2013 MN Challenge

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Hello Strawbewie, I too am natural and was wondering how have you been able to determine new growth? I've been using mine for a month and a half now, and see no difference in most areas. I was just going to thread wrap another area on my head, but was wondering if there was any other way.


I'm natural too so I depend on pics to see growth. Maybe a length check will help for wearing the same shirt for every check.
Hey ladies!! I am so excited to begin this challenge... yet again. I experienced some good growth and thickness while using MN and I can't wait to experience it all over again :)

Some of you ladies are curious how and what to mix your MN with. I have some great oil/creme suggestions that have an added benefit... they are ceramide oils/products! For those of you who don't know a lot about ceramide oils or ceramide rich products, feel free to read or join the 2013 Ceramide Challenge. As you will review, these oils/products are extremely softening, they add shine, increase manageability and may combat some of the dryness you experience from using MN.

One of my previous recipes for MN included GSO (Grapeseed Oil) and it made all the difference for my new growth. Previous recipes left my new growth very dry and dull. But adding the GSO and moisturizing/sealing with ceramide oils and butters (hemp seed butter is the bomb!) helped restore moisture and shine!

Can't wait to see your results ladies... and hopefully some of you will join the 2013 Ceramides Challenge with me :)
Hey ladies!! I am so excited to begin this challenge... yet again. I experienced some good growth and thickness while using MN and I can't wait to experience it all over again :)

Some of you ladies are curious how and what to mix your MN with. I have some great oil/creme suggestions that have an added benefit... they are ceramide oils/products! For those of you who don't know a lot about ceramide oils or ceramide rich products, feel free to read or join the 2013 Ceramide Challenge. As you will review, these oils/products are extremely softening, they add shine, increase manageability and may combat some of the dryness you experience from using MN.

One of my previous recipes for MN included GSO (Grapeseed Oil) and it made all the difference for my new growth. Previous recipes left my new growth very dry and dull. But adding the GSO and moisturizing/sealing with ceramide oils and butters (hemp seed butter is the bomb!) helped restore moisture and shine!

Can't wait to see your results ladies... and hopefully some of you will join the 2013 Ceramides Challenge with me :)

Thanks for sharing! I have grapeseed oil in my current mix...I love it!
What is your current length? Shoulder length

Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? Consistently since Sept. 2012

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed with oils (EVOO w/garlic, EVCO, Grapeseed, WGO & JCBO) and MT

What frequency will you apply it? Every other day

Any other growth aids that you are using? Vitamins

Anything else you care to add? HHG everyone!

Don't forget a starting pic!


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Finally made a mix for my MN like 2 months later lol. I put mostly MN a little elasta ap mango butter rosemary and peppermint oil and castor oil. How much of each? I don't know its mostly MN and just a lil bit of the rest. I like the way the peppermint feels on my scalp. :-)
I need to buy a really good and really cheap moisturizer to add to my MN. My mix isn't creamy enough so I only want a moisturizing cream and a little JBCO. Any suggestions???

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I will try this for the first Check In.. Just to see if I like it
What is your current length?
Almost BSL

Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN?
I have tried it once before, not long enough to notice a difference.

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)?
I will probably mix it with Olive Oil, and some hair lotion
What frequency will you apply it?
Every 2-3 days

Any other growth aids that you are using?
No !!!

Anything else you care to add?
No :)

Don't forget a starting pic!
This was about 2 weeks ago

Do you have to use MN indefinitely or can you stop after your goal has been reached w/out experiencing a ton of shedding or other adverse effects?
Do you have to use MN indefinitely or can you stop after your goal has been reached w/out experiencing a ton of shedding or other adverse effects?

Froreal3 You can stop once you reach your goal. I stopped for a while once I reached APL and didn't have any negative effects at all. Just keep up with your other hair care and frequent deep conditioning
Do you have to use MN indefinitely or can you stop after your goal has been reached w/out experiencing a ton of shedding or other adverse effects?

I didnt have any effects after stopping mn. I thought I was going to have an increase of shedding but I didn't. I have stopped now for about a month.

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Thanks Ijanei & pelohello. I'm considering starting this next week or so. I seem to be getting about 1/2" a month w/my normal diet/exercise routine. I'd like to see if I can boost this. How much extra growth have you ladies experienced? 1/4" a month? 1/2 inch?

Sorry for all the questions...I will read the other threads in a minute.
Froreal3 Good luck to you. Are you mixing it? I know some who do not mix there's and claim to receive more growth but end up having some bad symptoms.

I'm not sure how much in inches I grew but if you can see the siggy, that is most of it.Put it this way, june 2011 i was a little below NL/SL now I'm almost past BSL, even after four trims. Not sure if it all contributed from the MN or not but I used it consistently with my mix. and also took proper care of my hair.
@Ijanei I would mix it with some type of carrier oil. I'm scurred of all the talk of headaches and other bad side effects. Your growth is amazing and your hair looks nice and healthy.

ETA: Ok, you've convinced me! I will pick some up next Friday and mix it with some grapeseed/castor oil. I'll apply it to my scalp every time I moisturize and seal my ends (which is about 3-4x per week).
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What is your current length? SL aiming for APL by Spring/Summer 2013.

Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? First time.

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed with carrier oils. Right now grapeseed and castor are what I have on deck.

What frequency will you apply it? 4x a week

Any other growth aids that you are using? I drink a lot of water, eat clean, take a multi vitamin, Mineral Rich, drink protein shakes, and work out 4-6x a week.

Anything else you care to add?

Don't forget a starting pic!


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@Ijanei I would mix it with some type of carrier oil. I'm scurred of all the talk of headaches and other bad side effects. Your growth is amazing and your hair looks nice and healthy.

ETA: Ok, you've convinced me! I will pick some up next Friday and mix it with some grapeseed/castor oil. I'll apply it to my scalp every time I moisturize and seal my ends (which is about 3-4x per week).

Froreal3 yaaay :grin: you will enjoy the new length you will achieve. and it seems like you will be doing the right things to care for your hair, including exercise and nutrition. Good luck. you will be happy you did it in the end. Just try for a month.

Not going to lie, in the beginning I did get headaches, but figured out I was using to much MN and not enough oil/butters in the mix. After I used say like 1/3 of MN, then 1/3 of oils, and lastly 1/3 of some butter (mixed in with a little DC), I didn't have any after that.
@Froreal3 yaaay :grin: you will enjoy the new length you will achieve. and it seems like you will be doing the right things to care for your hair, including exercise and nutrition. Good luck. you will be happy you did it in the end. Just try for a month.

Not going to lie, in the beginning I did get headaches, but figured out I was using to much MN and not enough oil/butters in the mix. After I used say like 1/3 of MN, then 1/3 of oils, and lastly 1/3 of some butter (mixed in with a little DC), I didn't have any after that.

Ok, thanks for the heads up. I will use those ratios!
Thanks Ijanei & pelohello. I'm considering starting this next week or so. I seem to be getting about 1/2" a month w/my normal diet/exercise routine. I'd like to see if I can boost this. How much extra growth have you ladies experienced? 1/4" a month? 1/2 inch?

Sorry for all the questions...I will read the other threads in a minute.

I dont know how many inches but here is a pic of my hair from using mn for bout 2mths.

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I just mixed another batch because my other one didn't look good and the peppermint and oil sulfur was too strong an odor for my taste. I mixed my new batch with ORS Olive Oil Moisturizing Hair Lotion and added just a touch of EVOO, JBCO and Henna Sooq Vatika Oil. It's nice and fluffy and smells pretty good. I applied it and was extra careful not to get any on my length because I have a fresh fat iron and I'm not quite ready to put my hair up yet. It's so easy applying with straight roots.
I applied my sulfur, MN mixture for the past 3 days. I ordered pepperment oil to get that tingling sensation for my scalp.
So I picked up some regular 2% MN today at Tarjay. I've never been so excited to buy vaginal cream. Usually my face is like this :ohwell: Today my face was like this :grin:

Anyway, I'm going to mix it up with some grapeseed, coconut and a little castor oil to hopefully make a little cream. I think I will add some jasmine EO for fragrance. These are things that I just have off hand.
Well......I will use Monistat with some marula hemp I believe. I will use 2-3 X per week. Thanks for doing the challenge. Here is my December length check.
I will use 4&. i have some 2 and I need some 4%


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Mixed 1/4 tube of MN with coconut oil and grapeseed oil. Applied it by dipping my fingers in it and rubbing it throughout my parts (I had previously moisturized, sealed and put my hair in about 8 large twists). Now I'm styling my hair in medium sized twists for the next two weeks. Looking forward to the results!
Another question ladies: I see most ppl mix 1/4 tube w/something else. Do you use the entire 1/4 tube in one application? Or have you been using it throughout the week or until its gone? TIA!
I want to join. Is not the first time I use MN, but i've not beeing consistent at all. I wanna mix mine with sulfur and some cayenne pepper oil ... Do you think is too much?.

I never get any tingling sensation, not with sulfur, MN or Cayenne pepper by itself
I want to join. Is not the first time I use MN, but i've not beeing consistent at all. I wanna mix mine with sulfur and some cayenne pepper oil ... Do you think is too much?.

I never get any tingling sensation, not with sulfur, MN or Cayenne pepper by itself

Thats whats in my mix, I don't think it's too much, but I suggest starting with MN then when you're comfortable with that add the sulfur and or cayenne
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