2013 MN Challenge

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Okay, finally ahead of the game. I came in very late on the last challenge. So ready for this one.

What is your current length? A little past BSL, Close to MBL maybe?
Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I am currently
using MN. Been using it for a month and a half now.

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? One 1.59oz tube of MN with 1/4 4oz jar
of Doo gro.
What frequency will you apply it? About 5-6 times a week
Any other growth aids that you are using? Not now. Sometime in the near future I
plan to implement some cayenne pepper cream.

Anything else you care to add? Been natural for almost 3 years. Still have about 3-4 inches of perm at the ends. I WILL NOT CUT THEM! LOL.
Starting pic: I would like to post one prior to starting the new challenge.

I see others posting pictures in their post, can you guys show me how to do this? I know, I am not very forum/pic savvy.
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  • What is your current length? Just a little bit shy of BSL
  • Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I've been using MN for a few months
  • How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed with castor oil, CD Lisa's Hair Elixir, and Avlon Keracare Itchy Scalp Glossifier
  • What frequency will you apply it? Every 1-2 days
  • Any other growth aids that you are using? I take biotin and MSM internally
  • Anything else you care to add?
  • Don't forget a starting pic!
Starting pic:

What is your current length? jawbone length :(



Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? Been using inconsistently for about 1 month

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? mixed with Megatek, Hair trigger elixir and a bunch of other things i forgot about.

What frequency will you apply it? when i remember = once a week?

Any other growth aids that you are using? listed about and will start drinking bamboo tea today

couldnt get a good pic will post one soon.
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What is your current length?SL Natural
Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I have used MN in the past, I really started consistently the last challenge since about August / September 2012. I have had some shedding episodes but I'm determined to figure it out. My hair has benefited from MN. I might change mix, etc.
How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? I currently mix it with castor oil, mega-tek, vatika coconut oil. I'm considering changing this mix based on reviewing other posts etc.
What frequency will you use it at? I have been using it every other day but I may reduce it to 2-3 weeks.
Any other growth aids that you are using? Njoy mix when not using MN, may. Implement vitamins
Anything else you care to add? This is my 2nd challenge, my other is APL

What is your current length?SL Natural
Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I have used MN in the past, I really started consistently the last challenge since about August / September 2012. I have had some shedding episodes but I'm determined to figure it out. My hair has benefited from MN. I might change mix, etc.
How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? I currently mix it with castor oil, mega-tek, vatika coconut oil. I'm considering changing this mix based on reviewing other posts etc.
What frequency will you use it at? I have been using it every other day but I may reduce it to 2-3 weeks.
Any other growth aids that you are using? Njoy mix when not using MN, may. Implement vitamins
Anything else you care to add? This is my 2nd challenge, my other is APL

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Hello Strawbewie, I too am natural and was wondering how have you been able to determine new growth? I've been using mine for a month and a half now, and see no difference in most areas. I was just going to thread wrap another area on my head, but was wondering if there was any other way.

aliyah7 said:
Hello Strawbewie, I too am natural and was wondering how have you been able to determine new growth? I've been using mine for a month and a half now, and see no difference in most areas. I was just going to thread wrap another area on my head, but was wondering if there was any other way.


I'm still a rookie at this but I take pictures every 4-6 weeks, basically every time I take my hair down from a PS. After 2-3 months I noticed change in thickness since my hair was thin then the length seem to come. I'm using several growth aids, so it it could be a combination of things. I think jprayze would be helpful in answering questions about MN since she has used it more . I don't know anything about thread wrapping. OP, any suggestions for aliyah7
shockolate said:
What is your current length? jawbone length :(

Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? Been using inconsistently for about 1 month

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? mixed with Megatek, Hair trigger elixir and a bunch of other things i forgot about.

What frequency will you apply it? when i remember = once a week?

Any other growth aids that you are using? listed about and will start drinking bamboo tea today

couldnt get a good pic will post one soon.

shockolate where can I get bamboo tea?
I'm in!!! :-)

[*]What is your current length?
My current length is BSB/ grazing BSL

[*]Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN?
Used MN before but have stopped being consistent with it. Trying to get back to being consistent cuz a sista got goals for the summertime! :lachen:

[*]How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)?
Plan on mixing it with some moisturizers/oils like before. what quantity exactly? not sure yet, will be checking ( jacking) peoples recipes. Lol

[*]What frequency will you apply it?
Trying to apply it 3-4X / WK. hopefully I can keep up with it.

[*]Any other growth aids that you are using?
Nothing yet... Might still take my natural vitamins, think wanna try the MN alone to see its sole effect on my hair with no other aids.

[*]Anything else you care to add?
Good luck growing ladies!

[*]Don't forget a starting pic!
This is the best pic I could get without any help.. (Excuse the dirty mirror.. It's an uphill battle with the husband... :perplexed: )


*ETA starting pic from December 22 touch up. (like years later.) :lol: :spinning:
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Im in!!!

What is your current length? APL
Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I used it before for about a month. I loved it.
How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? It will be mixed with some EOs.
What frequency will you apply it? 4-5 times a week
Any other growth aids that you are using? NJoys mix from another thread
Anything else you care to add? Let's get it ladies!!!!!
Don't forget a starting pic!


  • 20121224_203004.jpg
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jprayze ... I'm back ...

[*]What is your current length?


[*]Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN?

No. Used it off and on for two months during the last challenge in 2012.

[*]How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)?

Mixed with a few things. Most importantly my garlic oil.

[*]What frequency will you apply it?

3 x weekly +

[*]Any other growth aids that you are using?


[*]Anything else you care to add?

Nope :)

[*]Don't forget a starting pic!

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What is your current length?
Touching BSL

Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN?
I have been using MN since 2010 but took off for 2011 and restarted using every other month for 2012.

How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)?
Mixing with MT, Olive Oil, and some hair lotion (can't think of the name)

What frequency will you apply it?
Will use it every other day

Any other growth aids that you are using?

Anything else you care to add?
Give it a try. It does work.

Don't forget a starting pic!
dec 2012 after a trim.
I'm in!
I twisted my hair and my first batch for the new year!
  • What is your current length? BSB
  • Is this your first time using MN or how long have you used in MN? I have used it off and on with pretty good results, I'm not sure why I stopped.
  • How will you use your MN (directly/mixed)? Mixed with any oil I can find, and sulfur.
  • What frequency will you apply it? At least 4 days a week.
  • Any other growth aids that you are using? (sulfur?)
  • Anything else you care to add? I am increasing my growth rate by 60% using this MN mix:grin:
  • Don't forget a starting pic! IN my avitar
I'm gonna come back and update the Challengers and answer any questions floating around...don't fire me! Lol

Happy holidays ladies!
I'm joining. I tried it dot a while last year and turned my sister on to it and she loved it. I am moving up to 4 %. Does anyone apply it straight opposed to mixing it?

When I first started I applied straight but I usually followed up with some oil anyway to combat dryness.
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