2 inches in one month


New Member
I've heard that people are able to achieve these results, has anyone out there done this and how...and for how many months were you able to maintain the 2 inch per month growth?
does that mean high protein and no carb or low carbs, or just extra protein...also, what about amino acids, they build protein in the body - my beautician told me to get that from whole foods....
If it came strictly from a high protein diet, I'd be in have hair on he floor by now...that's not the secret for me. :nono:
amorette said:
I've heard that people are able to achieve these results, has anyone out there done this and how...and for how many months were you able to maintain the 2 inch per month growth?

Hey Amorette i was able to obtain that back to back for 2 months straight before i run out of everything. for me it was a combination of high protein diet, mtg, vitamins,msm and cowashes. I was applying the mtg daily with baggie method. i m hoping to get back the same results monthly:grin: as i reordered and started using my mtg on feb21 after stopping for 2-3months, i m currently taking the gueye s growth system i loooooooove their fast growth hair oil its the best detangler and my husband that has 3c hair and tangled hair its great to untangle everything and i love the peppermint smell. what i do morning i put gueye s oil and wgo and at night mtg daily, i also take usually 12,000mg msm, 4 gueyes vits (2 in the morning two at lunch)4 foti, 2 vitol great hair, 2 shen min,6 puritan pride biotin but in the past i was also taking Nature s bounty EPO 1500 and multivit and natures made super b complex. i also did take two designer whey protein shakes french vanilla and i run out and it made me gain weight also so i think everything the shakes , the high protein diet (eggs,almonds,chicken,boca patties, veggies,) the vits, the mtg and i was washing my hair every 3days no shampoo contributed to my getting 2" a month back to back it stopped when i run out of most of my supplements i just received everything and i m back on track to the tried and tested method i m stick to what works for me:grin:

Did u ever experienced sickness or an ill feeling from consuming all of that stuff??? :confused:
Poohbear said:

Did u ever experienced sickness or an ill feeling from consuming all of that stuff??? :confused:

Hey Poohbear actually the only sickness/ill feeling was when i tried organic eggs beurk i cant stomack more than 2 it made me nauseous but when i take all my vits and protein shakes, msm, biotin you will be surprised i have no sickness nothing i just lately been itching:grin: i can feel the work and it makes me not hungry. Now that i remember i also noticed that i cant take a higher dose of msm higher than 12 grams . if i tried i would notice a sharp pain in the abdomen that would be felt for a minute so i lowered back to 12,000mg my highest point. i cant wait to try the colonix i just purchased it yesterday to empty my colon so my vits can act better hehe. In fact i find i dont do a lot like in the morning i will have a protein shake with 2 scoops of designer whey 2 sweet n low and 1% or 2%milk and an organic apple. i looooooooove apples lately i eat this mostly every 2 seconds.

and before that i take my vits usually 2 gueye, 2 foti,2 vitol great hair, 6 biotin and when i remember to take it i take twinlab amino fuel in the morning. i never feel hungry at lunch i either eat a can of tuna with 5 baby carrots or two slices of bread with sliced turkey and cheese than apples and dinner some chicken with raw baby carrots or my favourite lunch or dinner, a boiled potato with sour cream , cheese and asparagus. the day before i boil like 10 potatoes and boil lightly asparagus and whenever i m hungry for lunch or dinner i cut a potato put low fat sour cream asparagus some cheddar cheese in microwave and voila fast and fill me up then eat more apples. at lunch i take 2 gueye and 2 foti and at night sometimes i take vits or no vits if i forgot to take them during the day. I never feel ill, i go to the bathroom a lot of time and guess what my urine is clear so it means my body is using everything i dont drink soda or juices just water i force myself and loads of apples and i sometimes take Salada white tea with grea tea blend. it is so powerful white tea is stronger than grean tea and one of the best antioxidants drinked by chinese royalty and emperors when i brew a cup i m almost all day in the bathroom (it s not a laxative) it just makes you go urinate a lot (sorry if i m graphic lol)

since jan1 when i weighed 170lb , i lost 11lbs i m 159lbs now and i m trying to lose 34lbs more. i think the colonix will help me be able to get more out of my vits. i dont exercise i m a couch potato. always seated lately and the vits and everything my diet gives me great energy. I m trying to now change and just drink purified water instead of tap water or spring water and go completely organic but its too expensive but i no diseases nothing and i feel younger too.:grin: i think its the veggies fruits and vits plus the fact that most of the stuff i use on my hair is free of carcinogens or bad stuffs i really cleaned my bathrooms and i m careful with what i buy i read all labels
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ekomba said:
i m currently taking the gueye s growth system i loooooooove their fast growth hair oil its the best detangler and my husband that has 3c hair and tangled hair its great to untangle everything and i love the peppermint smell.

i just started using this (i love the smell too!! :grin: )... i was hesitant though about using it along with mtg - so, if i read what you said correctly, there were no adverse effects from using those two products at the same time (one at night and one during the day)?
SqrpioQutie said:
i just started using this (i love the smell too!! :grin: )... i was hesitant though about using it along with mtg - so, if i read what you said correctly, there were no adverse effects from using those two products at the same time (one at night and one during the day)?

Yes Sqrpioqutie there was no adverse effects it actually made my mtg smell better for instance today i put both at the same time. i notice the gueye s oil is oilier than the mtg if you pass your hand its greasy but i looooooooooove the peppermint smell. i usually use one in the morning and the other one at night but for both i need to wear a plastic cap else my bed will have greasy spots a la soul glow:lachen: :grin: :lol:
I've dome this before just by taking amino acids, b-vitamins, low glycemic diet, and wearing braids and plastic cap method over a course of 4 months. I recently had the same growth spurt in Nov-dec 2005 when i added msm/silica and wore braids.
amorette said:
I've heard that people are able to achieve these results, has anyone out there done this and how...and for how many months were you able to maintain the 2 inch per month growth?

Woah, i think my head would be stressed with all that growth. it sounds great but i'm wary of taking so many supplents. i want long hair but i dont wanna rattle or jeopardise/shock my body. (dont take this the wrong way though peeps just stating what i think :D )
Candy_C said:
Woah, i think my head would be stressed with all that growth. it sounds great but i'm wary of taking so many supplents. i want long hair but i dont wanna rattle or jeopardise/shock my body. (dont take this the wrong way though peeps just stating what i think :D )

I agree with you though. 2 inches in a month seems a little unrealistic to me but more power to those that can keep it up.

1 inch to me is a lot and the only time I saw myself get even close to that was when I was using sulfur on my scalp every day, and that was just not fun.

Getting a good, healthy, thick 1/4 to 1/2 inch/month AND retaining as much as possible has been going well for me.

(don't take my statement the wrong way either super fast growth seekers. I think it is good to know all views on the subject ;) )
HoneyDew said:
I agree with you though. 2 inches in a month seems a little unrealistic to me but more power to those that can keep it up.

1 inch to me is a lot and the only time I saw myself get even close to that was when I was using sulfur on my scalp every day, and that was just not fun.

Getting a good, healthy, thick 1/4 to 1/2 inch/month AND retaining as much as possible has been going well for me.

(don't take my statement the wrong way either super fast growth seekers. I think it is good to know all views on the subject ;) )

catch us bein all hasty! bless our cotton socks lol
Imagine an additional 24" or two feet of hair growth in one year. That''s a LOT of hair growth although I believe anything is possible.
ekomba said:
Hey Poohbear actually the only sickness/ill feeling was when i tried organic eggs beurk i cant stomack more than 2 it made me nauseous but when i take all my vits and protein shakes, msm, biotin you will be surprised i have no sickness nothing i just lately been itching:grin: i can feel the work and it makes me not hungry. Now that i remember i also noticed that i cant take a higher dose of msm higher than 12 grams . if i tried i would notice a sharp pain in the abdomen that would be felt for a minute so i lowered back to 12,000mg my highest point. i cant wait to try the colonix i just purchased it yesterday to empty my colon so my vits can act better hehe. In fact i find i dont do a lot like in the morning i will have a protein shake with 2 scoops of designer whey 2 sweet n low and 1% or 2%milk and an organic apple. i looooooooove apples lately i eat this mostly every 2 seconds.

and before that i take my vits usually 2 gueye, 2 foti,2 vitol great hair, 6 biotin and when i remember to take it i take twinlab amino fuel in the morning. i never feel hungry at lunch i either eat a can of tuna with 5 baby carrots or two slices of bread with sliced turkey and cheese than apples and dinner some chicken with raw baby carrots or my favourite lunch or dinner, a boiled potato with sour cream , cheese and asparagus. the day before i boil like 10 potatoes and boil lightly asparagus and whenever i m hungry for lunch or dinner i cut a potato put low fat sour cream asparagus some cheddar cheese in microwave and voila fast and fill me up then eat more apples. at lunch i take 2 gueye and 2 foti and at night sometimes i take vits or no vits if i forgot to take them during the day. I never feel ill, i go to the bathroom a lot of time and guess what my urine is clear so it means my body is using everything i dont drink soda or juices just water i force myself and loads of apples and i sometimes take Salada white tea with grea tea blend. it is so powerful white tea is stronger than grean tea and one of the best antioxidants drinked by chinese royalty and emperors when i brew a cup i m almost all day in the bathroom (it s not a laxative) it just makes you go urinate a lot (sorry if i m graphic lol)

since jan1 when i weighed 170lb , i lost 11lbs i m 159lbs now and i m trying to lose 34lbs more. i think the colonix will help me be able to get more out of my vits. i dont exercise i m a couch potato. always seated lately and the vits and everything my diet gives me great energy. I m trying to now change and just drink purified water instead of tap water or spring water and go completely organic but its too expensive but i no diseases nothing and i feel younger too.:grin: i think its the veggies fruits and vits plus the fact that most of the stuff i use on my hair is free of carcinogens or bad stuffs i really cleaned my bathrooms and i m careful with what i buy i read all labels
wow! that's just amazing. keep up the good health, and I hope you reach your weight loss goals. ;)
SqrpioQutie said:
i just started using this (i love the smell too!! :grin: )... i was hesitant though about using it along with mtg - so, if i read what you said correctly, there were no adverse effects from using those two products at the same time (one at night and one during the day)?

SqrpioQutie, YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!!! :love:
what are these: mtg and cowashes, gueye s growth system -- im new to this so i dont know all the lingo -also can you tell me about the baggie system, and wow that seems alot of supplements you are taking..so if you dont mind, can you kinda break down what i should do in hair growth for dummies format...
your hair is gorgeous. What length did you start at and how long didi it take u to get to where you are?
can you break the process down for me in a hair growth for dummies format please? I dont know what half of those herbs and vitamins are: gueye s growth system, mtg,msm and cowashes, baggie method. Amorette
amorette said:
what are these: mtg and cowashes, gueye s growth system -- im new to this so i dont know all the lingo -also can you tell me about the baggie system, and wow that seems alot of supplements you are taking..so if you dont mind, can you kinda break down what i should do in hair growth for dummies format...

Hey Amorette, i understand i will try to break it down lol at hair growth for dummies:lol: Basically, your hair will grow regardless its always growing. Now the 2 key questions you want to consider and that will try to answer are 1) how to retain what you grow and 2) how to grow more/get faster growth than your regular monthly growth knowing that an average growth is 1/2 " per month and to some it can be less (mine is 1/4 per month without vits so its extremely slow). Now some depending on how you comfortable choose to just do 1) and retain the hair they grow the best way possible through low manipulation,leaving the hair alone, protective styles (buns, cornrows, braids), baggie method (using a plastic cap on your hair to preserve moisture and thining of ends , washing your hair with conditioner only (cowashes to keep moisture and soft hair cause the shampoo is made of drying agents) you can also cover the ends with oil,grease or vaseline) but the irony is by using the first method you not only keep what you grow all year long but you allow your hair not to break as it grows, thus showing your true length.

Now in addition to question 1), the way we live, the way we eat and the way we have been raised to care for our hair, our habits, everything determine the health of our hair if it s grows to its full capacity. You could be doing just step one and retaining what you grow and be content with your growth monthly or you could decide that you may be lacking some nutrients and decide to either supplements with consumption of vitamins, certain foods to accelerate your growth. thats question 2) For instance vitamins like msm and foti will extend your growth cycle instead of the hair falling off earlier and allow you to grow longer hair.

2) How do i get faster growth, if i dont have adequate alimentations and dont receive my supply of daily nutrients that my body needs?. You have to understand that any vitamins you take will first go to the body to fill its needs and what is not used will go to hair and nails and your health first shows in your nails.that s why when you feel a vit is not working and not showing in your hair maybe your needs are so high that everything went to the body. SO you have to make sure you get your daily needs met through a good multivit. the bargello regimen thus recommends for instance taking a multivitamin that satisfies your daily recommendations, then you can add a hair vitamin like GNC NOurishair or Gueye s vitamins or any hair vitamins to your liking as well as some aminos acids, (you can take a protein shake for that), evening primrose oil or flaxseed oil and biotin and msm. But if you had to pick 3 as a starter i would suggest a good multivit, any hair vit and biotin (msm if you make it 4 haha) this as far as vitamins for the inside.

Now you can also apply topical aids, the gueye s growth system is just a brand that developed a line of products that gives you faster growth with an hair growth oil, vitamins, conditionner, shea butter cream.... here s a link

now mtg Mane Tail Groom by Shapleys is also a topical product made for horses to grow their manes and treat their fungal problems, they are many other ways to accelerate your growth for instance adding oils like castor or Wild growth hair oil or gueye s or mtg to the baggy system, you can also adopt a high protein diet, conditioner washes.

In fact i find that combining 1) and 2) is a great way to encourage faster growth. The hair grows best when its left alone meaning low heat, low manipulation but it does not hurt to help it a lil bit :lol: :lachen: dont follow me i m a crazy woman and knows my body but just doing the basics taking the basic vitamins , incorporating a few oils or products here and there and developping a sound regimen that you can stick to and that is not too drastic for you is key to faster growth. i tried to break it as easy as i could hope it helps.
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amorette said:
Ekomba, also, how long is your hair now...where did you start at?

Hey Amorette, my hair is 8.5" the back grows faster. i started shaved bald head 7 months ago. I m natural 4b . my regular growth rate without vits is 1/4" mo. i started the first 2 months with just vits and hi protein diet and got 1"per mo. then incorporated mtg 2 months later and when i started using it straight daily with baggy method and my vits i jumped to 2" inch per month for the 2 months then i run out and did not use mtg for 2-3months ( :mad: i had too many meetings i could not go with a greasy smelly head:lol: ) and now since feb 21 i m back to the mtg. So i already made 8.5inch so far and my first anniversary one year will be in 4 months i m trying to maximize the growth.
Poohbear said:

SqrpioQutie, YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!!! :love:

awwwwwwwwwwww... thank you!!!!!! :kiss: :grin:

i bc'd last june (some early pics in my siggy) so in the back i think it was down to between maybe 1/4 - 1/2 an inch... i pulled a strand today and measured it and it was at 5 inches... talk about a happy camper!!!... hopefully i can keep that growth rate steady...
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amorette said:
you are a doll thanks so much. how long is your hair and what is your goal??

I want waistlength in a year and half or 2 so dec 2006 will mark one year and a half since my big chop and june 2007 will mark 2 years. i want to be waistlength before my 2nd anniversary so by june 2007 but by dec 2006 i will be happy with my length though but i m already happy my hair is supposed to only grow according to my genetics 3" a year (without all my extreme measure) that s why i say that what i m supposed to grow in 8years i will do that in 2. i mean the worse come the worse knowing that i will have at least accumulated 10inches in one year gives me hope to do the same feat in 06 and reach my goal hihihi:grin:
that is AWESOME and I want to do the same thing. My hair is shoulder length now - it grows between 1/2-3/4 inches per month currently...so i dont see why i cannot get it to grow 2 inches and be close to my waist by the end of the year as well -- it seems crazy, but i beleive in your results, and i think i can do the same thing - 3b/c hair type...what is mtg? do you think primrose or flaxseed is necessary when i have omega 3 AND 6 fish oils?