2017 Coffee Tea Clay Mud Acv Avj Ayurveda Challenge



In today's "Less is More" lesson, Fenugreek powder expands. A LOT!. I decided to make a fenugreek mask, so I soaked 2 heaping teaspoons in water. Then added a heaping teaspoon each of amla, bhringraj and aloe vera powder & 2 tsp rose petals.

I normally need about 1 oz or so for my hair. But this is what I got is above.... Have to decide whether to refrigerate the rest or not.
@AbsyBlvd @Sharpened @imaginary @lulu97 @mzteaze
Any Fenugreek Powder users here? How are you mixing it?

I have the Tea Bags but could *cough* be interested in the Powder. (For research purposes)

The last time I used fenugreek was a hot hot mess. I could only find the seeds and I didn't blend them fine enough. I added an entire cup of the mash into my henna mix. It made my henna mix double in volume and it was super easy to apply and I ended up using less henna per application. I think that one mix lasted 3x longer than usual. The downside was that the seeds kept getting trapped in my hair while rinsing. And this was pre-coconut milk days so it was a headache and a half. By the time I ran out of the mix, I was sick and tired of it.

It's been a few years, so I want to give it a proper re-try. Definitely sticking to smaller portions of fenugreek, and will try to get the powder or just blend for my life. I still remember the slip fondly.

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In today's "Less is More" lesson, Fenugreek powder expands. A LOT!. I decided to make a fenugreek mask, so I soaked 2 heaping teaspoons in water. Then added a heaping teaspoon each of amla, bhringraj and aloe vera powder & 2 tsp rose petals.

I normally need about 1 oz or so for my hair. But this is what I got is above.... Have to decide whether to refrigerate the rest or not.

*flashbacks to the war*
The last time I used fenugreek was a hot hot mess.

It's been a few years, so I want to give it a proper re-try. Definitely sticking to smaller portions of fenugreek, and will try to get the powder or just blend for my life. I still remember the slip fondly.
*Cackles at bolded* :lachen:

That's why if I attempt this, I will do it during a long winter weekend. :cold:

Oh, and I will definitely be getting the Powder.:eek:...:look:

I'm thinking about mixing it with Hot Fenugreek Tea.
Gonna Start Spritzing (the rest of July, August, beginning of September):

Been using Afroveda's Moringa & Ginseng. Will rotate it with - Nur Creations Herbal Elixir (Comfrey, Horsetail, Nettle, Bamboo etc..).

I have some others: HV's Hydrasilica Tea Spritz, HTN Follicle Booster, ABP's Ayurvedic and a few others.
So, I've concluded that X21 spray doesn't work for me. My working theory is that the spray & formula works best for people who cautiously & infrequently uses protein. I tend to use protein weekly. Whomp whomp.

Now I am trying the nuclear option - sulfur oil nightly plus scalp massaging. I'm hoping this does the trick for my thinning spots while keeping up with weekly henna/cassia glosses.
I hope that it dries perfect for you. I don't know what benefits the rooibos itself is supposed to carry. Does it act like a protein?
Rooibos is reported to help with growth, shedding and moisture; for skin, it can help improve skin texture. I have used it plain, and found it too astringent on my hair, or I had made it too strong. Also, I like its scent when I leave it in.
Yay! Is it as good as plain guava tea?
As far as conditioning, no, but I wanted the benefits of the rooibos. Time will tell...

I hope you love Guava Leaf Tea as well. The result for me were instant as soon as it dried. My leaves are about 3" long and I just used one in 8 oz of distilled water, barely boiled, and steeped for hours in a covered pan. It lasts about 4 days in the fridge, but you can freeze the rest in a ice cube tray. You have a lot of hair, so you may end up using it all.
Went old school and did my version of kimmaytube leave in:

2 tablespoons Trader Joes TTT conditioner
2 tablespoons Aloe Vera Gel
1 tablespoon Ayurvedic oil

It was just enough to cover all of my hair. Hair feels nice and uber moisturized. Going shopping today for some more conditioners so I can smell something other than the TTT peppermint from time to time. LOL
Found an Indian Super Market and a Health Food store in a shopping center together around 15 minutes from my house....hot diggity dog! Sadly I couldnt look around as much as I wanted to cause DH was with me. :darkcloud:I was there long enough to see that both places had bulk herbs and powders for about 3 to 4 times less than what I pay online. Gonna head back over there in a few weeks without DH so I can really take my time and browse like I want to. :curtain:
As far as conditioning, no, but I wanted the benefits of the rooibos. Time will tell...

I hope you love Guava Leaf Tea as well. The result for me were instant as soon as it dried. My leaves are about 3" long and I just used one in 8 oz of distilled water, barely boiled, and steeped for hours in a covered pan. It lasts about 4 days in the fridge, but you can freeze the rest in a ice cube tray. You have a lot of hair, so you may end up using it all.
I am very excited to try it. I don't know what has happened to my package. I will go to the post office on Monday to enquire about it. They have a new delivery system and I feel that they have messed things up.
Dear, I, in fact, have much less hair than you do. With the cruel progressive alopecia and everything, I really feel like I now have 2 strands of hair on my head max. But I'm determined to keep enjoying my hair until the day it is all gone lol. Though sometimes I feel like I can't see the point. Anyway, I am looking forward to trying guava leaves. I wish I had known about this when I was in Sudan. There are a lot of guava trees there. If it works for me, I'll let my sisters know so that they can try it them too.
BTW you won't believe what I did!!! I BC about 1/8 of my hair, about one half of the front left side quadrant (the other half is the already non-existent edge)
I have to admit that I'm not very impressed with the results so I'm not going to BC any further and I will keep transitioning. I can blend the twa with the rest of my hair with the help of a few bobby pins so not a lot of damage has been done. It helps that this part of my hair mostly curls and I love what the tiny coils look like. They are naturally stylish and I think I can get away with it (if I say so myself lol) I am glad they can blend in because coily hair has ridiculous shrinkage and it will take me years upon years of growth and retention to make up for the length that I have chopped. At least these tiny coils are healthy and it should be easy to retain (if alopecia does not engulf this part too) unlike the rest of my hair where I have been struggling with retention because the weakened texlaxed ends erode away gradually with time.

Phew! That was a long pathetic rant, wasn't it?
Sunday - I plan to use Cantu's ACV Rinse prior to Cleansing and Soultanicals "Coil Soil" Detox Fertilizer on Dry Hair (which is a Clay & some Herbs)?

Saw Palmetto Tea Rinse and an AVJ Blend Rinse.
@Alma Petra that is what this forum is for, venting; vent way! Have you seen a dermatologist for this? Or, try the bald spot protocol (which is keeping your head covered in plastic for months)? I know a few in the forum have tried it.
Thank you dear Sharpened. I have seen 3 derms and they eventually decided together that it's traction alopecia which it definitely is not. I never wore any extensions or wigs in my life. My buns are loose and in the past my cornrows were usually loose and fuzzy. They gave me scalp injections but these didn't help a lot. I'm now asking my new gp for a new referral. But with and without derms, I have tried almost everything. I think that these edge follicles are permanently dead and even though my edges look awful I'm coming to terms with it. I'm just worried because this thing is actually progressive and additionally my hair feels very thin overall. I don't know where I'll end up. At least I'm not young. By the time I can't wear my hair out anymore I'll probably be old enough and will only have 1 or 2 more decades of that to endure, statistically speaking.
Do you think that this bald spot protocol can really work?
Thank you dear Sharpened. I have seen 3 derms and they eventually decided together that it's traction alopecia which it definitely is not. I never wore any extensions or wigs in my life. My buns are loose and in the past my cornrows were usually loose and fuzzy. They gave me scalp injections but these didn't help a lot. I'm now asking my new gp for a new referral. But with and without derms, I have tried almost everything. I think that these edge follicles are permanently dead and even though my edges look awful I'm coming to terms with it. I'm just worried because this thing is actually progressive and additionally my hair feels very thin overall. I don't know where I'll end up. At least I'm not young. By the time I can't wear my hair out anymore I'll probably be old enough and will only have 1 or 2 more decades of that to endure, statistically speaking.
Do you think that this bald spot protocol can really work?
I hear ya. I am 46 and trying to keep my follicles alive after seeing my mother lose all her edges.

I had a link to pinkecube's bald spot protocol but lost it. Google is not being a good friend right now; I despise the new algorithm. It could work, but also supplementation on the inside as well. I am hoping chlorella will help stagnant the aging process, along with MSM, collagen, and vitamin B complex.
@Alma Petra My situation was different but it worked for me. After wearing clip-ins (with the metal snaps) for an extended period, and sleeping in them at times smh, I suffered traction alopecia.

The patches I was left with were smooth for two years. Until I started baggying 24/7 for extended periods. I was doing the bald spot regimen (found via Pinke Cube and MHM). I would clay wash my hair, load up with protein-free conditioner, canerow my wet hair and baggy 2, 3 or 4 weeks at a time before washing my hair and doing it all over again.

After about 3 or 4 months of this routine, I started to see some growth thank God. It's like the 'greenhouse environment' created by the baggying jump started those follicles back to life.

ETA: MzTeaze reminded me that I was also massaging through my baggy every day and regularly doing inversion. Multiple pronged attack. I was doing a lot.
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@Alma Petra @Sharpened

I FULLY understand what you are going thru. I'm 48 and dealing with thinning and a bald crown. I haven't bothered with going to the dermatologist because I went when I had bald spots from weaves and didn't find their advice overly helpful. Regular JBCO use helped my other spots but so far nothing has really concurred that crown area.

So right now I am trying sulfur and scalp massages DAILY along with bhringraj. I tried to get brahmi today but they were out. Both are supposed to work well for reawakening follicles. Same with fenugreek masks.

I will look up pinkcube's protocol to see if that will work for me but I know that the greenhouse method didn't work well with my hair (made it wet & mushy).