Realtor & Foodie
Hi buddies and everyone in between! My apologies for dropping off planet LHCF but I'm ok, just a little busy and hair bored, plus going thru the marriage blues haven't helped any either. Business picked up a bit over the last month or so and it's left me tired as hell, everyday I would tell myself to post but then I'd convince myself tomorrow...I've even lost a few...1, 2, or 3 pounds because I've been too busy to eat. I have so much catching up to do so please forgive me in advance if I can't go back far enough and reply.
How's y'll doing though? Have you been thinking about fall/winter regimens/products/styles? Nope? Me either, lol! My hair has mainly been in a bun but I decided to flat iron on 260 degrees on Friday and unless my eyes are deceiving me and playing an evil trick, it has gotten a tad bit longer since I relaxed in August. My daughter and I measured about 2.5" to BSL so I'm inching along. I'm currently 6 weeks post and doing well besides the massive detangling job and shed/broken hair I lost during my flat iron session. I'm still finding hairs on my bathroom floor.
The first few inches of my hair is texlaxed and I'm learning I cannot be lazy with the moisturizing at that darn line of demarcation and I have to straighten this stuff periodically. I won't complain much about transitioning to texlax because my air dried pony looks nice...not great but much better than before. I've also come to the realization that bonelaxed, texlaxed or whatever laxed, my fine, low density strands will always mean anorexic pony tails and buns...CRAP :-(! Maybe, just maybe once my texlaxed hair gets longer I'll feel differently.
Wheew, I'm glad I finally got ALL that out
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Hi buddies and everyone in between! My apologies for dropping off planet LHCF but I'm ok, just a little busy and hair bored, plus going thru the marriage blues haven't helped any either. Business picked up a bit over the last month or so and it's left me tired as hell, everyday I would tell myself to post but then I'd convince myself tomorrow...I've even lost a few...1, 2, or 3 pounds because I've been too busy to eat. I have so much catching up to do so please forgive me in advance if I can't go back far enough and reply.
How's y'll doing though? Have you been thinking about fall/winter regimens/products/styles? Nope? Me either, lol! My hair has mainly been in a bun but I decided to flat iron on 260 degrees on Friday and unless my eyes are deceiving me and playing an evil trick, it has gotten a tad bit longer since I relaxed in August. My daughter and I measured about 2.5" to BSL so I'm inching along. I'm currently 6 weeks post and doing well besides the massive detangling job and shed/broken hair I lost during my flat iron session. I'm still finding hairs on my bathroom floor.
The first few inches of my hair is texlaxed and I'm learning I cannot be lazy with the moisturizing at that darn line of demarcation and I have to straighten this stuff periodically. I won't complain much about transitioning to texlax because my air dried pony looks nice...not great but much better than before. I've also come to the realization that bonelaxed, texlaxed or whatever laxed, my fine, low density strands will always mean anorexic pony tails and buns...CRAP :-(! Maybe, just maybe once my texlaxed hair gets longer I'll feel differently.
Wheew, I'm glad I finally got ALL that out

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF