2009 Progress photos!!!


New Member
Hey Everyone! I've been absent from the boards for a while, but I thought i'd come back and post my end of the year progress photos, maybe they'll inspire someone! I've had a rocky year trying to figure out what does and doesn't work for my hair, and I definitely had some setbacks during the summer when I was rocking my natural hair, but all in all I feel i've made great progress, after all, this is only my first year on my HHC journey! Next stop...BSL! How long do y'all think that would take?



Happy Holidays!!!
Wow your hair has grown, nice progress definitely. You grow girl! :)

I think with the way it grew it will be BSL by the end of next year for sure if not past!
Thank you for all the kind words, ladies! Another question though, when exactly did hair anorexia set in for you? I don't think my hair is long at all, but I know years ago I would have given anything for this length!
Thank you for all the kind words, ladies! Another question though, when exactly did hair anorexia set in for you? I don't think my hair is long at all, but I know years ago I would have given anything for this length!

Well I have it now, But because I took a few photos last year, and wore the same shirt, I can see the progress only then. But me and my girlfriend went on vacation together in July and didn't see each other again until November and she was like wow, YOur hair grew (she remembered it being way longer a few years ago pissed I chopped it off, we were growing buddies) , I thought she was trying to be funny (her hair is past waist length) so :rolleyes: I ignored her until I went home and looked in the mirror with another mirror. I called an apologized, because to me, My hair wasn't growing, I didn't see it. :)

Pictures help! so take them, I took them then at about 3 months part, now this year it will be every 6 months, June and December!
your hair looks great! nice and thick!
what's the regimen you finally settled on? just curious...

Thank you! I still tweak my regimen here and there but for now I...

Straighten every 3/4 weeks, when I wear it straight I do so for a week or two

Other times I wear it in it's natural state, since it's winter it's almost always in a bun, during summer i'll rock the infamous CurlyNikki Twist and Curl

My hair/scalp has been pretty dry lately, so I moisturize the ends of my hair with Aubrey Organics Conditioner, I can't remember the specific name but I know it's formulated for dryness. I use tea tree oil on my scalp.

Protein treatment once a month (more during the summer) I mix V05 moisture milks, mayo, one egg, coconut and olive oil together in my hair, then let it sit for 30 minutes.

Deep condition every time before I straighten with a combo of Aubrey Organics, coconut and olive oil and leave it on for several hours.

Hope that helps!
WOW I was just wondering about you. I'm so glad that you made so much progress! You look to be 2.5 inches from BSB and you should hit that by summer time 2010 if you get the average growth rate.

Congratulations on being PAST APL!
Nice progress! Your hair is definitely fuller and looks very healthy. You'll reach all of your goals in no time. :-)
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