2015 Coffee,Tea,ACV,AVJ,Ayurvedic, Powders/Clay, Challenge

Did my first Hendigo last night. I used the premixed Rainbow Henna in dark brown and mixed it with coffee only.

Applying and rinsing were ridiculous though. It was harder to spread on my hair than I'm used to and I shampooed and then cowashed and I'm pretty sure I still have some grains in there. Ah well, I'm gonna DC for a significant portion of the day, only because this wash day was spontaneous and I really dont have the time to rinse and do a set just yet.
I liked how the rainbow henna performed in terms of toning down the red and I also made sure to leave my hair in the open air for a while since I read somewhere about the indigo needing to oxidize. My hair doesn't feel as strong as when I do my full strength henna treatments. I'm going to use up the rest of this, along with my mountain rose herbs henna in dark brown but I'll probably alternate it with regular henna treatments to see if the colour pay-off is more on my greys.
Finally got round to doing my hair nearly a week later than I said I would, sad times!
I did a coffee rinse and baggied under my conditioner for an hour.
Now that I have five kiddies, I can kiss goodbye to dc'ing twice a week. I'd be lucky if I manage twice a month :nono: Lol
Did another Hendigo treatment last night and oh boy did the colour take. It came out darker than I expected, but I'm fairly sure it'll fade to the image in my head. But jeez are my greys stubborn as all get out. I used the mountainroseherbs brand in medium brown and I much prefer this one. My hair felt softer than when I used the rainbow brand and it left less flakes as well and was just easier to apply and rinse on a whole.
Steeping rosemary leaves for later.
@IDareT'sHair , and ladies I found this youtuber Curly Proverbz in an older thread but thought you ladies that uses henna might want to try it. It's a tea strengthener she uses henna, amla, shikakai, brahmi. I might try this its simple.

Fenugreek, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow Tea Rinse today.

Will Use:
Jakeala's Green Tea Hair Oil on top my DC'er and with my L-I

I know. That's what makes it so durn expensive.:angry2:

However, I did buy a cheaper brand of Indigo but didn't get the total coverage I'm use to with theirs and I had to use more, I did it twice and was still not totally covered.

If I would have used theirs twice, my hair would have been Raven Black or Blue Black.

So with their products you can use less. So, that forced me right back to them.

I know. That's what makes it so durn expensive.:angry2:

However, I did buy a cheaper brand of Indigo but didn't get the total coverage I'm use to with theirs and I had to use more, I did it twice and was still not totally covered.

If I would have used theirs twice, my hair would have been Raven Black or Blue Black.

So with their products you can use less. So, that forced me right back to them.
@IDareT'sHair , ok i'm only looking to use it as the strengthner i posted so a bag will last a while. It's in OH i surprise the shipping is the same for you, it's close to Akron so i'm have my sister look around to see about the store if they have a local one. I'll keep you posted!
ok i'm only looking to use it as the strengthner i posted so a bag will last a while. It's in OH i surprise the shipping is the same for you, it's close to Akron so i'm have my sister look around to see about the store if they have a local one. I'll keep you posted!


I put a $9.00 pack of Indigo in a Cart and the Shipping was $9.00 just to give you an idea.