2017 Oil Grease Butter Creme Lotion Pomade Challenge

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I've been neglecting this thread!

Lately, I've been moisturizing with a water and conditioner mix, then sealing with SSI Honey and Castor under my wig. I should break out my Xcel. I'm missing out on growth.
Oil rinse/finger detangle with safflower oil. The good: it did not raise my cuticle layer (rough strands), no greasiness so far, detangled OK, did not completely wash off under running water. No bad yet as my hair is still drying, but 1-2 more times should tell me what I need to know. It will probably fall into the meh category with grapeseed and rice bran oils - too light or nothing special.
Yeah, safflower is in the meh pile, not softening, nor sealing, 'cause I feel the fro wanting to appear. I will try it again with a castor mix or mix it with straight castor oil.

I need waterproof labels for my bottles. Will using clear contact paper over a regular label work?
Oil rinse/finger detangle with safflower oil. The good: it did not raise my cuticle layer (rough strands), no greasiness so far, detangled OK, did not completely wash off under running water. No bad yet as my hair is still drying, but 1-2 more times should tell me what I need to know. It will probably fall into the meh category with grapeseed and rice bran oils - too light or nothing special.
Yeah, safflower is in the meh pile, not softening, nor sealing, 'cause I feel the fro wanting to appear. I will try it again with a castor mix or mix it with straight castor oil.
Part of my assessment was too hasty. So far, my hair has not frizzed out, therefore, safflower is a light sealing oil. I will try it again tomorrow.
OK, the safflower oil is growing on me. After I had pulled my hair in place, I noticed that the shrinkage was the same as with castor and hempseed, coils cool to the touch, and very soft. Dangit, I did not want to like this oil!

Edited to say I am using this stuff:
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