2 Inches In 4 Months Challenge (sep - Dec 2015)

Thank you! That made me smile this morning!

What is the main concerns the analysis revealed? I hope you don't mind sharing?
@shortdub78 Dry, some overmoisturized (causing dryness), diminished roots, breakage, some midshaft splits in my wack patch/problem area. I need more protein internally and externally for my hair. My hair is lacking a lot of protein since I am vegetarian. I'm drinking 4 shakes a day now instead of one.

I need to layer a light leave in with a cream, then seal with an oil. My hair is high porosity, but can get to normal with more protein she said. I also need to trim an inch now, then dust 1/4" every ten weeks for the next year.
I'm claiming it for you! Lol

Patience, Patience my dear Watson :lol:

Rushing the claim to SL just makes APL that much further away.

I don't want to claim it when its grazing. I want full SL in the back before I claim. Full SL will enable me to have multiple styles. Right now I'm pretty limited.

At least now I have a good picture to compare to in August.
Patience, Patience my dear Watson :lol:

Rushing the claim to SL just makes APL that much further away.

I don't want to claim it when its grazing. I want full SL in the back before I claim. Full SL will enable me to have multiple styles. Right now I'm pretty limited.

At least now I have a good picture to compare to in August.
Ok I will wait! Lol that is a really good pic!
I finally have a starting pic. I'm a bad host.
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Current Length: NL

Regimen: MHM
__I will do the modified MHM or water rinse every 3 days.
__I will do CLCT once a month or every other month.

What will you do to achieve your goal
__Will start drinking more green smoothies
__Will increase my exercise
__Will stay consistent with my water intake
__Will do scalp massages 3 to 4 times a week

5. Anything else you would like to share.
thats a great shot, youre almost there.
Ladies my blowout appt is tomorrow and I am so ready. I will shampoo my own hair: Con detangling, Nexxus Emergencee, Con detangling again, then Kerastase Chroma Riche and Keracare Humecto. They just have to rinse, roll and blow it.

May 12 and 13 are the beneficial lengthening days this month so I will trim 1/2 inch on Tuesday
I ended up trimming an inch (more in some areas). My hair looks fuller now and my ends feel great. My new starting point is 1.5 inches above Bsl. By the end of the challenge I want to at least have back what I trimmed off.
I'm keeping my hair tucked away and it is working out nicely. I definitely feel I will have more progress to show in August.

I will blow dry and do a light dusting in mid - June and will post pictures then. Until then I will just keep it simple.
OK I dropped the ball so let's see if I can get this thread restarted.

@PlainJane, @llan , @whosthatgurl , @HairPleezeGrow , remember to update your starting post with your starting pic so you have something to compare to.

These are the challengers I have. If you don't see your name let me know. Make sure you completed the 1st post.
I massaged my scalp last night with my mn mix. Today I'm going to a new salon for a blowout. I hope it stops raining...

I have been getting lots of exercise, drinking water and eating protein. I'm doing it for my whole body, but I'm sure it will boost my growth rate.
I haven't taken vits and been not eating too great. I stopped taking the vits until I get a hold of some facial nair! I don't have a beard or anything, but constantly plucking and waxing stray hairs isn't the business! Think I will just stick to One A Day! I have this color in my hair now, that that should be a good indicator I guess. I plan on touching up the roots though. But I will wait until I get a good inch or two to do it. I just did it last week, so I guess that will be my official start date! May 21, 2015! So sept 21st will make 4 months for me. I'm just growing my Mohawk out. I will still keep the sides tapered.
So, I got my hair done. Everything about the salon was luxurious. The décor, the shimmery smocks, the fancy equipment. I felt like I was at a hair spa. They do makeup, spray tans, hair, waxing etc. I got a shampoo, dc, blowdry and flatiron. I was in and out in an hour and 15 minutes. It was $75, but worth every dollar. I love how personable and knowledgeable my stylist was. She let me know about each product she used and she explained the technique so I can do it at home between visits. The only bad thing is that she thinks I need another trim. I just trimmed an inch 2 weeks ago :( The thought of losing even more length makes me sad. She just thinks that my ombre ends are really week. I think I'll pass on the trim until July, but in the meantime she can do biweekly protein treatments and I will start using the Kerastase Resistance leave ins.

I'm on my laptop, but when my phone has some juice I will try to post pics :)
Hey, I want in. I posted my end pic but didn't officially join new challenge.
@faithVA please add me.

Starting pic (required for official challengers)
2. Current Length~BSL

3. Regimen~Weekly wash, dc, m/s and bun. Or maintain twist out/ flat iron for a week or two. Cowashing in between washes.

4. What will you do to achieve your goal~Take daily vitamin, exercise twice weekly. I drink more than 64 oz of water daily so just stay on top of that. Massage my scalp longer during dc sessions.
5. Anything else you would like to share.~My ends need a trim, but I will wait on that.


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I finally have my act together to join the second challenge. I did well with the first one until my latest setback.

Current length - just shoulder length

Regimen - deep condition weekly, tea rinses, prepoo. Massage daily. Flat iron once every three months, no hair dryer. Continue low manipulation, and regular use of Kalpi-tone.

What I will do to achieve my goal - be patient, and stick to the program. Too often I am looking for the newest, latest, greatest. Continue to do tea rinses, massages

Anything to share - I just had another setback due to relaxer runoff. I decided that I am not the person who should be doing self relaxers. I now have a large section with just an inch of hair. Live and learn.
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apologies for going MIA...ended up out of commission. while i did get my 2 inches in round 1, i lost a great deal of density due to a medical condition. initially, i just thought the shedding was due to having more hair than i've been used to but i noticed that i was seeing more scalp. my hair has always been fine but with high density.

now that the underlying issue as been found, I'll be focusing on that versus length. but i will be poking my head in to cheer folks on! :)
Hey, I want in. I posted my end pic but didn't officially join new challenge.
@faithVA please add me.

Starting pic (required for official challengers)
2. Current Length~BSL

3. Regimen~Weekly wash, dc, m/s and bun. Or maintain twist out/ flat iron for a week or two. Cowashing in between washes.

4. What will you do to achieve your goal~Take daily vitamin, exercise twice weekly. I drink more than 64 oz of water daily so just stay on top of that. Massage my scalp longer during dc sessions.
5. Anything else you would like to share.~My ends need a trim, but I will wait on that.

Welcome back.

I finally have my act together to join the second challenge. I did well with the first one until my latest setback.

Current length - just shoulder length

Regimen - deep condition weekly, tea rinses, prepoo. Massage daily. Flat iron once every three months, no hair dryer. Continue low manipulation, and regular use of Kalpi-tone.

What I will do to achieve my goal - be patient, and stick to the program. Too often I am looking for the newest, latest, greatest. Continue to do tea rinses, massages

Anything to share - I just had another setback due to relaxer runoff. I decided that I am not the person who should be doing self relaxers. I now have a large section with just an inch of hair. Live and learn.

Sorry to hear about your setback. I don't think I could self relax either. I am way too slow and it would be hard to not overlap. Glad to have you back in the challenge.
apologies for going MIA...ended up out of commission. while i did get my 2 inches in round 1, i lost a great deal of density due to a medical condition. initially, i just thought the shedding was due to having more hair than i've been used to but i noticed that i was seeing more scalp. my hair has always been fine but with high density.

now that the underlying issue as been found, I'll be focusing on that versus length. but i will be poking my head in to cheer folks on! :)

:bighug: Glad they found the issue and you are on the rebound. Wishing you great health and thick hair.