2 inches in 4 months Challenge (March - June 2013)


Well-Known Member
This challenge works for anyone wanting more length whether you have a TWA or already WL.

If you would like to be an official challenger, complete the following.

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)
2. Regimen
3. Long and/or short term goals
4. Healthy hair journey history
***Be prepared to post your ending pic June 20th - June 30th 2013******

Like the other challenges, we're going to support and encourage one another, provide helpful suggestions, mourn setbacks and in general be supportive of one another in meeting our hair growth goals.

**Also this challenge starts officially March 1st and ends June 30, 2013***

***Anyone is welcome to join at anytime ***

Official Challengers

jesusislove1526 (3/1)
* Frisky*

Sideline Challengers (Awaiting pic or post)

alanaturelle (3/30)

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Holding My Spot

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)
FrontLengthMarch (188x640).jpg

RightLengthMarch (301x640).jpg
2. Regimen
Cowash every 4 days
Wash 1x a week
Wash with Hair One Olive Oil
Apply castor oil blend or AO Blue Chamomile to my scalp
DC with AO Blue Chamomile for 30 minutes under heat cap
Rinse, baggy for 15 minutes under heat cap
Seal with apricot oil, seal ends with unpetroleum jelly, apply leave-in/moisturizer
Mist with water/tea and apply styler: twist, flat twist or finger coil
Moisturize and Seal as needed during the week.
Reconstructor as needed
Color (demi-permanent) every 6 to 8 weeks

3. Long and/or short term goals
Short term I would like...
1. to get to point where I can cowash and style my hair in 30 to 45 minutes
2. To have enough length to wear 2 strand twists

Long-term: SL, APL then we will see.

I have lots of goals :lol:

4. Healthy hair journey history

It has definitely been a journey.
--Went natural in 2005 or 2006 and wore a twa until 2009.
--Did a bad henna and shaved my had Jan 2009
--Started letting my hair grow out March 2009
--Did the whole wig, extension, twa thing in 2009, 2010
--Didn't realize it at the time but suffered heat damage somewhere between Dec 2009 and Sep 2011. Struggled with dry, breaking shedding hair
--July 2012, had a hair analysis: Hair irreparably damaged.
--Aug 2012, cut hair to 2"
--Feb 2013... on the grow, think I am finally making progress.

I've joined this challenge 2 or 3 times and never have achieved 2". I don't think I've ever achieved 1". Hoping for a positive outcome this time around.
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1.Starting pic


Moisturise 1x a day with water + WGO + jojoba oil +Darcys Moisturising hair whip or whatever butter i can get my hands on. Sometimes i use Aubreys HSR as a cream. Using LOC method.

Wash 1x per week with CON argan oil shampoo. DC with AO HSR/GPB once a week (alternate). Use Peppermint oil in DC's. Wash hair in 8-10 braids.

1x mid week DC with ORS replenishing pak

Clarify as needed with ORS aloe shampoo

Taking one multi - vitamin + Iron supplement. Try to eat more protein

Short term /Long term goals

Short term goal - Full APL on back layers
Long term goal - Waist length


Been natural since 2008 with somewhat of a BC
Have struggled with retention. Only took haircare some-what seriously from summer 2010, going hard this year, getting a least six inches :yep:
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Place holder

I have a question, I think my hair grows more than half an inch a month. More like 3/4 - 1 inch. Can I still join?
Retention is my issue, and due to my heat usage I've often only retained 1/2 an inch or less.

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)

The reason for the 'thinner' ends is just because I have LOTS of layers, which I got cut many years ago because I couldn't deal with the density of my hair.

Pre poo sometimes with an oil of choice
Shampoo every time I wash with a non sulphate bed head shampoo
Condition with a random conditioner I have
Deep condition for 30 mins with macadamia oil deep repair mask
Blow dry hair straight ish
Flat iron
Between wash days i don't use heat, I hate my hair bone straight so I heatlessly curl my hair
Moisturise and seal using LOC method
I then don't wash my hair for 2-3 weeks (trailing this method) to cut down heat usage
Then wash and don't flat iron
Wash again a week later.
I bun 80% of the time
3. Waist length, I think I should be at waist length by the end of this
4. Healthy hair journey history

Relaxed my hair about 4 years ago, which was a disaster. Had to get weaves because of how awful my hair was. Two years later I had BSL hair with relaxed ends. Chopped them off and was grazing APL. I'm currently grazing MBL. Holding to be MBL when this starts maybe.
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[USER=364523 said:
MixedGirl[/USER];17902887]Place holder

I have a question, I think my hair grows more than half an inch a month. More like 3/4 - 1 inch. Can I still join?
Retention is my issue, and due to my heat usage I've often only retained 1/2 an inch or less.

You absolutely can join. I hope in the next 4 months you can retain. We would love to see 4" in 4 months. We want to ooh and aaah over your hair :yep: Maybe some of the ladies can give you retention tips.
You absolutely can join. I hope in the next 4 months you can retain. We would love to see 4" in 4 months. We want to ooh and aaah over your hair :yep: Maybe some of the ladies can give you retention tips.

Thanks, okay ill go for it!
I'm in!!

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers): picture taken feb 24, 2013
2. Regimen: protein pre poo, wash or rinse, moisturizing dc, once a week
3. Long and/or short term goals: Short term: APL by year end - Long term: As long as it will grow
4. Healthy hair journey history: started my hhj relaxed, grew my hair from chewed up nl to bsl, now im newly natural.

ETA: Measured hair March 1, 7 inches in back, front, and sides, 7.5 inches in crown


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I will join!!!! I did a challenge like this a few years back. I would love to get more than 2 inches but I won't complain. I will post a starting pic over the next week.
Im in! Holding my spot. Be back with details after class.


1. Starting pic I will add this Saturday after my wash.
2. Regimen: very simple. oil my scalp 2x a day, wear conrows. daily co-wash
3. Long and/or short term goals: Long term goal - as long as it will grow healthy. Short term goal is 9 inches and retain all of it. hence the conrows.
4. Healthy hair journey history; I began my hair journey after a TERRIBLE mishap with color that left my hair breaking so badly that I had to cut it all off. After months of tears & self image issues, I decided that I would not do a perm and wanted to know if I could grow WL curly hair. So I set out to do just that. I have not had a perm in 6 years. Im all natural now and loving my curls and waves. Im always surprised at the people that I meet that are surprised that my hair is not hard, but soft and manageable. :lol: I dont know where they are getting their info, but natural doesn't mean hard or unruly, it means chemical free. I think it would be uber cool & sexy to have TL natural wavy and/or curly hair. I have no idea what it will look like at that length. Cant wait to find out...

EDIT: I will be using my tattoo as my growth guide. So I will always measure according to the where my hair stops on Tweety.


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Starting pic (required for official challengers):
See below - never mind the back fat...working on that too:lol:
2. Regimen: moisturizing dc, 2-3 times per month in winter, summer once per week

3. Long and/or short term goals: Short term: grazing BSL by June
By years end FULL BSL –
Long term: Blunt and full BSL plus my hair should pass and cover my breasts

4. Healthy hair journey history: started my hhj in April 2006 with 2 inches of natural hair , and much prayer to the Holy Spirit , many lessons learned along the way , too many trims ,too many products. Learned heat can be my friend when used wisely
Most of all I learned to KISS:yep:


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If you would like to be an official challenger, complete the following.
1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)
2. Regimen
3. Long and/or short term goals
4. Heathy hair journey history

***Be prepared to post your ending pic June 20th - June 30th 2013******

1. To embarrassed to post a back shot w/ my back fat.


2. Silicone free regimen, no direct heat, baggy

3. Overall goal...***FULL*** APL

4. My siggy pic, 2006 to present in fotki (still adding pics)
1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)

This will give me a reason to go ahead and blow dry :)!

2. Regimen

Winter: (1x a week)
Prepoo w/ ceramide oil
Shampoo (clarify 1x a month)
Reconstructor (If necessary)
Moisturizing DC w/ Steam or Overnight/under the dryer for 10 minutes!
Apply Leave ins
Air Dry

Summer:(1x a week)
DC w/ steam on Dry Hair
Cleanse with cleansing condish
Apply Leave Ins
Air Dry Style

Cowash w/ cheapy condishes mixed with Olive oil, Coconut oil, Rice Bran Oil, Glycerin and Honey 2-3 times a week.

Chelate/Clarify with Elucence Moisture Acidifying Shampoo once a month. Or if needed use my Elasta QP Shampoo for Relaxed Hair to remove excess build up.

Moisturize and Seal once a day everyday using a modified LOC Method, LCOB/P (Liquid, Cream, Oil, Butter or Pomade)

Bun like a mad woman :grin:

3. Long and/or short term goals

Be BSL by April 30th. (STG)
Be MBL by September or October (LTG)

4. Heathy hair journey history

Heat Damage SETBACK!
Silicone Fiasco SETBACKKKK! (worst one yet)
Messy Ends SETBACK!

Whole lotta' setbbacks :ohwell:
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Have my hair in a puff, so harder to moisturize the ends. Sprayed it last night with Califia Moisturizing spray and added a little sunflower oil. Then I smoothed my edges up on all sides and tied a scarf around it. It was so easy to do my puff this morning. I will definitely repeat this.
1. Starting pic (required for official challengers) - will post later
2. Regimen -

In COWASH and Coffee/tea challenges...so cowash 2 times a week, dc once a week, tea rinse once a week. trim once a month. clarify and protein condo once a month. eta: cowashing has gone up to daily while I get my mane under control. Also attempting the CG method and switching to sulfate/cone free products

I am 2 months into my 6 mo stretch/transition mini goal so I plan on keeping my all of my hair moisturized and in p/s styles (buns, bantu knot outs). I will probably wear it out (flat ironed and down) during graduation but that will probably be it. Low to no heat unless my roots get really out of hand but I don't anticipate that atm.

eta: so far my roots have been manageable 3 months and 3 weeks into transition. I have about 1 1/2 - 1 3/4 inches of new hair on my head all around (aside from some problem areas).

3. Long and/or short term goals
6 month mini transition goal. If all goes well continuing to undetermined transition. Would like to get to SL/APL/BSB stretched before major BC ( so maybe a 18 month transition). Plan on trimming off relaxed ends once I get to APL. I think I grow 1/2-3/4 an inch every month so I think I will trim 1/4 an inch off every month

Keeping my hair in p/s styles for a majority of the time (except for special occasions).

4. Healthy hair journey history

I just started really recently. BC'ed in Feb of 12, just now grazing SL with relaxed ends. 2 months into a 6 mo transition. Upped my washing schedule and started learning about moisturizing conditioners vs protein and that my hair does NOT like protein often...it also might not like most conditioner ingredients either. ugh.. Also learned I have low porosity dense hair which helps my DC sessions a lot. Still a newbie but there is a lot to learn especially with transitioning :).

old eta: starting pic, took today on dry flat ironed and trimmed hair (about 1/4 of an inch all around) I guess I didnt trim well cause I still got some scragglers hhaha:lol:


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My hair isn't yet long enough to wear 2 strand twists and look decent. So I'm practicing putting in spring twists. Once I get the start down I will be installing them. In the meantime I will be wearing twist outs and complaing every night when I have to twist it back up :lol:
My Starting Pic: 2013-02-18_13.17.16-1.jpg

I'm Currently between line 9 and 10. I hope by the end of this challenge to be at line 13. *FINGERS CROSSED* LOL
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First day back to work and I thought I would be able to just put on my bonnet tonight. But my hair felt dry so moisturized and twisted. It wasn't too bad. It takes me 30 minutes to twist my hair up. If I keep doing this maybe I can reduce the time to 20 minutes. I can live with spending 30 minutes a night on my hair for the next few months. I know I will have some good days in there where I can skip a night.
This challenge works for anyone wanting more length whether you have a TWA or already WL.

If you would like to be an official challenger, complete the following.

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)
2. Regimen
3. Long and/or short term goals
4. Healthy hair journey history
***Be prepared to post your ending pic June 20th - June 30th 2013******

Like the other challenges, we're going to support and encourage one another, provide helpful suggestions, mourn setbacks and in general be supportive of one another in meeting our hair growth goals.

**Also this challenge starts officially March 1st and ends June 30, 2013***

***Anyone is welcome to join at anytime ***

I really enjoyed the last one and would love to join but I'm not doing a length check till March 30th. Can I join then?
[USER=346077 said:
alanaturelle[/USER];17937005]I really enjoyed the last one and would love to join but I'm not doing a length check till March 30th. Can I join then?

You can join now, if you like and just update your pic in March. I know I started this thread mid-quarter. I just couldn't wait :lol: I need 2" now.

You can join now or start at the end of March, either is fine with me.
If you would like to be an official challenger, complete the following.

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers): I will post on March 30th

2. Regimen: This year, I made some changes to my regimen. I stopped shampoo and only finger detangle. I tried cowash three times a week but it didn't workout really well with my hair. So the current regimen is do an ACV rinse, then deep condition, and condish. Moisturize, seal and cornrow. During the week, I wear a wig but when bored just put on a beanie. I also apply MN and moisturize every day.

3. Long and/or short term goals: my goal for 2013 is to reach APL by June 30th and BSL by December 31st. I think I can make APL by June but not really sure about BSL, :lachen:. My long term goal will be to be WL, :grin:

4. Healthy hair journey history: I went natural in 2007 because I was tired of relaxers but never really knew how to properly care for my hair. My hair was stuck at SL and to top it off, I was a daily heat abuser, :nono:. After weeks of stalking naturals heads on YT and here, I decided to do a second big chop in July 2010 to start fresh and couldn't be any happier with my hair now, :yep:

With this challenge, I'm hoping to achieve APL by June 30th which will be my birthday, :lick:

I'm in!

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers)
I will post on March 1st. [I posted on 2-27]

2. Regimen
-Cowash biweekly [Suave Naturals, White Rain, VO5 Moisture Milks]
-DC weekly
-cowash/clarify 1x per month-5 weeks with loose hair
-primarily in protective /low manipulation styles [braids, twists, buns]
- moisturize and seal with LCO [water, conditioner/Africa's Best Organics Olive Oil Cream, castor oil 3x per week
-moisturize and seal with water and castor oil 4x per week
-GHE overnight 5x per week
- I only use heat 2x per year [May-blowout, November or December-flat iron]

3. Long and/or short term goals
Short term- WL/WHIP stretched by 12/13
Mid term- HL stretched by 12/14
Long term- TBL stretched by 12/15

4. Healthy hair journey history
This is my second [and last] time with natural hair. After early years with my hair pressed, then a few years of adolescence with a Jherri curl which turned later in high school to perms, I first transitioned for a year and BC'd on 6/1/09. I was natural for about 7 months before I decided that I needed to be permed to get the job that I wanted. I permed my hair once and my hair turned out to be almost as curly as it was before I did it, so I immediately began to transition back to natural hair. Because my hair was still so curly, people didn't even realize that I was transitioning again. This time I transitioned for 14 months and 3 weeks, and BC'd on 5/22/11 with about 7 inches of hair. I find my hair to be somewhat of a challenge with product selections because I have low porosity and my hair only likes light protein, but after research I think I have figured it out pretty much.

ETA: My starting pictures


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I would love to get in on this one! i've been on hiatus for quite some time but i want to get back on my hair growth journey since i'm also on a fitness journey... i'm kickstarting that with insanity which is 60 days so this would be a perfect hair journey kickstarter to go along with it! yay

1. Starting pic (required for official challengers):
I'll blow dry a piece and take a picture tonight

2. Regimen:
I wear buns everyday(job requirement)
cowash every day w/Yes To Carrots condish
seal with EV coconut oil
wash 2-3 times a week w/Dr. Bronner's
DC with Mixed Chicks dc w/every wash
If i'm not working i'll wear a wng or a twistout using either kinky-curly or shea moisture in the pink jar (the curl cream not the clear gel stuff)
and to smooth my buns i use fote aloe vera gel
also i henna every couple months or so

3. Long and/or short term goals:
long term goal is to have a bsl or longer wash n go... i'm not too concerned about the straightened length because i rarely wear my hair straight

short term goal is to retain at least 1/2 inch every month and not get lazy on my hair routine

4. Healthy hair journey history
bc #1 2006 grew it to somewhere btw bsl and mbl then got all cray with hair color and styles and stayed there for a while
bc #2 jan 2011 color-free now i only henna for color and i'm back at bsl(i think we'll see when i post pics later)

Eta: my starting pic
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I was looking high and low for a hair challenge to participate in. This will be my first one, and I'm excited!

1. Current Hair Pic: (2/20/13)
Feb updated.jpg

2. Regimen:
WASH: 1x/Wk- L'Oreal EverSleek Sulfate Free Shampoo
CONDISH: Tre'Semme Naturals + Jojoba Oil
DC: Organix Macadamia Nut Mask
TEA RINSES: Nettle (Strength), Marshmallow Root (moisture)
STAPLE OILS: Jojoba, Argan, Coconut
PROTEIN: Aphogee 2min Reconstructor: 1x/month
TexLax: every 4 months
- Moisturize and seal ends 3-4x a week, oil scalp as needed.
- Protective Style majority of the time- Buns, French Twists, French Braids, Kinky Twists.
- No Direct Heat Ever. Use of dryer 1-2x a month

3. Hair Goals
Short Term- Healthy ends, thicken temple, grow out hair in crown area
Long Term- Waist Length!

4. Healthy Hair Journey
- August 2006: Last Relaxer (wasn't happy with condition of hair)
- July 2007: Big Chop ( down to 3 inches of hair)
- 2007-2010: Lots of braids, kinky twists, extensions. NOT a lot of caring for hair. Many setbacks along the way, no retention of length.
- 2010-2012: Starting paying attention to what my hair needed, started to slowly retain length.
- Feb 2013: After over 5 years natural, decided to TexLax. Best decision ever. Hair is currently about 12 inches. Ranges from SL (crown) to approaching BSL (back area)

Looking forward to gaining 2 inches (or more):yep:
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Hi! I would like to join...My regi is pretty simple... I wash once a week...i TRY to DC once a week...i moisturize with infusion..I henna every now and then and use ayurvedic powders also.

My long term goal is belly button length stretched hair. Short term goal is BSL..

Healthy hair journey? It's just beginning...i'm now just finding out what my hair really likes.


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