2015 Coffee,Tea,ACV,AVJ,Ayurvedic, Powders/Clay, Challenge

Pre poo w/BR chai tea (this stuff is like a miracle in a jar), also did a finale rinse w/green t mint. Used Jakeala ayurveda oil
I have mustard powder... think I'm going to start using that in my dc... I tried it before and used too much and it felt like my head was on fire but I'll start a little bit at a time and see what happens.
Not sure how this will work, but I have an idea. Some time ago, I ordered two different jars of powders to be used in my smoothies. I wasn't crazy about the taste so it's just been sitting in my kitchen. Today, I went to look a little closer at the ingredients of both and decided that it might be worth adding the powders to my deep conditioners. The research I've done tells me that these ingredients are great for hair.

Jar #1 is Nutiva organic hemp protein.
Jar #2 is Super Green Max Plus which contains bee pollen, barely, wheat, parsley and spirulina,etc.
I have mustard powder... think I'm going to start using that in my dc... I tried it before and used too much and it felt like my head was on fire but I'll start a little bit at a time and see what happens.


I have mustard oil.:lol:

I don't use it often because of the 'scent'. :nono:

Same with Neem Oil and I also have a Garlic & something..which I also don't pull out very often.

Let me know how the Mustard powder works for you.:yep:
Today, I went to look a little closer at the ingredients of both and decided that it might be worth adding the powders to my deep conditioners. The research I've done tells me that these ingredients are great for hair.

Jar #1 is Nutiva organic hemp protein.
Jar #2 is Super Green Max Plus which contains bee pollen, barely, wheat, parsley and spirulina,etc.


Sounds like a good thing to mix in with your DC'ers or to mix in with a Tea.:yep:
Been drinking a lot of fresh leaf mint tea this week then remembered how much my scalp loves it. Think I will have to add it to the mix next wash if the leaves havent spoiled.

I have mustard oil.:lol:

I don't use it often because of the 'scent'. :nono:

Same with Neem Oil and I also have a Garlic & something..which I also don't pull out very often.

Let me know how the Mustard powder works for you.:yep:


I added it to my protein treatment I'm doing now under the steamer... it didn't burn this time. Actually, I don't feel it at all... I added a teaspoon to about 1.5 oz of conditioner. All the sites I visited said to add two tablespoons... I'll test it out with a tablespoon next time I do my protein treatment. I plan on using this powder for about 4 months to see what it does for my hair.
White tea rinse today under protein conditioning treatment w/mustard powder mixed in. Also did an ACV rinse in between two chelating shampoos.
I combined one scoop of each of these powders in a small container and shook it up:
Super Green Max

I plan on using it with deep conditioners, in teas, and in an oil mix for prepoos. Tomorrow is wash day for me so I'll check back with how I used it and the results.
Used Rosemary Tea today for a lovely Tea Rinse. Had Green also thrown in there.

Will use BRB's Strawberry/Vinegar ACV Rinse after Steaming.
I combined one scoop of each of these powders in a small container and shook it up:
Super Green Max

I plan on using it with deep conditioners, in teas, and in an oil mix for prepoos. Tomorrow is wash day for me so I'll check back with how I used it and the results.

I decided to add this mix to a bottle of mustard oil and prepoo overnight. Not sure what effect it had with just one use.

Washed my hair with Peppermint soap
Tea rinse with fenugreek, nettle, black and green. Left in.
Steam DC with Vatika Naturals Virgin Olive mask for 30 mins.
LOC method

Currently band stretching hair for the first time so I can dry twist out later.

I can't wait to hear how your Pre-Poo Mixture turned out. :grin:

Those Super Greens have a lot of Great 'stuff' in them.

The Nettle, Fenugreek, Green & Black Rinse sounds good too.:lick:
Just steeped my tea blend for the weekend. I dumped all of my tea into one box so I have no idea which combination I used but it woks for me.
OK so after I've finished my plans, I see that my hair feels......different. In a good way. I really don't know how to explain it. It definitely feels thicker but it's something else to. Very interesting. Lol

I enjoyed my first band stretch too.
Brewed a pitcher of loose leaf vanilla mint chai tea. Going to use it twice a week under my deep conditioner. It contains: organic and fair trade certified pu-erh tea, organic peppermint, organic cinnamon, organic vanilla bean, organic licorice root.
I clarified and did an everything rinse under a joico treatment balm dc. My everything rinse consists of coffee, whatever tea is left over from the week, coconut water and a splash of acv. My hair is very smooth and happy :)
My first tea/herbal rinse this year....used as final rinse
Nettle root
Green tea
Burdock root
Horse tail tea
Thyme leaves
Sage leaves

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Hello everyone. I am here to report on correcting henna texture changes using Amla Powder.

Attached are before and after pictures. The before picture is my attempt at twisting my hair right after my henna treatment. The henna pretty much flattened the kink in my already fine strands. The second picture is my twist job after conditioning my hair with amla powder. Here is what I did:

-Washed with Aussie Moist (finally tried it, not impressed)
-Applied half a box of Hesh Amla powder (mixed with water into a nice thick paste); left it in for about an hour
-Rinsed out Amla powder and dc'd for half an hour with my boo Silk Elements MegaSilk Moisturizing Treatment :lovedrool:
-Moisturized very lightly with Cantu Coconut Curling Cream and twisted with Profectiv Mega Growth Leave-In

Overall I am very impressed with Amla powder. It really does help restore the volume and texture that I lost with henna. I will definitely be doing a second treatment with the remainder of powder the next time I wash my hair.

Just a few notes about my B&A pics. I'm sure you can tell that there is more hair per twist in my after photos than before. However, prior to my treatment I could've taken the same quantity of hair and it would have still looked just as bad as the before. Trust me, I tried. I just didn't take any pictures of it because it still had the same flatness.


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