in overnight.
  • Try to only DC if I will have time to rinse it out after steaming instead of letting it dry in my hair.
  • Dilute this conditioner until it becomes more slippery/runny for easier application.
  • I will try to take a picture of my hair the next time I DC which will either be Tuesday or Wednesday.
Did a prepoo with my Ayurvedic oil blend followed by a dc under my dryer. I mixed about 2 tablespoons of my shea butter blend into my macadamia professional dc. My hair was left hydrated and butter soft. I can go without moisturizing but I keep my hair in protective styles so I will apply LCO sometime today.
On Wednesday evening, I washed my hair and applied diluted SM purification mask to damp hair. It diluted much easier than the Eden Body Works but it's also less thick to begin with. I prefer the smell of this DC to the EBW. Applying it was also easier.

Despite saying I would only DC with heat, I ended up just leaving it in overnight because I was too tired to do the heat thing. I dislike sleeping with DC in my hair because I don't know how to secure the cap or plastic bag on my head well enough so that I don't feel water on my pillow and sheets at night. Thursday morning it seemed like the DC absorbed into my hair or maybe it all went into my sheets...

I didn't have time to rinse before class so I just threw it in a ponytail and left out. My hair is still doing that soft but dry thing. I'm thinking it's just an indication that the product is softening my hair but my hair is still dehydrated. I think with coarse hair it's easier to tell because it's easier to see and feel each strand and thus easier to see and feel the effects of dehydration.

When I finally rinsed the DC out, my hair felt soft. But again, I let it dry on my hair and I feel like I can't truly tell how the DC works unless I rinse while my hair is still damp with product.

I think I will try to DC again on Sunday evening.
@CurlyWhoCrux you have gorgeous hair, and a lot of it! Applying DC to wet/damp hair will definitely help you to stretch the product. For low porosity hair, it helps to scoop out some DC, put it in another container, and add warm water to dilute it a bit.

On Thursday I DC'ed with APB UCS, plastic cap & body heat for 5 hours.

Thank you! Yes, as you can see this is why I'm paranoid about product application and have decided to utilize the diluting technique. I will try to remember to add warm water when I dilute.
Hello Everyone,
I would like to take part in this challenge.

How long do you plan to be in the challenge?
Until December 2018.

How often will you DC?

2x Week - Tuesday & Sundays

What DCs will you use (top 5-10 if you can't list them all)?
Aveda Damage Remedy
Carol's Daughter Hair Smoothie
Hair Goo Deep Conditioner

What's your hair profile (relaxed/natural, porosity, strand size, etc)?

I am transitioning to natural. My sides and nape are texturized but the top is chemical free. The difference in texture is really drastic. Hoping to grow up the texturized parts and eventually cut those ends off.

What goals do you hope regular DCs will help you achieve?
To grow my hair out to nape length or longer.

Starting photo:

Having problems uploading my starting pic. Will try again.

I DCed today for 3 hours with a steam cap and towel. I used Aveda Damage Remedy & Hair Goo (cocoa butter). I pre-pood with jojoba oil and follow up with the DC.