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Nix08, Cherry89, baddison, Luprisi DominicanBrazilian82
First off - happy anniversary Nix08!!! :blowkiss:
My hair is annoying me. It's big, fluffy & dry. I used WEN fig and it made my hair feel delightful, at first. My new growth softened and my hair felt phenomenal. After it dried, the hair remained soft but it got big, fluffy and uncontrollable. The weird thing is, it's soft but dry. I compare it to getting a roller set -- you know how sometimes the hair comes out soft but it's a bit dry and you get tiny little breaks when you comb it. That's kinda what my hair feels like now - soft but dry and it looks dull. I washed with WEN and followed up with a quick conditioning session of AO HSR while showering. Perhaps I need a full out DCing session post-WEN. I might have to cowash tonight. REALLY don't want to but I need hydration. I baggyed last night but that didn't do it.
Go ahead and wash. It will help! I'm 10 weeks post. Hair is doing alright. I think I will just go ahead and wait until the end of the month. I found the new scurl. I tried it last night on my new growth.
KhandiB I will be 5 weeks post on Saturday and my new growth is already starting to pop. It's this summer heat I tell you! I'm doing well though. I clarified for the first time 2 weeks ago and I can really tell the difference it made on my hair. My hair is getting back its sheen! It was really dull for a minute there.
Lilmama1011 I'm an average grower. But every other T/U cycle I get a growth spurt.
I would love to do a flexi rod set but I work out 4 times per week and I'm sure the set would not last past Monday morning.
Hi everyone!
For all of you that workout on a regular basis, do you mind sharing your regimen with me? I want to start working out more regularly and I want to have some ideas on how often you are washing/cowashing your hair. I currently roller set once a week and my hair is at SL so my options for styling are kind of limited. Thanks in advance!
Edited to say that I also cowash once a week but let it air dry.
@Loving - thats great!! I clarify every other week because I use a lot of cones and use serum and hair grease at times . It does wonders!!
@soonergirl - Hey buddy!! When do you plan on relaxing? I was going to this week but decided that my hair can be managed for another couple of weeks ..
I cant stretch without using heat..
the shedding is calming down a bit, and so far i like the juice. it smells better and it is not as thick as the original. i washed my hair last night. i applied some this morning, used my cantu leave-in on my strands, and used my SD nourish oil to seal. hair feels pretty soft. i am going to use some scurl again tonight. i bought it for my daughter, but wanted to try it on myself too.
i want to color my hair jet black or blue black so bad, but that stylist of mine made me feel some kind of way about it. i have colored my hair jet black plenty of times. she threw me off when she said it would be too harsh for me. said it wouldn't go well with my eyes? well i am trying to hold out relaxing my hair until the end of the month, so i gotta do something to it. i gotta spice things up. i got date night this weekend, so i am going to have to flat iron the hell out of my hair, so it won't look poofy. if i color my hair, i will do it friday night.
Very pretty style. Its perfect for the hot weather. How long did it take you to twist your entire head?
Hey Buddies xu93texas KiWiStyle shortdub78 yoli184 Altruisticoam EnExitStageLeft soonergirl SunySydeofLyfe
In honor of my HHJ I bought a stand bonnet dryer today...I am so frustrated with my hair right now...I did a nice trim a couple of days ago and flat ironed for the first time in forever and been trying to wear a Bantu knot out and looking like the wicked witch by the end of the day...gonna try roller setting and see if that will keep me rom having the urge to shave my dang head! Mini rant!
I have never done a bantu knot out on myself either and probably never will. I think it'll turn out scalpy and that's a look I ain't trying to have. Rollersetting almost always get me back from a hair funk, so yes, I say do it!!! Don't shave your dang head!!!
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I've been able to do it successfully once or twice...I never know what it's going to look like when I'm done...this week has been a HAM!
I swore up and down that I would never, never fry my eyeballs under a hooded dryer again...see what happens when you swear! Lol...eyes a fryin' right now!
LOL at scalpy! That is the exact reason I hate them!!! I need to learn to rollerset or get a and hair are not in a good place right now, I just don't feel like being bothered at all.....shame....
Cattypus1 xu93texas Altruisticoam yoli184 shortdub78 EnExitStageLeft soonergirl SunySydeofLyfe
Hey ladies! I did my first post relaxer wash yesterday and it went very well. I didn't pre-poo because it was very impromptu, my dad had an out patient surgery so I decided to come home and shampoo while I waited.
I washed with my Nairobi Pamperlizer (neutralizer) shampoo and followed that with Paul Mitchell Awapuhi wild ginger moisturizing shampoo. I then steam DC for about 30 minutes with my usual mix of:
Nairobi Humecta-Sil
QB Olive & Honey Hydrating Balm
Sesame seed oil
ROUX PC conditioner
LORD HAVE MERCY!! I cannot get enough of this power mix! After that I applied kimmytube leave-in conditioner and air dried using the scarf method. My hair felt unbelievable afterwards even without M&S. I am thoroughly texlaxed at my nape and front/middle hairline the rest could use less processing. My air dried pony is much thicker, the diameter feels nice finally!! I just now moisturized and sealed using the LOC method with QB BRBC & my ceramide oil hair is still full even with product in it!! Because I've been using Roux PC conditioner I am extremely low porosity now so I whole head baggied to be sure the moisture sinks all the way into my strands.
BTW, my chemical burn and scalp is healed for the most part. I don't know if I lost any hair but I'm not going to look to find out. I'm having a good hair moment and I ain't going to ruin it. Thanks again to ALL who offered suggestions.
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We are going to see my 1st husband this weekend (R.Kelly) I have to do something...I'm going to try mixing my humectasil and make the Kimmytube leave in with the Nairobi moisturesil. I hope I feel like you after its all over. My hair is a mess right neglected...