2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

I sprayed my Yucca Root Wash in yesterday with the intent of letting it sit for an hour or so. Hubby asked me on a lunch date while it was marinating :eek:, so I put on a cute headwrap and sashayed right on out the door with a head full of herbal goodness underneath it.


It's still underneath that headwrap tho, a day later! LOL That's ok because I needed a nice, deep clarifying wash. I did add some Amla powder to the base this time (Yucca Root, Slippery Elm, Lavender Flowers & Nettle). I'll rinse it out once I finish my morning coffee. :lachen:
I'm in!

I am hoping to do a henna gloss fpr the first time this week. I have little idea of what I am doing. I want to use Nupur Henna with 9 ingredients because it sounds nice to have everything in it. I plan to heat 2 tbsp of that, add 2 tbsp of oil and then add in with macademia oil rinse conditioner i guess.... thats all i know.

i don't know when or if i will do a real henna treatment. i'm just doing a gloss for now.
@apple_natural :welcome:

Happy to Have You!:happydance:
Hi! Thank you for having me!

I purchased that nupur henna I mentioned. I also picked up shikakai.

I know I want to make a henna gloss. I can prepare it on Thursday. Apply it Friday night. Rinse it Saturday morning. Plait and bun to air dry Saturday during the day.

I can also start this process Wednesday so as to have dry plaits by Friday night if I have any plans.

I'll rinse it out with water w/aloe and put on my shea butter oil mixture.

I got shikakai that I want to use for my other mid week dc day (I need two a week) for a short mud wash I guess. I want to use up my cholesterol DC. I could do that. I also have a moisture DC if my hair starts snapping or something.
Classic question here: cone or no cone?

My dc has dimethicone in it. I am thinking that this will still wash out with the henna and also with the mud wash, but do you guys use cones? or even glycerin or other ingredients like these?
Classic question here: cone or no cone?

My dc has dimethicone in it. I am thinking that this will still wash out with the henna and also with the mud wash, but do you guys use cones? or even glycerin or other ingredients like these?

I tend to only use cones when I use heat for straightening. I do not like dimethicone for my hair so I try to steer clear of it for the most part. I dont like glycerin for my hair either but that tends to be in most things, especially conditioners so I tend to not use leave-ins, or I will make sure it is not in my styling products.
I mixed my henna last night. I just put in Vo5 today and added more olive oil because it seemed a bit thick. Now it's smooth. I am thinking of keeping it on for about 4 hours instead of overnight for now.... will update later