Decided to alternate Miss Claudie's Scalp Elixir with Sulu Max Grow (SMG). The smell of her stuff completely covers the funky smell of the SMG.
thanks girl! y'all mind if i update at the end of the year? that way, i wouldn't create any conflict with my hyh challenge.
i am getting back into my routine, though.....thank goodness!
I'll be taking my NG pics on either Monday or Tuesday and I can't wait!!! I took a sneak peek on Wednesday when I took my braids out and even though it wasn't that great of a shot, I could see a difference
Yeah, I may not do a formal length check, not only because of HYH, but because as we go into this final stretch, I want to put the pedal to the metal and am going to continue to stay away from the heat. I did do an informal stretched length check on the 12th. I may use that pic. We'll see. I slacked up over the summer but, in this final stretch of the year, I plan to get back on the bandwagon (as grow put it).
Also, I've decided not to perm next week (which would have made it ideal for the length check). I've really learned how to deal with my ng/texlaxed hair and plan to try to stretch another month, at least. I'm very excited with my progress and look forward to seeing everyone else's too.
Can we still join this? I just got my MTG today and my Sulu should be here tomorrow.
i hope you are ok, Flow!
i put my sulfur mix on last night! felt good to be in my swing of things!
although i must admit, i refuse to beat myself up if i miss a day or two.
from no on through the end of the year, i want to just enjoy my journey and not stress over what i feel "i've gotta do". i'm gonna take it easy alot more and do it because i want to when i want to and be ok with it if i don't. it's not like my hair will fall off my head if i miss a day, anyway, so why stress?
my NG pics ladies! sorry they're kinda crappy.
That looks like over an inch of ng. How many weeks post are you?
only an inch? I'm 5 months post
I agree. New growth is really hard to measure!
Anywho, here are my starting pics: