2015 Coffee,Tea,ACV,AVJ,Ayurvedic, Powders/Clay, Challenge

Steeped some marshmallow root and hibiscus. I used some in my clay mix, and some as a rinse after my clay. My coils were really defined. I am braided up and ready to go back under my baggy and wig for another two weeks.
Man, how I've forgotten that my hair loves tea rinses. I used APB tea rinse the other day and my hair was sooo soft and airdried soft. It was amazing. I'm buying more next week. My hair loves the pre made mixes! I need to do a henna treatment. Its been a year since my last one.
Decided to do a little experimentation with Scalp Exfoliating.

I'm currently using a Phyto product I've had for a while. Which is a watery/oily tingly vial (you get x5 Vials in a box). It has Rosemary, Clary Sage, Juniper, Eucalyptus, etc.......

I do have NG's Espresso and I just ordered Kiehl's Deep Micro Exfoliating Scalp Treatment.

I don't have dandruff, flakes etc..but I am a frequent Cowasher, so I'm doing it for Scalp-Health, (and because I'm a PJ and sort of a bandwagon hopper:look:). :eek:

Although most of my cowash/cleansing conditioners are Handmade, Cone-free, Natural etc.....

But I'm going to try them. Will post in this thread when I use them.
Gonna add some EOs to my SSI lemongrass tonic: rosemary, sage, myrrh & white thyme for my prepoo.

Steeping bamboo and fresh lemongrass to tea and ceramide oil rinse (sunflower and grape seed) under SSI okra dc.

Im a bandwagon hopper too. :lol: but saw the sense in that thread. I was gonna snap up an exfoliator myself next week! Gonna try one of the more natural herby ones. I can see the chemical ones causing me breakage if I tried it.

Decided to do a little experimentation with Scalp Exfoliating.

I'm currently using a Phyto product I've had for a while. Which is a watery/oily tingly vial (you get x5 Vials in a box). It has Rosemary, Clary Sage, Juniper, Eucalyptus, etc.......

I do have NG's Espresso and I just ordered Kiehl's Deep Micro Exfoliating Scalp Treatment.

I don't have dandruff, flakes etc..but I am a frequent Cowasher, so I'm doing it for Scalp-Health, (and because I'm a PJ and sort of a bandwagon hopper:look:). :eek:

Although most of my cowash/cleansing conditioners are Handmade, Cone-free, Natural etc.....

But I'm going to try them. Will post in this thread when I use them.

I was researching this whole scalp exfoliation phenomenon yesterday:giggle: and something I was reading said Moringa was a Scalp Exfoilator, and I have Moringa Tea.

I knew there had to be a Tea that exfoliated, and Moringa was the one that was mentioned.

I was thinking Rosemary, Sage, etc....but Moringa is the one that has exfoliating properties.

So, I'll be steeping some soon to add.
I've really fell off with my ayurvedic powder hair washing for the last month due to work, doctor visits, hurting my leg, and having to move.
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Steeping a nice Pot of Herbs & Flowers for next wash day.

Will probably let it steep overnight before transferring into containers and sticking them in the Fridge.

Also used: Blueberry & Pomegranate Spritz from Afroveda
Used: Slippery Elm, Marshmallow Root, Burdock Root & Green Teas today for my Rinse.

Also used: Afroveda's Blueberry & Pomegranate Hair Spritz
M&S'd with avj every other day for the past week. Spritzed again today and re-touched a few twists. This has got to be my favourite staple product, which is strange considering how my hair (and scalp) reacted to avg from the bottle AND the plant.