2012 HYH Challenge (Jan 1st - June 30th)

KurlyNinja, how do you keep it looking so neat? I wish I didn't have to retouch my buns daily (it starts to fuzz after the first day). I need to learn the tricks of the trade.
I'm in. I really need the motivation because I haven't been retaining any length at all seems like. I recently got a "trim" from this lady who used HUGH construction scissors on my hair.
Joining this challenge. I think the PS styles required in this challenge will help me out with my APL 2012 challenge as well. It helps that I'm installing a weave this december and plan to wear it for a month or 2. Also, I am so ignorant on cute protective styles for natural hair so this challenge is going to make me step my game up. Good luck!
:yay:I just went through the thank you's in the first post and added 9 people to the challenge today.:grin: Including myself, there are 46 of us so far.:yay:

I'm going hardcore on this challenge! It's time to reach my goals.:grin:
Count me in!
Question: are braidout/twistouts ok? Or will I have to use a free pass for those?

Twists and braids are PS but you can't "hide" your hair if your hair is out. Anything with "out" in it seems off limits. You can do a twist out and put it in a bun, but you can't wear your hair loose.
So my start pic is my siggy. The pic flipped (something I need to figure out why it keeps happening) so it may not be the best. Let me know if I need a better start pic. I will try again.

I started my KT, I'm moving slow, but hope to be done by tomorrow.
I'm so ready for this challenge to start. Hiding my hair until June and pushing my APL goal to June instead of May will go hand in hand. I really would love not to do another LC until June anyway.

:drunk:How phenomenal it will be to see 6 months of growth and retention!:spinning:
Charla, at 1/2" per month, that would be AWESOME! That would make my goal of making WL and then on to HL more attainable. :grin:

I'm an ambitious thinker. Go hard or go home. :look:
I will be cheering on the sidelines for you ladies--even though I wear my hair up in a wash and go pony 90% of the time :grin: :grin: :grin:
I wonder where my hair will be December 2012

Because By April 2013 it will be cut back but the mind wonders :) :yep:

I hide my hair because I like to. It is fun, mom of 4 friendly, makes me feel great. I can work out and still be cute right after a shower!, I can go to sleep wake up and my hair on MOna (my wig stand) is still in pefect tact.
Hey Ladies!!! I decided that I will wait till January to get my weave installed. I figure that I willl get my touch-up then wait a week or 2 then Get the weave. I want to PS with taking the Nioxin Intensive Rechage Vitamins. So I can get maximum results.