2016 Hair Growth & Weight Loss (july-dec)

Hair Goals

How you will achieve goal:
cry. Post really long rants about my hair.
Then goals and plans about it. Braids. Moisturize when I think of it. Use my awesome products.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
193 ( I'm tall...kind of :/)
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
My goals are (1) to see my toes when I stand straight and (2) to be able to do 5 pull ups (3) to use a 35lb barbell with 15lb weights for overhead (4) to run a 10k or half marathon.. and cut my body fat from the current 33.7 to 27 or 28. finally, it would be nice to be under 165lbs
eta: so, i tried it. I do kind of see my toes when i stand up, but
How you will achieve goal:
CROSSFIT!!! I started at the beginning of June and I really enjoy it. I aim to go Monday- Thursday. The workouts are an hour long. It's awesome. Also carb cycling. Drop carbs on days I don't work out.
eta: starting weight at the beginning of June was 193 with 33.7% body fat, so i entered that weight. goal at the end of the year is 27% body fat and at least 163 lbs
LOL! Yep, been there!
I like your goals & workout plans. My doctor told me today that after a little more than a month of physical therapy, I'll be able to ease back into the weights. Until then, I'm going to have to be serious about my calories and whatever cardio I can do so I can see some of this weight start to peel off!

Okay here goes:

Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: My ultimate goal weight is 127lbs so I have 30 lbs to lose. By the end of this year I need to be down at least 20 of those pounds. Hopefully we will continue this challenge all into next year so I can lose the rest of it.
I've been thinking of that too. Like start again as a Jan-June challenge. The 6 month at a time timeframe seems more manageable and attainable to me than a full year!

When I was on vacation earlier this month, I received a deep revelation after seeing a photo of me in a bathing suit. And the revelation is................I am officially a member of the FAT FARM. I looked like a stuffed, rollie pollie, butterball turkey in those pictures. :cry3:

It is a shame and I must do better, so I am marking my spot. I will weigh in the morning and report back with my stats.

Thank you OP for helping a sister out. Let's do this!!!
Oh, I feel your pain. I've been so used to saying, "Oh, I need to lose weight." And my girlfriends would say, "Girl, I wish I looked like you!" Well that didn't happen this time! I did my usual, "Oh, I need to lose weight." And my friend (same friend) said, "Join the club!" What??? Geeze Louise, she don' invited me to The Fat Club! :eek: Dang! How'd I let this happen!!! There's no denying it now!

:hiya: twin - how tall are you? I'm 5'4 (5'3.5 really) and before I had a number in mind but now I'm more for a size, though the number will be achieved over time I think

So we are going to do this
That's my new mantra 'YOU WILL DO THIS'
I am here to offer support to you and the other ladies on this journey to hit goals

Suggestion: maybe we can do weekly challenges (around fitness, well-being, healthy eating)

and please ladies, share any tips/tricks you may be using to keep you on track or for hair goals, products that you've found beneficial

I'm just shy of 5'7 (5'6.75" to be exact!) So I have about 3 inches on you. Interestingly, too, I've always considered myself "big-boned," well my doctor actually confirmed that for me during my annual physical in May. He did all my measurments, bmi, bodyfat %, etc, and he said if I had 0% body fat (which is impossible for a living person!) I'd still weight 144 lbs -- skeleton and organs! At my weight now, I'm a size 16-18 (and wide in the hips!) At 183-186 lbs, I'm a curvy 14 with a flat stomach. (I know cause I've been there before and I'm trying to get back there!) And with weights and hip thrusts, I'm also planning for a firmer rounder butt! Yeah, I've got goals! :D
So we are going to do this
That's my new mantra 'YOU WILL DO THIS'
I am here to offer support to you and the other ladies on this journey to hit goals

Suggestion: maybe we can do weekly challenges (around fitness, well-being, healthy eating)

and please ladies, share any tips/tricks you may be using to keep you on track or for hair goals, products that you've found beneficial

I think this is a good idea. Why don't each week, someone (or more) post a goal we can all work on together. And set a timeframe for the goal like one week or 30 days, etc. Everyone who will be working on the current goal can like the post/and or post their progress about it. (I'll update whatever group goal someone posts in the original post so we don't have to search for it.)

We have 9 days until the challenge officially starts, so I'll post a goal for this 9 day pre-challenge period.

Goal June 22- June 30 - Substitute water for at least one sugary drink per day (soda, southern ice tea, sugar-filled coffees - you know, all those lattes, frappes, cappuccinos, etc)
I'm down for small weekly challenges @Fab79. How about this week we aim for 3 workouts (minimum 30 minutes). Dh and I are going to the gym this evening anyway and I'm going again first thing in the morning. I'm loving the support already!!

I know the challenge hasn't officially started, but this is a mini challenge to get the ball rolling.
I'm down for small weekly challenges @Fab79. How about this week we aim for 3 workouts (minimum 30 minutes). Dh and I are going to the gym this evening anyway and I'm going again first thing in the morning. I'm loving the support already!!

I know the challenge hasn't officially started, but this is a mini challenge to get the ball rolling.

I'm in for the 3 workouts this week. I worked out yesterday and I will hit it again tomorrow.
Hair Goals
Current Length:
2016 Goal Length: WL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal:
  • Finger detangle 95% of the time, no heat & keep hair in buns/twists/puffs/wigs/wash 'n gos
  • Daily: LCOB & massage scalp
  • Biweekly: Alternate mixing ayurvedic powders with DC or Detox formula
  • On Tuesdays: Pre-poo under heat for 30 minutes & CW it out, rinse out 80% moisturizing conditioner & LCOB
  • On CW Saturdays: Pre-poo overnight with AVJ mix, DC under heat for an hour, scrub scalp, CW length, reconstruct, rinse out 80% ACV & moisturizing conditioner mix & LCOB
  • On Shampoo Saturdays: Pre-poo overnight with AVJ mix & oil/butter, DC under heat for an hour, shampoo scalp, CW length, reconstruct, rinse out 80% ACV & moisturizing conditioner mix & LCOB

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
2016 Goal Weight: 164
How you will achieve goal:
  • Perimeter shop
  • Increase fruit & veggie intake and reduce meat & carbohydrate intake
  • Stop eating when I am full, do not eat everything on my plate when eating out & do not eat after 8 pm
  • Daily = Eat 3 meals & 3 healthy snacks, drink 8 glasses of water, drink healthy flavored/sparkling drinks/water, take multivitamins & vitamin D
  • Weekly = Weigh, lose 1 pound, meal prep Monday - Friday, weights/stairs/squats/mini walks every 2 hours Monday - Friday, watch a motivational weight loss/healthy cooking video and post an update
  • Quarterly = Take a picture


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I'm in

Hair Goals
Current Length: in between neck length and shoulder length
2016 Goal Length: full shoulder length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: stay consistent with my regime
Co wash and deep condition weekly moisture daily
Protective styling

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 116 height 5`2
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: my goal is to not look skinny fat
I actually would like to gain muscle
I want to lose 3 inches off my waist
How you will achieve goal: stick to eating a protein, greens and carbs with every meal
Drink lots of water
Intake 2500 calories a day

Lol at skinny fat. I know what you mean though. You may need to start weight training somehow

I'm going to try an apple cider drink a day again. I've done it for one month before and I think i noticed intestinal benefits and definitely sinus clearing benefits. Strange but that was my experience
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Workout 1 of 3 complete! I did 35 minutes on the stationary bike and 20 minutes on the treadmill.

After my shower I prepped my hair for tomorrow's wash. I did about 20 plaits and I plan to wash, dc and straighten tomorrow. I haven't decided if I should cowash or use shampoo...
Hair Goals
Current Length:
2016 Goal Length: WL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal:
  • Finger detangle 95% of the time, no heat & keep hair in buns/twists/puffs/wigs/wash 'n gos
  • Daily: LCOB & massage scalp
  • Biweekly: Alternate mixing ayurvedic powders with DC or Detox formula
  • On Tuesdays: Pre-poo under heat for 30 minutes & CW it out, rinse out 80% moisturizing conditioner & LCOB
  • On CW Saturdays: Pre-poo overnight with AVJ mix, DC under heat for an hour, scrub scalp, CW length, reconstruct, rinse out 80% ACV & moisturizing conditioner mix & LCOB
  • On Shampoo Saturdays: Pre-poo overnight with AVJ mix & oil/butter, DC under heat for an hour, shampoo scalp, CW length, reconstruct, rinse out 80% ACV & moisturizing conditioner mix & LCOB

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
2016 Goal Weight: 164
How you will achieve goal:
  • Perimeter shop
  • Increase fruit & veggie intake and reduce meat & carbohydrate intake
  • Stop eating when I am full, do not eat everything on my plate when eating out & do not eat after 8 pm
  • Daily = Eat 3 meals & 3 healthy snacks, drink 8 glasses of water, drink healthy flavored drinks/water
  • Weekly = Weigh, lose 1 pound, meal prep Monday - Friday, weights/stairs/squats/mini walks every 2 hours Monday - Friday and post an update
  • Quarterly = Take a picture

Sweet! if you eat less meat, have you planned to get protein another way?
This is my starting pic. I'm 5 months post, so that's the best length check I could get. I finally got rid of all the splits from heat, so I finally was able to ditch the scissors.

I got my hair braided today and I love it! If anyone's looking for a great braider in Tampa, I went to Alecia African Hair Braiding on N. Nebraska. It was my first time, and I explained I dont want my edges pulled or a lighter used or any of that other foolishness. Alecia listened well and complied all while being pleasant and professional. The style took 2.5 hrs which I was thrilled with. I'll be getting it re-done in about 6 weeks.

...and because I'm LHCF raised, that rubberband came out as soon as I snapped the pictures so I don't sacrifice my edges!


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Yes, I was going to eat more beans.

Sounds like a plan!

Here is a link to a protein calculator if you want to check one out. I like 21 day fix myself.


This site has strength training tips and even free programs to follow.

I have fallen off my meal prep but I need to get it together since I'm spending way too much money on food, I'm hungrier, and im eating too much dessert in a week

....you know what!? I got Confused. I usually just use my alerts to find the challenge I'm in and respond that way. someone posted in the 2015 version of this challenge but I thought it was my apl/bsl challenge so I was like...whaaat? It drastically changed but ok. Well, i finally took the time to figure it out... these are two totally different ones.

Well with all of that said . I think I just need one challenge so I'm going to cheer from the side on this one. I can't keep up with two yet
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Workout 2 of 3 complete. I involved the whole family. I did leg lifts with each of my babies as my weights. Then I bench pressed my daughter and did push ups with my son on my back. They thought it was so much fun and it was actually a challenging workout. My 2 year old is 30 lbs and the other 3 are around 50lbs. I'm going to be sore tomorrow lol
Sign me up, please! This is perfect timing!!!!

Hair Goals
Current Length: Ear length (Big Chop - Jan '16)
2016 Goal Length: APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Relaxed
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling, stretching relaxers, henna/protein 1x month (fine hair), super green foods, MSM, biotin, monistat, increase water intake, regulate thyroid

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 182 lbs (9 months pregnant)
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 147lbs (Pre-pregnancy weight of 155lb minus another -8lbs)
How you will achieve goal: Drop this baby on June 27th :lol:, Orange Theory 2x week, along with 10-15 miles/per week (walk/run) and at home kettlebell routine 2-3x/week.
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Well, until I can fully commit to hitting the gym again at least 3 days a week, I'm doing the 30 day squat challenge and the 28 day plank challenge. For seconds a day I can reap some benefits. I threw out half a slab of bacon today. Slow, slow changes. It's evident any weight loss I achieve has to come from a complete lifestyle/diet change. An overhaul.
Hair Goals
Current Length:APL
2016 Goal Length: BRA STRAP LENGTH
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: RELAXED
How you will achieve goal:DC weekly and rollerset;past month 2 I plan on getting crochet braids. I also need to grow my edges and I am using the essential oil mix on those.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight
: 182
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 150
How you will achieve goal: Working out 5 days a week and drink 2 litres of water daily. I plan to start in July. Consistency is my main issue as my body responds very fast to exercise. I just need to keep at it past the point I start to looking nicer.
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I so need to be apart of this challenge.. Went on vacation a week ago and gained 4lbs. My weight fluctuates like crazy. I am 4'11.. I am at 118. I want to be at 110. my thighs are a bit thick. I love sweets and cake, which seems to be my down fall. I am definitely on board to start working out 3 times a week.. I ran a mile this morning and did some squats.

Hair Goals
Current Length: EDGE OF MY NECK
2016 Goal Length: BRA STRAP LENGTH
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: RELAXED
How you will achieve goal: I AM CURRENTLY IN A SEW IN.. I WILL KEEP IT IN TIL SEPTEMBER, and then braids until December.. I am taking vitamins, MANE CHOICE, MSM, AND BIOTIN. I wash my hair weekly, and apply mint oil to my scalp and also jojoba oil. I have come to learn that less is more with my hair.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight
: 118
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 110.. I will post inches when I find a measuring tape.
How you will achieve goal: I will work out 3-4 times a week.. I am drinking half my body weight in water a day.. will have juice once a week. I will have a dessert once every two weeks. Having veggies everyday and will have one starch a week.. *PRAY FOR ME!!..I will have oatmeal for breakfast and have a smoothie for dinner with protein.
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Workout 2 of 3 complete. I involved the whole family. I did leg lifts with each of my babies as my weights. Then I bench pressed my daughter and did push ups with my son on my back. They thought it was so much fun and it was actually a challenging workout. My 2 year old is 30 lbs and the other 3 are around 50lbs. I'm going to be sore tomorrow lol
Thats so cute.
I think I glutened myself over the weekend. I'm feeling so tired. No working out for me this week. I will pick up on the weekend. I'm sticking to my Food RX eating plan. My weight is flipping between 147 and 146. By sticking to my eating plan i should stabilize at 146 by the end of the week.

Not doing anything with my hair. I'm supposed to wash and dust tomorrow but it might have to wait until I feel better.

After I dust i will post my starting pictures.
I've updated the challengers list. If I missed you, please let me know.

I've been tracking my calories on MFP and I've been under goal for the past few days. I'm finding that the later I eat breakfast, the fewer calories I consume that day. The earlier I eat, the more calories I consume for the day. I've been noticing that trend for the past 8 days. So I'm going to purposely delay breakfast and only drink my one cup of coffee first thing. (That's what I've been doing.)

I don't know why, but when I eat breakfast early, it's like I feel the need to eat all throughout the day. Maybe it has something to do with how eating kickstarts your metabolism or something.
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Sign me up, please! This is perfect timing!!!!

Hair Goals
Current Length: Ear length (Big Chop - Jan '16)
2016 Goal Length: APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Relaxed
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling, stretching relaxers, henna/protein 1x month (fine hair), super green foods, MSM, biotin, monistat, increase water intake, regulate thyroid

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 182 lbs (9 months pregnant)
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 147lbs (Pre-pregnancy weight of 155lb minus another -8lbs)
How you will achieve goal: Drop this baby on June 27th :lol:, Orange Theory 2x week, along with 10-15 miles/per day (walk/run) and at home kettlebell routine 2-3x/week.
Congrats on the pregnancy! You're almost there. I hope you have a safe and uneventful delivery!
I am so down!.. this should help me be more consistent.

I'm down for small weekly challenges @Fab79. How about this week we aim for 3 workouts (minimum 30 minutes). Dh and I are going to the gym this evening anyway and I'm going again first thing in the morning. I'm loving the support already!!

I know the challenge hasn't officially started, but this is a mini challenge to get the ball rolling.
I wanted to post this because I was wondering if I should eat back my calories after exercise. I found this article on MFP. In sum, I will not eat back my exercise calories.


Congrats! You’ve gone to the gym, put in some time on the treadmill and now have a few hundred extra calories in the bank. But what do you do with those extra exercise calories? Should you run to the kitchen and gobble them up, save them for a special weekend treat or ignore them altogether?

When faced with this decision, it’s important to consider several factors, most notably your weight goal (whether you’re wanting to lose, gain or maintain), the frequency, intensity and duration of your exercise, and your overall level of hunger.

For the average exerciser trying to lose or maintain weight (i.e. someone who burns an additional 200-500 calories a few times per week), exercise calories don’t make up a significant portion of overall calorie burn, generally in the 1500-2200 per day range. Unless you’re exercising at a moderate to high intensity for an hour or more, several times a week, or are actively trying to gain weight, you most likely don’t need to be worried about eating all of those calories back.

The main reason is this: It’s easy, and fairly common to overestimatecalorie burn (both from everyday activity and from exercise) andunderestimate calorie consumption. By going out of your way to eat back every calorie you expend during exercise, you may unintentionally undermine your efforts to lose or maintain your weight. Additionally, you could be overriding your body’s hunger cues if you don’t feel particularly keen for those exercise calories but eat (or drink) them back them anyway. If your body isn’t telling you it needs fuel, it’s best to save your exercise calories for when you want them–say, for an unexpected hunger pang or a weekend treat meal with friends.

Now if you’re trying to lose weight, chances are you’ll be on the hungry side even without exercising since MyFitnessPal’s weight loss calorie goals are calculated independent of exercise. The upside to this is that those exercise calories become a “bonus”–so if your workout leaves you feeling a bit hungry afterwards, by all means you should enjoy the bump in calories and eat something. (Just read the 5 tips below beforehand to make the most of them!)

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The vast majority of us who are trying to shed a few pounds or maintain our weight need not be concerned about eating back all of our exercise calories, but those trying to gain weight, and/or who are training heavily several times per week should be mindful about getting in enough calories–both to fuel physical activity and promote muscle growth, repair and recovery. For those of you who fall into this category, here are some great pre- and post-workout meals and snacks.

Whether you’re exercising to lose, gain or maintain your weight, improve your fitness level, or just reduce stress, one thing to remember when eating back exercise calories is that the quality of those calories is just as important as the quantity.

To help you get the most out of those hard earned calories, here are 5 tips to healthfully handle those post-workout hunger pangs:

1. Start with a hydration check.

Thirst can be misinterpreted for hunger so, if you’re on the fence about whether you need to refuel or not, make sure you’re not just dehydrated. Here are some hacks from other MyFitnessPal users for staying well hydrated.

2. Hone in on your hunger cues.

Rather than running for the kitchen cabinet the moment you get home from your workout, trust your tummy to tell you if you need a post-workout snack.

3. Don’t get stuck on the number.

Remember, the calories you eat and exercise off are estimations, and we’re more likely to overestimate calories burned from exercise. If hunger hits between meals, start slow–particularly if you’re trying to lose or maintain your weight. Begin by eat back a percentage of your exercise calories (say, 50%) rather than all of them, and see how you feel in 20-30 minutes.

4. Focus on high-quality protein and wholesome carbohydrates.

Doing so will optimize muscle repair and recovery.

5. Spread ‘em out.

Our bodies aren’t able to store protein like carbohydrates and fat so, if you have a significant number of calories to eat back (lucky you!), be sure to include protein with each meal and snack over the course of the day for optimal muscle building and repair.

Nutrition Note: Large calorie deficits over time, whether through calorie restriction, exercise or a combination of the two, can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health problems, so it’s always a good idea to consult with a doctor or dietitian if you are unsure about how many calories (exercise or otherwise) you should be consuming.
@HappyAtLast - this is so needed, as when i start to work out, i feel so hungry, but I need to remember to hydrate more and have protein, even just a shake, which really helps and keeps me full and acts as dinner if after an evening workout so bonus.

Plus after I had my gym induction and the guy made us do 5/7 mins on the treadmill / elliptical and bike, when we got to the bike he was like 'See 5 mins is only 15/20 calories, if you did an hour that would only be 240 cals max, do you think that you have burned off a kebab (he's Turkish) NO'. That has stuck with me since as well, as there are so many calories in 'treats' but we're trying to 'treat yo' self daily'

Anywhoo onwards and downwards (body in inches and hair in length)