2004 Fall/Autumn Grow Out Challenge


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
This thread is feeding off of Boadicea's summer grow out challenge. /images/graemlins/beach.gif
I decided to start a FALL grow out challenge! /images/graemlins/think.gif

Post your current length, how much length you hope to accomplish by December 21, 2004, and the steps you will take to achieve that length.

For me...
Current length: 2" passed my shoulders or 20 inches (measured hairline to ends)
Length wanted: 2-3 more inches
Steps I will take: Wash, condition & rollerset every 2 weeks, no heat, & no trim

Whadabout YOU!?!? /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Girl.....you ain't said nothing but a word /images/graemlins/wink.gif

Current Length: 4-5inches (measured hairline to ends)
Length Wanted: 2-3 more inches
Plans: Wash only when needed (every 4-5 weeks? /images/graemlins/look.gif); heat only after wash; use atlien's oil concoction at least weekly (will attempt daily); no trim; no relaxer;


Plans (cont'd): Eat grits with lecithin and wheat germ daily! (Is this working? I have no idea yet)
I'm in! I'm in! /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif
Unfortunately, I don't really know my current measurements...best I can say is 2 and a half inches past collarbone in front, and still brastrap and on the way past it in the back.

Length wanted: 2-3 inches (ie, past brastrap in back, hair very near if not touching nipples in front, like my siggy pic or this:

What I'll be doing: being consistent with my routine. Surging, moisturizing, treatments, and I'm actually putting in braids tomorrow til the end of November. And whenever i can do a body/digestive system cleanse (hopefully soon), I will restart my vitamins- One a day, b-complex and cod liver oil/evening primrose.
Let's go hair /images/graemlins/poke.gif
I'm in!
Current length: 22 inches(measured hairline to ends)
Length wanted: 2-3 more inches
Steps I will take: Wash, condition every 3 days, no heat, & no trim.

count me in! I dont have as much time to dedicate to my hair since I started nursing school this fall, so Ill probably cut back from twice a week to once a week washing. I notice when I try to squeeze in a second wash Im in a rush and lose too much hair in the process by not taking my time, so Id be better off to give it one really good washing/conditioning than two half *** ones...lol.

Other than that, Im definitely on a budget so Ill only be using up what I have(products) for quite a while. Ill take the vitamins I have left(multi, biotin,b complex) and in a month or two Ill probably add in more supplements when I get some extra cash.

We have to wear our hair back at school anyway so theres my protective style, usually a french braid.

Dont know my length because I have too much new growth to measure.

Also I think I finally found the key to stretching relaxers, Aubrey GPB has been a miracle for the shedding I normally get at this point, so Im running with that! For one I dont have much of a choice because funds are low since I only work 20 hrs a week now! Im trying for 3 months and Im already at 2.5 so looks like Ill make it! Shoot, it might be longer than that before I can fork over the $55 for a relaxer(including tip).

my hair is almost stretching to armpit in the back now when I pull it in front, so my goal is still armpit by december. The front is shorter so its still only about shoulder length and my bangs are to my nose.

good luck girls!
I'm in, but my hair grows so slowly!
Current length: +1 inch past top of shoulder blades
Desired: 2 more inches if I am lucky!
Plan: Wash Sunday, co wash every other day during week (or on the days that I run) No heat (except for touch-up day) and I will try, try, try, to stay away from the scissors! I am so dying to cut off my V/U shape in the back!
Good luck everyone!!!!
I'm in too! My current length is 22.5 inches hairline to ends. I want to be bra strap or longer eventually, but I'll take an extra inch by Dec. 21. I hope to get my hads on some surge soon! I will continue with my routine of conditioner rinsing and wearing a banded ponytail, bun, french roll or a minimally manipulated wash and go. I also sleep on a satin pillow case or in a satin draw string bonnet. I will be looking at wigs and getting a phony pony as well as maybe some cornrows or braids.
Count me in!

Current length? 22 inches hairline to ends
December Goal? 25 inches (Bra Strap)
What will get me there? Continue using Surge and WGO, vits., DRINKING MORE WATER, protective styles (thinking about getting a wig for fall so I can leave it alone /images/graemlins/smile.gif), no heat/trims. I'm also rethinking my current wash/cond. regimen. I may try scaling back to washing just once/week to see how I like it.

Good luck everyone!
Curent length: In signature
December goal: 3 more inches!

To achieve my goal, I will:

<ul type="square">* take my vitamins daily (in signature)
* do daily co-washes (Suave Milk &amp; Honey with MSM, peppermint e.o., rosemary e.o., &amp; coconut oil)
* Surge (with added peppermint &amp; rosemary e.o.'s) in a.m. after co-wash
* Capilong in p.m. (currently on Phase I)
* weekly shampoos (Nexxus Therappe)
* weekly deep conditionings (Miss Keys 10 en 1 with heatcap)
* drink 2 Osmo Absolute Protein Creamy Vanilla shakes daily [/list]
Hopefully, my growth on top and in the back will catch up with the front since it seems to be growing faster. Maybe it's the extra Surge I put on my hairline. /images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Current length: about 3 inches
Length wanted: 2 more inches
Steps I will take: protective styles, weekly take down and wash, vitamins daily, up water intake, exercise, eat better
What's a realistic goal?

[/ QUOTE ]

Since hair approx. grows 1/2" a month and the fall season last for 3 months, 1.5" would be a realistic goal. HTH! /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Current length: 20 inches
Length wanted: 1-2" (21 inches by 11/30)
Steps I will take: follow my regular regimen and continue to take my vitamins.

I'm in. I'm a sucker for a challenge /images/graemlins/smile.gif.

Currently: 21.5" (hairline to tip)/18.5 (crown to tip)

Goal: + 2"... 23.5"/20.5"

Course of Action:
1) Touch-up &amp; Corrective Texturizer
2) Trim after touch-up &amp; as needed to ensure health (&amp; not just length)
3) Deep Condition once a Week (Nacidit Avocado/Humectress)
4) Reconstruct w/ProtoPak (Humectress &amp; Keraphix) twice per month &amp; Protein Treat (Emergencee) once per month
5)** Rollerset more if required to prevent tangles (may not be required if correcting texturizer works as planned). 50% of the time if problem persists.
6) Continue supplements (may switch to GNC Ultra, after next box of Vivi), will remain on Vit. E and may add Phyto Supplement as well.

Current: 7-12 inches
Goal: +2"

1. Take Vitamin (add Shen Min &amp; Biotin)

4. Wash &amp; Set once per week
5. Wash &amp; air dry w/ protective style rest of week
Current length: Middle of brastrap... I haven't measured in a long time.

Length wanted: One solid inch, I'm not aiming too high right now since I've been slacking off on exercise and vitamins, lol /images/graemlins/tongue.gif.

Steps I will take:No direct heat (I haven't had any hot irons or blowdryers applied to my hair in 6 months and it definitely seems to have helped in retaining more length), No trims, possibly no relaxers until next year (unless I decide to transition)
So we're talking about 2-3 months here. All I can hope for is another inch. I finally got a good look at my growth since about July, and I only have about an inch and a half of growth.

My hair grows really slowly. I'm hoping for another inch my December and 3 or 4 inches by this time next year.

I need to start taking vitamins again.
Current length: 5"

Length wanted: Another 1"

Steps I will take: Resume vitamin routine, increase water intake along with protective styling.
Currently: 1 inch away from brastrap
Goal: Get past the brastrap

Plans: moisturize more, exercise more, drink more water, and take vitamins regularly
Currently my hair almost grazes my shoulders

Plan: 1) Intense Vitamin Regime- multi, biotin, msm, multi mineral, l-cysteine, l-methioine, vitamin-c, more walnuts, borage oil
2) Eat more protein, increase workouts from 4x a week to 5x a week
3) Wash and condition once maybe twice a week with ors deep pentrating conditioner, ors mayo, keraphix, and emergencee treatment once a month
4)use hairobics or some essential oil mixture on scalp every other day
Hopefully I will gain 1-2 inches GROW HAIR GROW /images/graemlins/weird.gif
i'm in.
don't know length in inches
current length = end of neck in the back and nose length in the front

wanted = chin length all round.(i'm gonna cut the back so it's even all round. hate layers. so thats about 2-3 inches wanted by the end of the challenge

steps i will take to achieve length.
: strict vitamin and protein regime
: absolutly no heat.(gone for 3 months already)
Count me in too!

Current length= collarbone/shoulderlength.

Length wanted=
+1 inch at least

The plan=
Continue vitamin challenge, exercise regularly, and transition to texturized hair to hopefully retain sone length between touchups.
I'm in. I don't know my current length right now. I'll have to measure again, but I've got some serious shrinkage, because I have a lot of newgrowth.

I will wash/condition more frequently, no trim, no heat (except for special occassions), baggie method more often, 100mg of Iron twice a day (doctors orders not mine, but it seems to be helping my hair).

My goal as far as length is just for it to keep growing healthily and thick and .
Count me in /images/graemlins/smile.gif This will be my first Challenge. I will get back with my regimen and current length /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm in /images/graemlins/trampoline.gif

Current length: to my shoulders w/ layers
Length wanted: to my bra stap, down my back /images/graemlins/grin.gif
Steps I will take:

-Wash 2x a week
-wash &amp; deep condition w/ Kenra MC on Mondays
-wash &amp; use mild protein conditioner (keraphix)on Thurs.
-use Aphogee every 6 weeks
-try not to flat iron as much &amp; just roller set
-no trim for 6 months (March)
Count me in too. I plan to:

Do more protective styles and give up the rollerwrap/set for a while.

Up my intake of Biotin

Moisturize more using Surge Ultra Max.
Count me in! I have a new regimen. I'm am going to wash, mildly protein condition and deep condition once monthly. I am going to press my hair once monthly and everyday I am going to put kemi oyl on my ends and wrap my hair. This is what worked for me in high school. Let me see if it is still the magic potion!