19 personal growth challenge


Well-Known Member
Sorry, my thread meant to say: 19 day personal growth challenge

Ladies, I get a relaxer on March 1, 2008 in hopes to be BSL :pray:. I'm about 0.5"-1" away. I bumped up the "It's all about Fish" thread for motivation. I plan to increase my protein to about 70+ grams/day and drink loads and loads of water, eat more fruits and veggies and incorporate some protein shakes. I also been taking my vitamins religiously. Is there anything else that I am missing? Ladies, please I need your help, I'm so close and if I dont make it, I'm reallly gonna be disappointed :nono: :wallbash: . I dont wanna have to:pullhair: if I'm not there. So, here's my plan every day for 19 days:

water: 4-16.9 oz bottles ~ 67.6 oz
protein shake: 2-3/day ~ 32-48 g of protein
tuna: 1 can for dinner ~ 21 grams
fruits and veggies: 5+ per day
vitamins: 5mg Biotin, B-50 complex, multivitamin, 3mg MSM

I havent measured my hair since July 2007, so anything is gonna be a shocker, but I'm really hoping for BSL

Am I good?
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Sounds like a good plan. I am doing the same actually. I want to grow 6 inches this year.

Exercising regularly can give you a boost. And if you are eating more protein you would want to exercise or else you might gain weight. And make sure you're sleeping well too. Lack of sleep can slow down growth.

Scalp massages can help also. And remember moisturize daily, don't use heat, and DC weekly and you should be fine.
You shouldn't be disappointed if you don't make it! Your like right there, 0.5-1.0" away! If you don't make it, you'll only be like another month or two away. Sorry, just had to throw that in there. But i know exactly how you feel. I made APL last april and it took me 7months from SL to get there. So now in two months it will be a whole year trying to get to BSL. I'll try to follow my own advice as a go to the salon on saturday and do a length check afterwards. Good regimen, best of wishes!!! BSL in 2008, we're gonna make it!!!!
Aww, see that's my downfall for now. I work 2 jobs, trying to pay off these stupid school loans :wallbash: and I only get 6 hours of sleep per day

Sounds like a good plan. I am doing the same actually. I want to grow 6 inches this year.

Exercising regularly can give you a boost. And if you are eating more protein you would want to exercise or else you might gain weight. And make sure you're sleeping well too. Lack of sleep can slow down growth.

Scalp massages can help also. And remember moisturize daily, don't use heat, and DC weekly and you should be fine.
Thanks, that made me feel so much better :drunk:. Yes, we will make BSL this year :yep:.

You shouldn't be disappointed if you don't make it! Your like right there, 0.5-1.0" away! If you don't make it, you'll only be like another month or two away. Sorry, just had to throw that in there. But i know exactly how you feel. I made APL last april and it took me 7months from SL to get there. So now in two months it will be a whole year trying to get to BSL. I'll try to follow my own advice as a go to the salon on saturday and do a length check afterwards. Good regimen, best of wishes!!! BSL in 2008, we're gonna make it!!!!
Sounds like a good plan. I am doing the same actually. I want to grow 6 inches this year.

Exercising regularly can give you a boost. And if you are eating more protein you would want to exercise or else you might gain weight. And make sure you're sleeping well too. Lack of sleep can slow down growth.

Scalp massages can help also. And remember moisturize daily, don't use heat, and DC weekly and you should be fine.

ITA with Locabouthair. Your plans sounds very good to me. I need a boost too and will try some of the strategies you are using but add an Omega-3 supplement as well.
Well, I think you're on an excellent track. Is there any special reason you're not using any type of topical growth aid? I just got all the ingredients for the essential oil blend, and plan to do my own 3 month challenge with it. I've seen threads where one week on the MN gave someone fantastic growth, and if you can get 1 to 1.5 inches in 4 weeks, surely that would equal at the very least 0.5 inches in 19 days!! I hope so much that you reach your goal, and I'll be watching for your update!:grin:
I guess I could throw a growth aid in there. I have some BT. If so, I just might add it to my edges. I believe the BT made my hair shed a lil more than usual. Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, I will be definitely updating as I have a new digi cam, so there's no excuse.

Well, I think you're on an excellent track. Is there any special reason you're not using any type of topical growth aid? I just got all the ingredients for the essential oil blend, and plan to do my own 3 month challenge with it. I've seen threads where one week on the MN gave someone fantastic growth, and if you can get 1 to 1.5 inches in 4 weeks, surely that would equal at the very least 0.5 inches in 19 days!! I hope so much that you reach your goal, and I'll be watching for your update!:grin:
I know right!!! I wish these loan people would fall back some!!! your 19 day personal growth challenge sounds great! I might have to copy it....

Aww, see that's my downfall for now. I work 2 jobs, trying to pay off these stupid school loans :wallbash: and I only get 6 hours of sleep per day
If you need a buddy, I'm here. I want to grow back my damaged sides and I want to do everything you listed to encourage the maximum growth.