2017 Coffee Tea Clay Mud Acv Avj Ayurveda Challenge

I really wanna do something to my hair that requires total saturation of water. LOL

My hair thinks it's a fish or something...loves water. But as soon as I step out the shower, I regret getting it wet. I hate the air drying process, definitely not sitting under a dryer or blow drying and God forbid I have to sleep with wet hair. Still craving to do a henna tea rinse though...maybe early tomorrow or early Monday. That way it's dry before bedtime. But after that, I'll have to get a bit more strict about how often I'm wetting my hair.

I gifted my sister all those HennaSooq bars I bought. She says she always hit the jackpot whenever she visits.

These thoughts should have been posted in Random Thoughts huh? LOL
Still craving to do a henna tea rinse though...maybe early tomorrow or early Monday. That way it's dry before bedtime. But after that, I'll have to get a bit more strict about how often I'm wetting my hair.
I gifted my sister all those HennaSooq bars I bought. She says she always hit the jackpot whenever she visits.
These thoughts should have been posted in Random Thoughts huh? LOL
How do you do a Henna Tea Rinse?:love:

Are you adding Henna Powder to brewed Tea? No Color Deposit right? Or are you mixing Henna with Tea and making a Henna Paste?

I used to mix my Henna w/Tea but switched over to Coconut Milk. (for a Henna Paste)

More Details on this please.:lol:

Your Sis did hit the jackpot! Good Deal for Her.:giggle:

Nah...you're good. Not random at all.:up:
How do you do a Henna Tea Rinse?:love:

Are you adding Henna Powder to brewed Tea? No Color Deposit right? Or are you mixing Henna with Tea and making a Henna Paste?

I used to mix my Henna w/Tea but switched over to Coconut Milk. (for a Henna Paste)

More Details on this please.:lol:

Your Sis did hit the jackpot! Good Deal for Her.:giggle:

Nah...you're good. Not random at all.:up:

I take a 24 ounce glass mason jar, put in a heaping wooden spoonful of henna powder then fill the mason jar to the top with boiling hot water. I let it sit out on my counter overnight. The next day, I strain the powder through a knee high. The mixture is enough for around 4 tea rinses. I just use what I need and freeze the rest.

I haven't noticed a color deposit from just doing tea rinses cause it's never really on my hair longer than it takes me to shower. However, I usually do a full henna/indigo treatment at least once a month if I can so I'm sure the indigo plays a part in all of this somehow.

Out of all the herbs and powders I've tea rinsed with, henna is my favorite and probably the only one I will continue to do in between full treatments. It's the only one where I noticed immediate results. My hair soaks it up, plumps and gets juicy as soon as it comes in contact with it. Henna tea rinses are magical and full treatments just blow my mind each time I do them. @IDareT'sHair
Yesterday, I:

Pre-poo'd with my Ayurvedic oil

Washed hair with 2 of Henna Sooq's shampoo bars. On one side, I used the rhassoul clay bar and the other side the Cocoveda bar (Ayurvedic based) Both cleansed and lathered well and I really like them butttttttttttt I didn't like them as much as I like the shampoo I make.

Honestly I think...no I know I can dupe those bars. I found a few melt and pour soap bases and will probably work on creating my own version of these shampoo bars when I use them up sometime next year. That's the beauty of DIY...there is nothing that someone is hand making that I can't hand make myself and for cheaper too. Most soap bases are like $5 for a pound which could make 10-20 soaps...I paid $7 each for 4 shampoo bars at Henna Sooq. For that price, I could have made like 80 bars on my own. I will continue to alternate these bars with the herbal aloe shampoo I make because I do like them...it's just hard for me to think about repurchasing when I know I can make the same thing for cheaper and cater it to my what my hair likes/needs. I'm at a point now where I'd rather spend my coins on raw materials then giving it away for someone to make me something in their home....nah boo I can do that on my own. I have learned to become pretty self sufficient when it comes to making hair products and I want to keep it that way. (not saying these bars were made in their home...I don't know that...was just speaking in general)

*made my observations into a spoiler after going back and reading it. I didn't want it to be connected to Henna Sooq as a company....just my thoughts on me duplicating products*

Deep conditioned under my steamer with a new rhassoul based DC I'm working on.

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I've fallen back in love with steaming my hair during these warm months so I've been inspired to create some new DC's. I'm working on 4 new ones. LOL
Please let us know how you are making those bars @lulu97
Please let us know how you are making those bars @lulu97

In just a matter of a day or two, I decided they were not worth the trouble. I think the problem I was having with the Henna Sooq bars was just disliking using a shampoo bar. Like it seemed twice the work of just using my liquid shampoo. All that rubbing, the bar slipping and sliding all over the place. It was all just tew much and took me triple the time to use in the shower. I'mma just stick with the shampoo I already make. @Aggie
@IDareT'sHair Thanks to Lulu's post and your question, I'll be doing doing a henna tea rinse in the near future. @lulu97 All the goodies you make look and sound delicious. You make me want to get to experimenting again.

@AbsyBlvd Let me know how your henna tea rinse goes.
I really enjoy making my own stuff now...it has made my hair journey fun again. After you reach a goal length, it's almost like okkkkkkk but what now? LOL
DIY has renewed my interest in hair care and put length on the back burner. It's really just an afterthought now.
Went to thaw out some henna tea and I had none made! Fail! So I started a new infusion and will just do it Tuesday.

In the meantime, I'm deep conditioning on dry hair with the last of my DC mix. This one has aloe vera powder and my Ayurvedic oil. I'm gonna wait until my full henna treatment to make more. That will give me time to go snatch up some Manuka honey to throw in it.
@lulu97 what is aloe powder like?

I think I will try the emollient ayurvedic items first: hibiscus, fenugreek, and rose. Those experiments will start in the fall.

@Sharpened It's very light and airy....almost like dust. It dissipates as soon as it comes in contact with oil or water unlike some of the "heavier" powders that take a bit of stirring and mixing to get them to dissolve. It adds moisture and slip like nobody's business to anything you add it to. I use 1/2 teaspoon powder to 8 ounces of conditioner and even that small amount packs a super conditioning punch. It also has no smell.
I'm officially joining this challenge.

Henna and Aloe juicw/gel are already a regular part of my routine, but I'm also incorporating an ayurvedic scalp tea, hair tea,infusing my leave in/stylers with ayurvedic herbs, and neem oil (for my itchy scalp).
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In just a matter of a day or two, I decided they were not worth the trouble. I think the problem I was having with the Henna Sooq bars was just disliking using a shampoo bar. Like it seemed twice the work of just using my liquid shampoo. All that rubbing, the bar slipping and sliding all over the place. It was all just tew much and took me triple the time to use in the shower. I'mma just stick with the shampoo I already make. @Aggie
Ah! I think I feel the same way about shampoo bars. I tried to like them but for the same reasons as yours, I just can't do it @lulu97 :nono:
I have not been taking care of my hair :( But today is the start to "Operation Get It Together."

I'm back on the hair tea train and decided to make a blend with a bunch of different stuff: green, marshmallow root, burdock root, chamomile, nettle, and a couple more that I can't remember.

I also tried a clay wash (Moroccan red clay, ACV, distilled water, apricot oil, hibiscus powder, and marshmallow root powder) for the first time. I liked it but got it all over the place.

I am under the hair dryer with a henna treatment (Nupur9 herbs, tea blend, apricot oil) and will follow up with an indigo treatment (indigo and tea blend). First time using indigo as well.
@Alma Petra are you going to try guava leaf tea next, or the aloe?

Although my hair is fine double-oil rinsing, I think it needs a little coating for protection. Rooibos and guava leaf is a possibility in a spray bottle.

Hiya! I think that guava leaves are probably easier to find than actual aloe leaves. What about pre-prepared guava tea bags; are they any good?
30 is a lot actually. I only use one per 1 cup of water. Make sure they are the green ones, like in the link.
I will drop them a question before I purchase. Thank you for the great help, dear!

ETA: he said that they are not as green because they are dried but yes they are almost green.

ETA: so I placed the order
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