2017 Oil Grease Butter Creme Lotion Pomade Challenge

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PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hey Ladies! Time to get our Oils On for 2017!:lick:

The reason you are being mentioned is because you posted and were active in the 2016 Challenge.

Please post what you'll be using and try to be consistent. My only requirement is NO RANDOMS! :nono2:

If you are not part of this "Active" Challenge, Please use the Search Function or pm a member with your question. It's just easier to join!

@Des Nichole
@*Champion 8675*
Heyyy! Thanks @IDareT'sHair for the tag. Glad to start again. I was wondering when this one would kick off. I hope we have more activity from other participants in this one this year. It is a great thread to remind me to use some goodies on my lovelies!
I'm in!

I use oils on my scalp for massages, for LCO, as part of my GHE and to detangle my hair when I take down my cornrows. Creams are applied to my hair 2-3x per week as part of LCO while butters are used sparingly. Also I am hoping to be more consistent with scalp massages in 2017.

Oils in rotation:
APB Green Powerhouse Oil
Njoi Hair Growth Oil
Vatika Oil
Sweet Almond Oil

Cremes in Rotation:
APB Simple Hair Cream

QB Alphabet Butter
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So in 2017 I plan to use the rest of my Neutrogena Triple Moisture Silk Touch Creme and The Mane Choice Butter. Once I finish that I'm going to start making my own whipped hair butter and experiment with all my oils to see which one is best to seal with.
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These are the oils I plan on taking with me into 2017…


Moringa oil – use primarily on ends at night before bagging my hair

Castor (black or regular) oil – Use on scalp every other day and on the last few inches of hair every so often

Avocado oil – use primarily on length of hair

Hair Pouss Plus & Ketty Hair Care Growth Lotion – use on scalp on alternating days of castor oil

Soybean Oil (aka vegetable oil, aka Crisco) – use in prepoo egg treatment

Various Indian Oils – use in a roller ball bottle around my edges

Serums (subcategory of oils):

CHI Argon Oil - use to smooth hair down in the morning

Morrocan Oil Glimmer & Shine - Spray on hair after styling to give added shine and protection

CHI Silk Infusion – use as the “O” in the LOC method on wash day only


CHI Treat and Protect – Use as the “C” in the LOC method on wash day only

Netwurks Xcel 21 Cream Hair & Scalp Revitalizer – use on scalp when hair is either straight or in a twist out
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