2019 Coffee Clay Chebe Onion Rice Tea Ayurv Acv Avj Challenge

I checked out that Natures Ego Page and the first thing came to mind when I saw her profile pic is "this woman looks like a witch to me." So I checked out some of her favorite stores and I find her to be into some really creepy things. I'm glad I never got any of her stuff. She creeps me out. All the best to all of you with this one. Yikes!
I checked out that Natures Ego Page and the first thing came to mind when I saw her profile pic is "this woman looks like a witch to me." So I checked out some of her favorite stores and I find her to be into some really creepy things. I'm glad I never got any of her stuff. She creeps me out. All the best to all of you with this one. Yikes!

I'm intrigued. I've shopped her site before. Whereabouts on her page did you see her pic? @Aggie. I cant see one on etsy or her site.
I'm intrigued. I've shopped her site before. Whereabouts on her page did you see her pic? @Aggie. I cant see one on etsy or her site.

In all honesty, I found the comment that was made to be insulting, extremely judgemental and overall just mean spirited. I was able to find her yotube channel and her instagram and all I see is a beautiful black woman.


Don't like her products? Fine, all products will not work for everyone.

Don't like her pricing and/or shipping fees? Understandable. Your money, your decision on how to spend it.

But to make personal attacks on someone based on things they like that you don't understand? Not cool. We are all entitled to our opinions, but to call this lady weird, creepy and a witch? Reaching.

She states in her profile on Etsy that she is a lover of Nature, crystals, and art...so am I. So I'll just see my weird and creepy self out.

@ElevatedEnergy @GGsKin
Her products are great and full of wonderful flowers, herbs, ayurveda, powders and oils.

Everything she uses in her blends are things we are familiar with in this Thread which is why a lot of times I will list the ingredients.

Can't wait to use the Rinses I bought (Guava Leaf, Peppermint & Rosemary and a few others). They all look so good and I didn't hafta' try to make them myself.

Both her and NurCreations have some really good products. Nur has a really good Ginger Mint Pomade I am hooked on.
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I was ms. kitchen mixtress yesterday, lol.

One of the things I made yesterday was black soap shampoo. It turned out pretty well. I do need to make some small tweaks to it, but so far so good. I used:

Black soap
Herbal tea
Baobab fruit powder
Xanthan gum
Leucidal sf complete for preservative
Fragrance oil

Mixed with an immersion blender.

It has a really good lather and was pretty gentle on my hair. Almost too gentle, lol . It was so smooth and moisturizing, it almost felt like a lathering conditioner. After rinsing, my hair felt like I didn't need to deep condition even though I did out of habit.

I did an overnight deep condition so I'll know the final verdict when I rinse it out and style. But so far I'm really enjoying it. I've had quite a few black soap fails in the past so I'm happy this one worked so well for my hair.
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I was ms. kitchen mixtress yesterday, lol.

One of the things I made yesterday was black soap shampoo. It turned out pretty well. I do need to make some small tweaks to it, but so far so good. I used:

Black soap
Herbal tea(lavendar flowers, burdock root, rosemary, and sage)
Baobab fruit powder
Xanthan gum
Leucidal sf complete for preservative
Fragrance oil

Mixed with an immersion blender.

It has a really good lather and was pretty gentle on my hair. Almost too gentle, lol . It was so smooth and moisturizing, it almost felt like a lathering conditioner. After rinsing, my hair felt like I didn't need to deep condition even though I did out of habit.

I did an overnight deep condition so I'll know the final verdict when I rinse it out and style. But so far I'm really enjoying it. I've had quite a few black soap fails in the past so I'm happy this one worked so well for my hair.

Gone head with yo bad self!


@ElevatedEnergy So the fruit powder worked in the black soap shampoo! It gave it a smooth and creamy feel. It still lather well and was gentle and moisturizing. I used a very small amount in the mix because I didn't want it to moisturize too well and not clean my hair, lol. But yeah it works. I used baobab fruit powder.

Ooooo weeeee!!!! Ok so when it's time for me to clarify again, I'm going to try adding a little fruit powder (pumpkin or fig) to my black soap shampoo. You got me all excited to try it now!!! YAY!!
In all honesty, I found the comment that was made to be insulting, extremely judgemental and overall just mean spirited. I was able to find her yotube channel and her instagram and all I see is a beautiful black woman.


Don't like her products? Fine, all products will not work for everyone.

Don't like her pricing and/or shipping fees? Understandable. Your money, your decision on how to spend it.

But to make personal attacks on someone based on things they like that you don't understand? Not cool. We are all entitled to our opinions, but to call this lady weird, creepy and a witch? Reaching.

She states in her profile on Etsy that she is a lover of Nature, crystals, and art...so am I. So I'll just see my weird and creepy self out.


I'm so sorry I offended you hon. It was my personal feelings and it affected me deeply and I probably should have kept that to myself. No love lost dear.

By nature, I am not mean spirited but I respect your feelings and please accept my most humble apologies. I never realized that you or anyone would be so offended. Your feelings do matter to me even though I don't know you personally @ElevatedEnergy .

But If I must correct you though lovely sis, I did not actually call her a witch. I said she "looks" like a witch "to me" and she creeps "me" out. I never called her weird. I was very careful how I worded my comment. I was very careful NOT to attack her actual character.

If anyone should politely bow out, it should be me. So I will leave this challenge alone now.
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I'm so sorry I offended you hon. It was my personal feelings and it affected me deeply and I probably should have kept that to myself. No love lost dear.

By nature, I am not mean spirited but I respect your feelings and please accept my most humble apologies. I never realized that you or anyone would be so offended. Your feelings do matter to me even though I don't know you personally @ElevatedEnergy .

But If I must correct you though lovely sis, I did not actually call her a witch. I said she "looks" like a witch "to me" and she creeps "me" out. I never called her weird. I was very careful how I worded my comment. I was very careful NOT to attack her actual character.

If anyone should politely bow out, it should be me. So I will leave this challenge alone now.

@Aggie Apology accepted. Please do accept mine too for calling you mean spirited. I was in my feelings, as I was honestly just surprised at your comment. I've always found you to be so kind and someone that I looked up to.


No need to leave the challenge, Sis. We can both get back to posting about these lovely herbs, powders and concoctions.

Aww @Aggie , you and @ElevatedEnergy are two of the sweetest posters I've seen on here. I don't think either of you have to leave. :(

I sincerely appreciate the love. You Ladies have become my family away from home. However, this will be my last year on the forum for a while. This program I am in has turned into something like madness so I'mma need to concentrate to keep my brain from exploding. Good news is, when and if I do return...the DR will be in the building. :2inlove:
@Aggie Apology accepted. Please do accept mine too for calling you mean spirited. I was in my feelings, as I was honestly just surprised at your comment. I've always found you to be so kind and someone that I looked up to.


No need to leave the challenge, Sis. We can both get back to posting about these lovely herbs, powders and concoctions.


Aww @Aggie , you and @ElevatedEnergy are two of the sweetest posters I've seen on here. I don't think either of you have to leave. :(

I ain't lyin'. All this made me feel all warm and cozy inside :cloud9:. All is right with the world again and the sun is just about to rise from it's resting place in my heart. Love you all :grouphug:.

Thanks to all of you my e-sisters! I do appreciate all of you. It's good to know we can disagree and still be friends. It's how you know who your true friends are.

@ElevatedEnergy, your apology is also accepted dear heart :2inlove:.
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In other concoction news: :missing:

I should do a DIY Fermented RW for Saturday.

I meant to go to this store where you can buy in bulk and look for Black Rice and measure me up a half-pound or see what the cost is.

I have quite a bit of Pre-Made RW items to use up, so I'd buy very little Black Rice.

Especially when I have a bag of White Rice I need to use up.
Okay so I’m back and felt compelled to comment. When I read @Aggie comment about her being a witch I was so angered and offended I had to log off. I appreciate @ElevatedEnergy response and agree with a lot of her points. To an uninformed outsider looking in on our herbal tonics and infusions might call us a witch it’s just perspective. But you are definitely entitled to your opinion. And of course it’s your choice to not buy her products or support her business. I am super happy to hear no one is leaving or abandoning the thread and we can disagree and still be friends like mature adults. I love y’all!

As a person who fully believe and utilized the (some might say magical) power of manifestation, crystals, the sun, the moon, meditation and prayer I feel there is space for us all to learn from each other.
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@ElevatedEnergy @GGsKin
Her products are great and full of wonderful flowers, herbs, ayurveda, powders and oils.

Everything she uses in her blends are things we are familiar with in this Thread which is why a lot of times I will list the ingredients.

Can't wait to use the Rinses I bought (Guava Leaf, Peppermint & Rosemary and a few others). They all look so good and I didn't hafta' try to make them myself.

Both her and NurCreations have some really good products. Nur has a really good Ginger Mint Pomade I am hooked on.

Which products would you most recommend? Her ingredients look amazing but Etsy can sometimes be difficult to navigate for products.
To try to inject some protein in my hair I used ATON leave in because it’s chock full of ayurvedic goodness and as @ElevatedEnergy pointed out to me all Ayurvedic herbs are strengthening. I followed that up w a scalp massage using my bhringraj infused olive oil <<< love. Also makes my hair shiny.

Washing my hair today. Planning to black soap shampoo and deep condition per usual but might add infused oil rinse for a little extra strength. debating if I’m going to attempt a wash n go or do a sleek bun or twist out. I need to be cute cuz I’m meeting bae family at the cookout this weekend.
Okay so I’m back and felt compelled to comment. When I read @Aggie comment about her being a witch I was so angered and offended I had to log off. I appreciate @ElevatedEnergy response and agree with a lot of her points. To an uninformed outsider looking in on our herbal tonics and infusions might call us a witch it’s just perspective. But you are definitely entitled to your opinion. And of course it’s your choice to not buy her products or support her business. I am super happy to hear no one is leaving or abandoning the thread and we can disagree and still be friends like mature adults. I love y’all!

As a person who fully believe and utilized the (some might say magical) power of manifestation, crystals, the sun, the moon, meditation and prayer I feel there is space for us all to learn from each other.

We have a lot more in common than I thought. If you don't mind, I'd like to exchange personal info with you so we may have a way to keep in touch outside of the board....especially when my membership ends. I'd love to support you in your spiritual wellness journey.

And please know this next comment is not directed towards anyone in this thread....just a general statement for anyone who needs to hear it.

It takes great courage to be who you are and love who you are in a world that is constantly trying to make you feel like what you are or who you are is not enough. Do what you need to do to be happy while offering others that same courtesy. We can all co-exist...peacefully at that too. And if not, take away the one thing that fuels the fire...your attention. Much love to all!!!
To try to inject some protein in my hair I used ATON leave in because it’s chock full of ayurvedic goodness and as @ElevatedEnergy pointed out to me all Ayurvedic herbs are strengthening. I followed that up w a scalp massage using my bhringraj infused olive oil <<< love. Also makes my hair shiny.

Washing my hair today. Planning to black soap shampoo and deep condition per usual but might add infused oil rinse for a little extra strength. debating if I’m going to attempt a wash n go or do a sleek bun or twist out. I need to be cute cuz I’m meeting bae family at the cookout this weekend.

Have you looked into her other products? All of her products seem to have nice Ayurvedic & Herbal infusions. What about her deep conditioner? I know you said you were looking for a good one.
We have a lot more in common than I thought. If you don't mind, I'd like to exchange personal info with you so we may have a way to keep in touch outside of the board....especially when my membership ends. I'd love to support you in your spiritual wellness journey.

And please know this next comment is not directed towards anyone in this thread....just a general statement for anyone who needs to hear it.

It takes great courage to be who you are and love who you are in a world that is constantly trying to make you feel like what you are or who you are is not enough. Do what you need to do to be happy while offering others that same courtesy. We can all co-exist...peacefully at that too. And if not, take away the one thing that fuels the fire...your attention. Much love to all!!!

Same! I wasn’t reading your words and screaming yasssssss lol I would be delighted to connect off thread as I always feel as though I have only scratched the surface. I will say developing my yoga practice (esp self guided home practice) has helped me immensely. Between that a utilizing a selenite crystals for peaceful sleep my life has done a whole 180 360 from where I was a few years ago. I love to connect with liked minded souls as I continue to develop my inner light. Feel free to PM me =]