2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

Cantu's ACV Rinse
JMonique's Natural Rhassoul & Bentonite Clay Mask
Stunnababez Fermented Rice Water Cowash Conditioner
Koils By Nature Growth Rinse
Stunnababez Fermented Rice Water Leave-In
NurCreations Avocado and Matcha Green Tea Mask
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I need to find someplace with bulk loose leaf teas for sale, prefer on the ground because I have no patience for shipping, lol. I wanna try out some herbal tea rinses.
I like just about every Tea and I also like dried Rose Petals, Hibiscus, Blue Malva Chamomile and other Flowers too.

I what you call a Tea Head!:coffee:...:laugh:

I also like Marshmallow Root & Slippery Elm Combo. And I also like them with Burdock Root and Rosemary Leaf (in some combo)

I also love Guava Leaf Tea and Moringa Tea for Shine/Softness etc...

I like Pure Green, Horsetail, Nettle, Roobis, Bamboo Leaf, Peppermint, Fenugreek etc....

All 3 of your concoctions sound:drool:
That oil infusion is nice, I can feel a tingling sensation from it on my scalp and my fingers from rubbing it in. I put some in a dropper bottle and added some coffee oil to it as well. I also added some MSM to my moisture spritz.

Today I’m researching methods for making Rice Milk that I can maybe incorporate into a leave-in cream or conditioner. I’ll be starting a batch of rice water today, I think.
My DIY batches of Fermented RW (Rinse) stanks to High Heaven.:angel:

Lemme know if you find any solution to mask the smell.:barf: I have not tried to add a fragrance oil to it.
@IDareT'sHair I wonder if adding some fragrant herbs to the water in the beginning would affect the fermentation process...something with a strong scent, like clove...IDK. I’ve heard of folks adding orange peel to theirs, but I would probably just do orange zest versus the whole peel...

I also usually only ferment my rice water for 24hrs, then put the whole thing in the fridge without straining out the rice to use gradually.
I also usually only ferment my rice water for 24hrs, then put the whole thing in the fridge without straining out the rice to use gradually.
I usually do mine 4-7 days, maybe that's why mine smells so skrong.:barf:

Stunnababez uses Lavender in theirs and I'm sure something else to mask the scent, but upon certain "whiffs" you still do detect that sour smell.
Today I got round to (begin) infusing some coffee and a little fenugreek in a blend of oils double boiler method. It's currently on a low heat. Then I'll let it cool and decant into an amber jar. I'll leave the whole beans, with some coarsely ground in the oil to infuse more over time. I plan to use this in some shea butter mixes.

I found this video on the “correct” traditional way to make rice water according to the poster’s research. What do you think?

Yup, here is a video of the Yao ceremony filmed by a Chinese journalist, and it shows their rice water with what looks like lemons or oranges in it at about 12 minutes in. One of villagers is tells how they make/use Rice water.
I have not heard of (or tried) Lemon/Orange/Tangerine Peel in mine.

Citrus (EO's) has a tendency in the past, to irritate my Scalp, but I am very, very curious how the Acidic Peels enhance the mixture.

Thanks for the Videos.
I know, I’m interested in how the fruit changes the rice water as well, and if it makes a difference whether it’s present or not.
I think it the pomelo fruit that they are using. Apparently they wash with the rice water and then rinse with clean spring water.
“The pomelo, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, is the largest citrus fruit from the Rutaceae family. It is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, similar in appearance to a large grapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia.”
I’d never heard of it or seen it before. I wonder if they sell them in the Asian markets...
I know, I’m interested in how the fruit changes the rice water as well, and if it makes a difference whether it’s present or not.
I think it the pomelo fruit that they are using. Apparently they wash with the rice water and then rinse with clean spring water.
“The pomelo, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, is the largest citrus fruit from the Rutaceae family. It is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, similar in appearance to a large grapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia.”
View attachment 448935
I’d never heard of it or seen it before. I wonder if they sell them in the Asian markets...
They probably do sell them there. I've bought one at my regular grocery store as well when they're in season. Tastes like a milder grapefruit imo.
I know, I’m interested in how the fruit changes the rice water as well, and if it makes a difference whether it’s present or not.
I think it the pomelo fruit that they are using. Apparently they wash with the rice water and then rinse with clean spring water.
“The pomelo, Citrus maxima or Citrus grandis, is the largest citrus fruit from the Rutaceae family. It is a natural (non-hybrid) citrus fruit, similar in appearance to a large grapefruit, native to South and Southeast Asia.”
View attachment 448935
I’d never heard of it or seen it before. I wonder if they sell them in the Asian markets...

They probably do. Whole Foods sell them when they're in season but I usually get them from an Eastern or Arab market. They're annoying to peel due to the thickness of the skin, and you must also remove the fine skin that surrounds the segment but they deliciously refreshing and sweet.