1st MSM Compliment


New Member
I got my first compliment today!! I was minding my own business and I noticed my aunt kept staring at me. so I was like what? she said I don't know if I'm crazy but I swear you hair texture changed. It seems like it's growing in stronger, softer, and you never had those little waves.
all I could do was smile because I never told her about the side effects of my msm. Now I know for a fact I'm not going crazy!!!!

all I know is that I will forever take msm but I'm switching to podwer to see if I get even better results!

has anyone else recieved compliments after using MSM?
Poor me, I received the total opposite effect from MSM, it made my new growth grow in with tighter curls, from a 3c/4a to 4b.
thanks everyone,
I'm almost done with this roll of film. I have close ups of my new hair texture. I only wish I made close ups of before I started msm, but I really didn't expect much of a difference. I'm making sure I save at least 2 pics for shots of my after relaxer pic which may be in the end of february or march 11..... if I last that long!
Britt said:
Poor me, I received the total opposite effect from MSM, it made my new growth grow in with tighter curls, from a 3c/4a to 4b.

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Britt said:
Poor me, I received the total opposite effect from MSM, it made my new growth grow in with tighter curls, from a 3c/4a to 4b.

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I'm so sorry to hear that britt! what brand did you take? when I took the walmart brand I had the same effect, my new growth was waaaaaaaaay harder then before, that I couldn't even pull a comb through it and had to relax immediately after 4 weeks!

so, maybe the brand had something to do with it.
I have been taking 3000mg of MSM daily (started at 10,000mg a day and gradually worked down). I must say that I have noticed the curl pattern of my natural hair (I am transitioning) change significantly, especially in the front. It is becoming straighter and straighter, with little curl pattern.

At first I thought it was the cocont milk/lime juice straightener, but when I forgot to apply this to my hair for 2 weeks, my new growth was still the same.

That MSM is some powerful stuff. I'm alsot tempted to try the powder.
Wow, I'm so happy to hear another success story.

I plan to buy some MSM before I leave for Europe next week. I figured if I start taking it then, and since I will have braids in most of the time while there, I should be able to see the difference for sure. I'm just glad I took some close ups of my hair for my album this month. I guess I can use those when I get back in June or July to see if there is a difference. I have seen the result from taking the biotin because my hair is so thick now it's almost annoying to have to pull it back when it's down. But, that could also be the result of letting so much of my natural hair grow in. I have been relaxing for so long I had truly forgotten how my natural hail looked or felt. I tried to grow it in 2 years ago but didn't last much more than 3 or 4 months, then I relaxed it. I am glad I decided to go ahead and wear braids...thank God I found the pretty beads to put on it to keep it presentable for work.

Well, I hope to have a success story to tell you all when I get back too...I would love for this mess of mine to soften up
offthechainliz said [ QUOTE ]
I'm so sorry to hear that britt! what brand did you take? when I took the walmart brand I had the same effect, my new growth was waaaaaaaaay harder then before, that I couldn't even pull a comb through it and had to relax immediately after 4 weeks!
so, maybe the brand had something to do with it.

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Im am truely perplexed. I was taking GNC MSM 1000 2x a day and for the first month my new growth was growing like weeds, I was sooo happy. Then a few months later, my new growth started coming in sooo tough and dry I had to perm at 10weeks
. It was even difficult for the hairdresser to get through my roots. Conditioner washes didnt help with the softening process, something it usually does. I was livid
. I took MSM with the hopes of enabling me to prolong the time between touch-ups. Liz, I have the Trimedica MSM 1000 capsules in my closet and I think I only took them for 3 weeks max, so I have a lot left. However, I am leery of taking it again b/c I don't want to have the same experience repeated. Maybe I will get up the guts to try the Trimedica brand again.
offthechainliz said:
I got my first compliment today!! I was minding my own business and I noticed my aunt kept staring at me. so I was like what? she said I don't know if I'm crazy but I swear you hair texture changed. It seems like it's growing in stronger, softer, and you never had those little waves.
all I could do was smile because I never told her about the side effects of my msm. Now I know for a fact I'm not going crazy!!!!

all I know is that I will forever take msm but I'm switching to podwer to see if I get even better results!

has anyone else recieved compliments after using MSM?

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hey, offdachain, how much and how long have you taken MSM before you started to see results (just a guesstimate)

I have 1000mg capsules.
I take 2 in the mornong and 2 a night, so that 4,000 mg a day
I was washing my hair one day and I realize I had no resistence whatsoever, when I tought about I was like wait a minute, I'm 4 weeks post
. that's when I knew for a fact it was working. currently I'm 7weeks post and my edges aren't looking all rough up like they would be by now.
My 3b friend as shock to hear I haven't relaxed yet because she know by week 6 I'm dying to relax.
ANaturalBrotha said:
i Have the trimedica brand of msm with vitamin C and i take 3 a day do i need to take more offthechainliz?

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how many mg's are you taking?
Well, let me start off by saying that I was always told that a dumb questions is only the one that doesn't get asked...so......what is MSM? I'm kinda' new. thx!
I just ordered powdered MSM from Puritan's Pride since they're having a great sale. I want it for both the joint benefits and hair benefits. I also bought some more Biotin, which my fiance is having great results with.

Model chick, MSM is a supplement used mainly for joint health, but one of it's great side effects is that it helps to soften your hair.

Methylsulfonylmethane abbreviated MSM increases the absorption of oxygen in human cells, bringing about balance, increased mental and physical energy, and overall wellbeing.
i was lookin up some info on msm and i saw on one website that you can test the quality of the msm you take by putting a caplet's contents into water...whatever floats to the top isn't msm: it's fillers. the more that stays at the bottom, the purer the msm.
OTCLIz, today I just bought the powdered MSM from Vitamin Shoppe. *Hopefully* I will get pleasant results from taking it
YuNg, I have really been lacking on my vit c intake. I usually forget to take my msm with vit c. (I usually always don't)
thanks for the reminder.

have you noticed any results yet?
I got my MSM from PP yesterday...today is my second day taking it; I love having a powder I can just mix in my juice...since it's better with vitamin C, I've been mixing with my orange pineapple juice!
I haven't notice any results major results. Just softer hair at the roots i would really love a texture change. Im praying and hoping.
NUYG, that's how I first noticed the change. then as my hair grew out I noticed little soft waves.
It's crazy but I almost feel like doing the big chop and stating off with this new soft, moisturize, super thick hair. I don't have the guts though, I just can't wait to slowly cut off all my dry ends!
Hopefully I will get the similar results to u since the MSM that I bought is pure this time. I tested it and it fell straight to the bottom. I will report back in about six weeks with results