2018 Hair Regimen Development: Design, Rationale, Revision, Reflection

I think I finally have a base regimen. In previous post I was just making up stuff to write down and I never really did much of it. But I've done this enough where I can say it is my base and something I want to refine. I have a color day regimen and a regular wash day regimen. I plan to stick with this regimen until the end of August and reassesss. I will be tweaking as necessary but I have had good results with this so far.

Basic Wash Day Regimen
1. Shampoo with 1 of the shampooes in my stash (Mane Choice, Camille Rose Ginger). For now I shampoo loose hair because it is too short to twist and stay
2. Spritz on conditioner (1 to 2 Tbsp of conditioner to 6 to 8 oz of water); Mane Choice or TGIN
3. Rinse and spritz on leave-in until hair fully saturated; 1 to 2 Tbsp of condiione rto 6 to 8 oz water); Mane Choice or TGIN;
This is the step that helps my hair maintain moisture during the week.
4. Let hair air dry for 15 to 30 minutes and then use micro fiber until hair is damp
5. Spritz hair and scalp with a glycerin based spray
6. Apply Mane Choice or TGIN moisturizer
7. Apply serum or pomade to ends
8. Seal hair with pomade or butter
9. Spritz ends again with glycerin based spray
10. Reseal ends with butter or pomade.
11. Smooth product through hair and smooth ends with my Tangle Teazer.
12. Style hair - usually in flat twists.

Deep Condition Regimen - Every other week or on color/henna days
1. Shampoo with moisturizing shampoo
2. Deep condition with heat for 30 to 60 minutes
3. Pick up with step #3 from Basic Wash Day Regimen

Color/Henna Regimen: Color 1x a Month or Henna/Indigo 1x a quarter
1. Do steps 1 & 2 from Deep Conditioning Regimen
3. Apply pomade or butter to ends
4. Shampoo with sulfate shampoo to remove build up of deep conditioner
5. Apply hennna/indigo for 2 hours or surya brasil for 1 hour
6. Rinse with lukewarm water
7. Pick up at step 2 from Basic Wash Day Regimen.

Daily Regimen
1. Daily spritz scalp with glycerin based spray and massage scalp with Mane Choice growth oil.
2. As needed and depending on style, spritz ends and seal.

This all looks great; a solid base!
I do have questions if you don’t mind:

1) Do you find that spraying in your conditioner in steps 2 and 3 of the Basic Wash Day results in more moisturized hair or is it a matter of practicality of application?

2) Do you find that the microfiber towel takes too much product out of your hair and leaves it dry?

I am hesitant to dry my hair with any cloth after I apply product because I am worried my hair is too dry to be giving away potential moisture to my t-shirts. I’m wondering if it’s pointless worrying.

3) I know you are extremely lo-po. I am on that end of the spectrum as well. Do you find that your daily regimen leads to build up quickly?

This all looks great; a solid base!
I do have questions if you don’t mind:

1) Do you find that spraying in your conditioner in steps 2 and 3 of the Basic Wash Day results in more moisturized hair or is it a matter of practicality of application?

2) Do you find that the microfiber towel takes too much product out of your hair and leaves it dry?

I am hesitant to dry my hair with any cloth after I apply product because I am worried my hair is too dry to be giving away potential moisture to my t-shirts. I’m wondering if it’s pointless worrying.

3) I know you are extremely lo-po. I am on that end of the spectrum as well. Do you find that your daily regimen leads to build up quickly?

Hi @CurlyWhoCrux

I started spraying on my leave in because after coloring my hair if I touched it while wet all the color would just slide off on my hands. After spraying it on twice I noticed how much more moisturized my hair felt so I started doing it during my regular wash days. Then I figured if it worked with the leave in then why not do it with the conditioner. Spraying on my leave in has been a game changer for me.

Before I step out the shower I spray it on heavy until my hair is covered and saturated.

So that leads into the microfiber towel. Once I started spraying on my leave in it really increased my drying time. Two hours after, my hair is still soaking wet. Mind you before this my hair was never soaking wet ever. I do my hair at night so I needed to find a way to shorten it some. First I let my hair air dry with nothing on it for 30 minutes to an hour. All of the product has absorbed into my hair. Then I put on the microfiber.

You don't have to dry your hair with anything if you have time to let it dry on its own. I usually dont have the time to wait.

My daily regimen doesn't really lead to too much build up. I am primarily spraying my scalp or massaging products into my scalp. My scalp doesn't really experience build up. It stays so dry. If I spritz my hair every day over the week it will get that glycerin feel but I wash my hair weekly and keep it up in flat twist so it's not that bad. And the spray is water based so it rinses out easily. My daily regimen is primarily for my scalp and not my hair. I don't worry about build up on my ends. They probably need as much build up as possible to keep from drying out.
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Thanks for the reply!
I’m intrigued by this spraying for more moisture. I’m gonna try it the next time I rinse/wet/wash my hair.
Yes let me know when you try it. Let me know what leave in you try. Do 2 tbs to 6 oz of water to start. When you spray it on your hand it should give you a nice film and slip. Add more leave in to get the consistency you want.
I shampooed and conditioned again tonight. My scalp was so happy for some water. When I get to APL, I am really going to consider rinsing every 3 days. My scalp stays so thirsty.

Anyway, I sprayed on my leave-in. I put on a plastic cap for 15 minutes. The product hadn't completely soaked in so I let it air dry for 15 more minutes. Then I put on the microfiber towel for 1 hour. It was still soaking wet and too wet to apply my products to. But I was ready to go to bed, so I put in flat twist and put Carol's Daughter Honey Mimosa on the ends. I will put the products on in the morning.

I'm still trying to figure out how long it takes to go from saturated to damp. When I'm not rushed, I will see if 2 hours under the microfiber towel is enough.
What did you get?

I got My Honey Child Honey Hair Mask
Naturally Smitten Hydrating Hair Custard
SM’s Leave In Detangler for Lo-Po hair
As I Am Smoothing Gel

I’ve never used any of these products before...it’ll be interesting to see if they work. Also, I will need to buy more shampoo and Butter Than This. Next paycheck maybe.
I got My Honey Child Honey Hair Mask
Naturally Smitten Hydrating Hair Custard
SM’s Leave In Detangler for Lo-Po hair
As I Am Smoothing Gel

I’ve never used any of these products before...it’ll be interesting to see if they work. Also, I will need to buy more shampoo and Butter Than This. Next paycheck maybe.
Let us know how they work out.
Anyway, I sprayed on my leave-in. I put on a plastic cap for 15 minutes. The product hadn't completely soaked in so I let it air dry for 15 more minutes. Then I put on the microfiber towel for 1 hour. It was still soaking wet and too wet to apply my products to. But I was ready to go to bed, so I put in flat twist and put Carol's Daughter Honey Mimosa on the ends. I will put the products on in the morning.

I tried the spraying technique with some of my No Tangles conditioner. I can see how it aids in immediately saturating the hair. I forgot to do the shower cap part which I think will actually be helpful for me. I have to remember that next time.
It has been a little while but my focus on hair is back. After initially posting in this thread about finding my ideal regimen, I started to experiment with new products and techniques in an effort to shorten my wash day. This caused a slight set back (tangling and breakage in the nape, shedding, and light breakage on ends) and I didn’t really bother with my hair at all for over a month. I chopped about two inches last week and am inspired again :drunk:.

My goal is to maintain this length over the next six months or so to regain thickness and health and focus on scalp health. I will be going back to my tried and true regimen of bi-weekly herbal/Ayurvedic treatments for hair and scalp and bi-weekly protein use. I will shampoo and moisture dc with each protein treatment. Styling has always been my challenge so that will continue to be a work in progress.
Just some Reflections...

I can tell when my hair has been properly saturated with product because it looks thinner. My dry hair just expands into a big frizz.

Doing my hair is so calming for me. It gives me time to reflect on other things, enjoy music, and practice self-care.

I really need to decide on a schedule for washing my hair and rinsing my hair. It’s slightly stressful not knowing when or if to do my hair from a practical standpoint. I think every four days for shampooing is where I’ll start.

I’ve always been heavy handed with products and as a result I’m always having to buy more products. But in this scenario it’s always like one product being used up super quickly like one conditioner. Now that I’m working towards understanding how to better moisturize and seal my hair, I recognize that I don’t need to use as much of a single product because I’ll be using another product in combination with it.

I feel good about where my hair is going at this point.

I can’t wait to get to hip length. Definitely by the end of the year I’ll be there.

And a Revision...

I bought some grape seed oil the other day with the intention of using it for oil rinses after I shampoo. Reason being it’s hard for me to pour coconut oil into my hand in the shower because coconut oil is packaged in a jar and not a bottle. I wanted to find something easier to work with.

Result: grape seed oil leaves my hair soft. Today was the first time that I actually used it. I applied it to dry dirty hair sprayed with water and yeah my hair felt way better than how it typically feels when I apply coconut oil.
7D4A6036-35D2-4575-94E1-49FA54422925.jpeg This is what my ponytail looks like at the end of the day if I let it dry loose. I moisturized with a conditioner that I’ll mention below. Then I applied some hydrating custard from Naturally Smitten and then applied a bit of TMC BTT. It’s soft, it’s just dry at the same time, and also dry looking with no definition. I want to see what the difference will be at the end of the year. I really want to have some sort of definition. I know I’ll get more definition with gel, but I feel like my hair should have a better appearance without gel anyways. The curls should exist without the gel, is my opinion. Basically my hair should look healthy when dry without gel.

Other than that, still taking my hair care regimen day by day.

Have incorporated a new conditioner into the foray. It’s from the Not Your Mother’s Natural line and it comes in the pink bottle. Has gardenia in the name I think. I remember having success with this line in the past, and revisiting it I have positive results.

I went looking for a new conditioner after I came across an ingredient list on the J&J website for the No Tangles Conditioner. The list has silicones as being in the ingredients. Although the tube in the store doesn’t list them. Decided to just opt not to use the conditioner anymore as it was also being used up quickly since it was only 6oz.
This a more in depth look at my regimen:

Winter months:

•Deep conditioning 2 times a week. Moisturizing ones. During the winter months I tend to need more moisture than protein. I’ll use thicker and heavier treatments as well to combat the cold.
•Co-wash a lot less since it’s usually not needed. I’ll co-wash maybe once a week. Anything instantly moisturizing.
• Sealing. I usually opt for Shea Butter In replace of all my oils, and to keep my scalp moisturized.
•I’ll knock back shampooing to twice a week since my scalp still gets buildup.

Fall months:

•Same as the winter months but I’ll up co-washing, and shampooing since this time of the year there’s more pollen and my scalp gets irritated a lot more.

Summer months: (I’ll use lighter products)

•I tend to up the frequency of everything
•Deep conditioning goes up to 2-3 days a week
•Co-washing replaces shampooing, and I’ll do it on days I don’t Deep condition, and I switch to a homemade BTMS conditioner that’s impeccable with the softening abilities
•Shampoo once a week
•added in Hot Shea Butter treatments (fatty acids of the butter give lots of shine and added softens). I do them as needed.
•Shift to balanced moisture and protein treatments. 1:1 ratio.
•I swear a lot during the summer and it gets really hot, so I have to frequently cleanse my scalp, and frequently remove buildup, and use lighter products and replenish moisture a lot

Technique and product wise I use things that help me deal with my fragile fine hair.

BTMS is my absolute favorite ingredient to add to my products, and it also plays well with Shea Butter and other butters as well including oils. It’s very mild for my sensitive scalp, and very lightweight. It’s great in shampoos, as a leave-in, and works well with protein too.

I use Collagen for my protein treatments, and heavier deep conditioning treatments when I need more intensive moisture coupled with heat. My hair gets weighed down during these treatments, but I’m okay with that. And I also use these treatments to help fortify my new growth, especially when I’ve been stretching for months at a time.

I do not use any combs or brushes, except for a wooden wide tooth comb in the shower. Everything else is finger detangling once out of the shower.

Winter months I opt for braids or twists, and the summer is when I do more buns.

Only revisions I’ll work on, is new mixtures or add ins to my products to impart more softness, as that’s what I care about the most. If my hair is very soft it’s a breeze to handle, and it’s more open to treatments.
Update and Revisions
  1. For reasons I explain in this blog post and due to the compelling reviews on the Sally's website, I will be incorporating The Mane Choice Split-End Treatment into my regimen.
  2. For those same reasons, I am considering wearing my hair stretched 3 out of 4 weeks of the month (via curlformer sets, flexirod sets, ponytail perm rod sets, etc.).
  3. Jane Carter Solutions Curls To Go! Untagle Me Weightless Leave-in and the Shine On Curl Elixir are now staple products of mine (the former for my wash and go's), for reasons explained in this May 2018 Hits & Misses post.
  4. Based on a stylist's recommendation, I will try getting a trim 4 times a year versus 2 times a year. I'll compare the results/difference to see if I want to continue that frequency.
  5. Based on that stylist's recommendation, I will try using shampoo no more frequently than once a month, and cowashing in the meanwhile.
  6. I'll try using my KareCo Tangle Buster Brush no more than once a month and finger detangling in the meanwhile. This typically leaves more shed hair in, which often causes problems. To avoid this, after finger detangling at the sink, I will try applying a super slippery leave-in and then letting the weight of the shower water remove shed hair. This strategy could work, maybe? I'll see. :smile:
Not much going on over here. Today I twisted with whipped shea butter and sat under the dryer. This worked well for me and I think I will try it for stretching. It still takes me quite a while to twist my hair. I need to find a way to keep this process short. Putting in bantu knots takes less time to install but longer to dry. I may try bantu knots again next time with the whipped shea butter and then let it dry while I sleep.

Other than that not much going on with my regimen.
So I think I’ve found a good solution to my thinning crown area.

I tried experimenting with braiding, thinking that if I kept my hair in four braids, by them being protected it would give them a chance to grow longer. Problem with this is that I’ve been parting my hair down the middle and that goes right through my crown as well. So braiding probably isn’t going to be something that’ll work for me. Tiny braids in different sections don’t help either because the manipulation of sectioning and parting doesn’t do any justice for my fine strands.

Twisting is better, but I still have to manipulate my hair and it still doesn’t like even the bare minimum of manipulation.

So I’ve been thinking of something else. I clearly have to keep my scalp clean. I can’t deny that. Every other day is my tried and true, and no matter how I try to stretch washing, I’m left with an extremely irritated scalp unless I cleanse it. Shampooing my roots only with a mini spray bottle is awesome because the shampoo only goes on that first inch or two of new growth and my scalp. And the rest of my hair and it’s oils are safe from being stripped.

So while I wouldn’t call it a wash n go down to the T simply because I’m not natural, it, to an extent, is a WnG. But I’ll call it a WnS (wash n scrunch).

The scrunch part will involve all the styling products I can finally use and I’ll dry my hair with my diffuser attachment that I’m just now realizing I have. So I’ll be rocking that scrunched up semi curl/wave look. That way I don’t have to worry about detangling due to the frequent washing while in the shower, and I’m not manipulating my hair by having to separate it since I’m going for that messy tossed look.

I’ll test this for the rest of the month, and see where I’m at.
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Not much going on over here. Today I twisted with whipped shea butter and sat under the dryer. This worked well for me and I think I will try it for stretching. It still takes me quite a while to twist my hair. I need to find a way to keep this process short. Putting in bantu knots takes less time to install but longer to dry. I may try bantu knots again next time with the whipped shea butter and then let it dry while I sleep.

Other than that not much going on with my regimen.
How does your hair feel with the WSB under the dryer?
I usually wash my hair every Saturday but this week I waited until today to wash and my scalp was so tender and there were multiple sores because my scalp had gotten itchy and I kept scratching it. Long story short, consistency in my routine is obviously super important for my scalp health. Even a few days makes a big difference.
I am experimenting with adding some protein to my regimen. I am in the hunt for a mild protein treatment that won't overload my strands but give me the needed strength I need. I do wear my hair straight as my mane style and I haven't been paying attention to protein in my regimen.

products I am experimenting with:
Joico K Pak reconstructor
Redken extreme anti snap shampoo, conditioner, leave in

I won't use them all at once, but I am thinking of rotating the protein biweekly and see how my hair reacts.

I tried the Joico K Pak last wash day, and my hair felt a bit hard when I rinsed it out. I followed up with the Joico K Pak hydrator and it felt soft and moisturized. Not as soft as usual when I only use a DC. I left the DC for 30 mins. I got few ssks when detangling which usually doesn't happen. Detangling was not a walk in the park this time around lol

I used the redken anti snap leave in before blow drying, my hair felt silky soft after I was done blow drying my hair (Revlon paddle dryer).

I decided to finish doing my hair the next day (wash day struggles). The next day I flat ironed my hair, and I noticed that it was easier to straighten with only one pass. Usually I have to go back with a second pass. I liked how my hair turned out, but it wasn't as soft as it usually is.

It's too soon for me to notice a reduction in breakage, so I will have to watch how my hair acts in the next few weeks. I am transitioning from a texlax, so I am hoping that adding protein will reduce the breakage I get from having two different textures.
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I really don’t know what to do with my hair. I’m so frustrated with it. I don’t know how to moisturize it. I don’t know how to style it. I feel like I spend so much time doing my hair and the results aren’t worth it.

I really enjoy doing my hair because it’s very relaxing and therapeutic for me.

I just would like to reap the benefits of taking care of it. It has grown long and that’s a benefit but it never seems healthy.

I don’t really know what I’m doing wrong or what needs to be changed.
I have been rethinking my detangling technique lately. I am dealing with two textures since I am transitioning from a texlax and the struggle is real when it comes to fighting tangles and ssks. Detangling can easily turn to a breakage mess and cause so much unwanted damage.

I think I finally found a good method that will work for me long term. I tried detangling outside of the shower, I was struggling with bunch of ssks. I think detangling inside the shower works much better to fight ssks for me.
After shampooing and rinsing very well, I start with adding conditioner to each section of my hair and clip in it to soak in the conditioner for few minutes. I start with each section using my fingers while wetting my fingers along the way. I get the majority of the knots with my fingers and then follow up with a wide tooth comb. Once I can glide the comb thru each section gently from root to tip I use the water pressure to comb out the section easily. I finish off with the tangle teaser to make sure all the shed hair is out of the section.

1. fingers
2. wide tooth comb
3. tangle teaser + water pressure

This has made detangling so much faster and easier with very minimum snaps or breakage. Even outside of the shower my hair stayed detangled thru out the whole styling process. I will continue with this method and maybe modify it along the way.
I really don’t know what to do with my hair. I’m so frustrated with it. I don’t know how to moisturize it. I don’t know how to style it. I feel like I spend so much time doing my hair and the results aren’t worth it.

I really enjoy doing my hair because it’s very relaxing and therapeutic for me.

I just would like to reap the benefits of taking care of it. It has grown long and that’s a benefit but it never seems healthy.

I don’t really know what I’m doing wrong or what needs to be changed.
Maybe share with us what you are doing and what is working and not working and we can chime in with ideas and suggestions.
I'm playing around with drying my hair after applying my leave-in. It has potential but not sure yet which way works the best. I've tried rollersetting, which works well but obviously it is time consuming. It takes me at least 45 minutes to set and then at least another 1.5 hours to dry. It probably is another 30 minutes to style. This will be more of an option when my hair is at a good length to bun which will cut out that styling time.

Last week I tried putting in two strand twist with the ends on perm rods. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to dry it completely so I will need to try this again. This is also time consuming because it takes me at least 30 minutes to put in twist. It's probably 45 minutes to dry and another 30 minutes to style. However, I can try reducing the drying time and let it dry overnight and then style in the morning. I will revisit this.

This week I tried blow drying my hair with the tension method and not drying the ends. I'm concerned about this being overdrying to my hair but it worked out OK. This involves just the drying time which is between 30 and 45 minutes and then the styling time. It is a little tedious but it works well if I am crunched for time. I will play around with this a bit more.

I want to try putting my hair in loose sections with the ends on perm rods or loosely twisted and sitting under the dryer. If I can get this down to 30 minutes to 40 minutes this may be the best option for weekly drying. I will try this in the next 2 or 3 weeks.
Maybe share with us what you are doing and what is working and not working and we can chime in with ideas and suggestions.

Ok let’s see.

When I wash, I wash in sections. I use either SM Argan Oil And Almond Milk shampoo or Aussie Aussome volume shampoo.

Usually I go into detangling with a conditioner after this. The conditioner changes frequently.

I use a brush to detangle and any section im not working on is twisted or put up. By the time I am finished washing and detangling all of my hair it is twisted up. I typically will reapply conditioner to my hair.

If I DC, I will not leave the detangling conditioner in.

When I DC, I do so for extended periods of time. When I have a working blow dryer I use a soft hooded dryer for like an hr.

Once I rinse it out I will add some sort of conditioner and then some time of cream or oil on top. Afterwards I sometimes braid or twist my hair up or I put it in a bun.

I have no set schedule for when I wash, dc, moisturize and seal, or style my hair. Every day is a mystery of what I will do.

Sometimes I’m very good about M&S at night, sometimes I’m not.

Sometimes I’m very good at DCing after I shampoo, sometimes I’m not.

I’ve tried incorporating shea butter into my regimen but I don’t have appliances to whip it.

I typically wet my hair several times a week because it helps me detangle my hair.

I tried not wetting my hair so often not too long ago and although my hair was soft, I had no definition because I kept braiding it each night which only makes my hair straighter after a while.
The picture in red is from a couple days ago when I just had DC in my hair and some TMC Butter Than This.

The ones in gray, I have some Natures Gate Conditioner in, and then As I Am Moisturizer and As I Am Smoothing Gel

My hair is wet/damp in all pics.


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I really don’t know what to do with my hair. I’m so frustrated with it. I don’t know how to moisturize it. I don’t know how to style it. I feel like I spend so much time doing my hair and the results aren’t worth it.

I really enjoy doing my hair because it’s very relaxing and therapeutic for me.

I just would like to reap the benefits of taking care of it. It has grown long and that’s a benefit but it never seems healthy.

I don’t really know what I’m doing wrong or what needs to be changed.
Ok let’s see.

When I wash, I wash in sections. I use either SM Argan Oil And Almond Milk shampoo or Aussie Aussome volume shampoo.

Usually I go into detangling with a conditioner after this. The conditioner changes frequently.

I use a brush to detangle and any section im not working on is twisted or put up. By the time I am finished washing and detangling all of my hair it is twisted up. I typically will reapply conditioner to my hair.

If I DC, I will not leave the detangling conditioner in.

When I DC, I do so for extended periods of time. When I have a working blow dryer I use a soft hooded dryer for like an hr.

Once I rinse it out I will add some sort of conditioner and then some time of cream or oil on top. Afterwards I sometimes braid or twist my hair up or I put it in a bun.

I have no set schedule for when I wash, dc, moisturize and seal, or style my hair. Every day is a mystery of what I will do.

Sometimes I’m very good about M&S at night, sometimes I’m not.

Sometimes I’m very good at DCing after I shampoo, sometimes I’m not.

I’ve tried incorporating shea butter into my regimen but I don’t have appliances to whip it.

I typically wet my hair several times a week because it helps me detangle my hair.

I tried not wetting my hair so often not too long ago and although my hair was soft, I had no definition because I kept braiding it each night which only makes my hair straighter after a while.
The picture in red is from a couple days ago when I just had DC in my hair and some TMC Butter Than This.

The ones in gray, I have some Natures Gate Conditioner in, and then As I Am Moisturizer and As I Am Smoothing Gel

My hair is wet/damp in all pics.


Do you clarify/chelate? When you say your hair never seems healthy what do you mean? Is it breaking, splitting,etc? It looks healthy with a bit of frizz to me but you know your hair better than I do. I think that you have done a great job so far. Maybe if you tell us the look you are going for some other ladies can chime in. Why do you feel the need to detangle several times a week? Do you know your porosity? I'm not familiar with the conditioner you use. Does it have a lot of slip? Are you diluting the conditioner that you use to moisturize or are you using as is? What deep conditioner do you use? Are you using a conditioner to moisturize because you have tried products labeled as moisturizers and they failed or is it because it has worked in the past? If it is the latter, our hair and hair needs tend to change over time. Did you move recently? What is your climate like? Have you changed medication or diet recently? I'm sorry if I'm bombarding you with questions but there are a lot of factors that affect the hair as far as dryness. When moisturizing do you do it on wet or damp hair? When I moisturize on wet hair I find it necessary to moisturize again when my hair is 80-90% dry. I hope the answers to these questions help to resolve some of your hair woes.
