2 Years Natural- Back Story Progress + Pics Pics Pics)


Well-Known Member
My last relaxer was in August 2012.2016-09-16 01.18.43.png By the end of that year my hair would be in a pitiful condition. I was reckless to the point that my hair became over processed, and heat damaged. I'd also given myself a few bald patches for good measure (from misuse of clip-ins). Just bad bad bad.

I transitioned for two years with
box braids, kinky twists and crochet braids,2016-09-16 08.48.00.png 2016-09-11 16.54.45.jpg cutting my straight ends little by little, but my patches remained smooth.

Summer 2014, I stumbled across the Maximum Hydration Method and the 'bald spot regimen' on BHM and Pinke Cube's website and got to reading. I was amazed and after ordering some things, I was ready to go.

In September 2014, I cut the rest straight ends,2016-09-16 01.22.42.jpg found LHCF and my journey began in ernest...


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I embarked on turning my hair around, reading ALL the threads and soaking up everything I could. Instasize_0916074451.jpg Consistently doing the 'Bald Spot' regimen paid off and I started to get some fuzz after 2-3 months.2016-09-15 08.03.40.jpg 2016-09-15 08.00.59.jpg

When little coils sprang up2016-09-13 13.46.37.jpg
...I was ecstatic. With MHM, my hair was transforming and I soon became far too excited to hide it and started wearing it out. I've been sharing with you ever since.

I learned (and am still learning) a lot. I became a henna lover. 2016-09-15 19.16.54.jpgI recognised that my hair didn't like certain ingredients; couldn't take cowashing, didn't like flaxseed gel, loved being watered regularly, and using too much baking soda and apple cider vinegar in my mixes (and using them far too regularly) had me in the grips of a setback before I realised what was happening. I scaled everything back. For the past year I've been keeping it fairly simple (wng with clay, oil and gel) and healthy long hair is in my sight (still have a ways to go)...


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What seems like a long time ago, I use to think pull checks were extra and I never even fathomed a length goal. 2016-09-15 19.49.21.jpg Now I'm here tugging on hair and pondering waistlength. I'm just claiming APL so we'll see if I can get there in a couple more years.

Thanks for making LHCF a gem, a real treasure trove of kind souls and information.
Beautiful head of hair and smile! Great work! You'll be at waist length in no time at all. :gorgeous:

I'm happy you were able to recover from the clip ins. What is the bald spot reggie?

Thank you @MileHighDiva I hope it won't take me too long. The Bald Spot recovery regimen is basically 24hr baggying/ GHE for long periods of time (not for everyone I know). I've taken this from the MHM website;

For people who’s hair is too short for gel. It is repeated every 2-3 weeks. This is an option of MHM for those who’s hair is either too short for gel, or you just don’t want to use gel, and most importantly if you have a bald spot you need to grow back. This can be from some form alopecia, to some product or style you may have used that caused your hair to thin. Either way, this regimen will start the process of growth in the bald spot, and the best part is the area should grow out of your scalp with max hydration if you are disciplined at this.

Brief Run through of the regimen:

Step 1. ACV (can also add cayenne pepper)
Step 2. Clay (with cayenne pepper and light stimulating oils added)
Step 3. Apply light oils to scalp(I Recommend a light oil mixed with stimulating antimicrobial oils)
Step 4. Deep condition with MHM approved conditioner for 2-3 weeks before repeating whole regimen.
Did you actually type, "...and healthy long hair is in my sight (still have a ways to go)..." ? Ahm...excuse me but ah, I would say that healthy, long hair is CURRENTLY and ALREADY on your lovely head!

I too love picture heavy, well-documented hair threads and updates. Thank you for posting and letting us be a part of your wonderful hair journey. @MileHighDiva has told no lies. You'll be at waist length, sooner than you realize. Bravo!
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You know that I just love your hair and your positive spirit :2inlove::2inlove:. You absolutely should claim APL!!!! :dance7::dance7:I'm so proud of your determination and dedication--I love that you figured out what worked for YOUR head and stuck to it. These kinds of posts are THE BEST!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!! :pepper::pepper:. I agree with the other ladies, you will be WL in no time! :yep: :yep:
Your hard work and dedication paid off big time! Great progress, beautiful hair and beautiful smile.

Thank you:blush:@lulu97

Congratulations on your progress! Simple is definitely serving you well. Your hair is very pretty! KUTGW! :)

Thanks @MzSwift. I'm too lazy for anything else:lol:

I'm so glad you were able to recover from your setbacks. Your hair did an amazing 180, just luscious and beautiful. Please do tell more about the bald spot regimen. Pretty lady with pretty natural hair :gorgeous:

@Mocha126 Thank you. I'm so glad things turned around. I'd wash my hair according to the MHM method, then I would apply rinse out conditioner or diluted KCKT and braid down in canerows or single braids. After this, I'd put on my plastic bag. If I was out and about I'd be under my headscarf or my wig. The longest stint I did was about 3 weeks before I taking down to claywash and do all over again. At times my head would be smelling like an old foot once I took that bag off, but I persevered.

Thank you for sharing your amazing progress!:congrats:

Great Documentation

I love reading about your progress. Your hair is beautiful and it's come such a long way. Keep doing whatever your doing because it's working.

Wonderful! Keep inspiring us all with your lovely hair. I love threads like these.

Thank you ladies! You all give my former PJ life with your product reviews and keep me in the know about what products I may want to try.
:congrats:@AbsyBlvd your hair looks great and you have made great progress.
Thanks @stephanie75miller :alcoholics:as have you. Love your hair and your progress.

Did you actually type, "...and healthy long hair is in my sight (still have a ways to go)..." ? Ahm...excuse me but ah, I would say that healthy, long hair is CURRENTLY and ALREADY on your lovely head!

I too love picture heavy, well-documented hair threads and updates. Thank you for posting and letting us be a part of your wonderful hair journey. @MileHighDiva has told no lies. You'll be at waist length, sooner than you realize. Bravo!

Thank you for the reminder @Chicoro:kiss:(I seem to need these:lol:). It's hard for me to see length on my own head. I think it's because of my many layers but I do recognise. I don't know if I'll be able to handle having your length but I will enjoy trying to get there:yep:.

ETA: it wouldn't be right if I didn't share. After all, it's because of all of you, and members no longer here, that I was able to read and soak up all of your documentations and pictures :lick:, and get my act together.
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You know that I just love your hair and your positive spirit :2inlove::2inlove:. You absolutely should claim APL!!!! :dance7::dance7:I'm so proud of your determination and dedication--I love that you figured out what worked for YOUR head and stuck to it. These kinds of posts are THE BEST!!! Keep up the GREAT work!!! :pepper::pepper:. I agree with the other ladies, you will be WL in no time! :yep: :yep:

@Janet' You know I feel the same about you. Thank you for your comments. It means a lot:grouphug2:
Lovely results!!

Looks like we both have similar textures and follow the same simplified MHM regimen (clay, oil, gel). I also noticed that baking soda, ACV and co-washes don't work for me either. I was thinking about incorporating the bald spot regimen but I'm wondering if I can do without the ACV? How long would you typically leave your braids in before doing the regimen again? And how long did you follow the bald spot regimen? Sorry so many questions!
It's ok @Baha_Ma nice to see someone with a similar regimen. I struggled to leave my braids for long. I wanted to remove shed hairs, and use wash day just to play in my hair lol. Typically, I would wear them (and keep the bag on) for two weeks before taking down and washing again.

I did the bald spot regimen consistently for about 5 or 6 months from September 2014 to Feb 2015 or March 2015, when I started wearing my hair out regularly. I still baggied often at night though.
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Yes, yes yes.......thank you OP for motivating me to keep on keeping on. I did the Baggie thing for a minute, and yes it has my hair smelling weird (not a scent I am accustom to) but I did see progress in a short period of time. I still do it from time to time maybe 2x per week but I see where I need to up this to a day and night custom to get the maximum benefits.

If you don't mind, could you share the name of the clay you are using to wash please and exactly how you are incorporating the oils with the clay to wash (wash regimen). My jaw literally dropped at the double pony pic, excellent progress and I encourage you to keep at it. I can't wait to see what your next progress updates will be like. Thanks again for sharing. @AbsyBlvd
Yes, yes yes.......thank you OP for motivating me to keep on keeping on. I did the Baggie thing for a minute, and yes it has my hair smelling weird (not a scent I am accustom to) but I did see progress in a short period of time. I still do it from time to time maybe 2x per week but I see where I need to up this to a day and night custom to get the maximum benefits.

If you don't mind, could you share the name of the clay you are using to wash please and exactly how you are incorporating the oils with the clay to wash (wash regimen). My jaw literally dropped at the double pony pic, excellent progress and I encourage you to keep at it. I can't wait to see what your next progress updates will be like. Thanks again for sharing. @AbsyBlvd

:lol:Happy to help. Thank you for the encouragement. I really enjoy your posts. I'm glad you also saw results with the baggying. For calcium bentonite, I use the Aztec brand. I use sodium bentonite I ordered from butters and bars (but this can be too clarifying for me) and rhassoul/ ghassoul (moisturising). I tend to mix the clay ratios depending on how my hair feels.

I took me a while to find a place for oils in my regimen. I do have a sulfur/ oil mix I made, using info from some threads here but I am never consistent when applying things to my scalp- it just doesn't need so much.

Oil (olive from the 'original' recipe) in the clay didn't really do anything for me and I reduced it slowly before removing it from my mix.

Now, after rinsing the clay thoroughly, I pour a light oil (grapseed/ jojoba/ wheatgerm/ safflower) into my palm and apply to my length. Then I'll dip my ends in sunflower oil. Usually, I'll let this steam a little while I shower. Then I lightly rinse and apply gel, root to tip.