18 Month Progress Pics..Made MBL...then Chopped 6 inches!!


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

So I'm 18 months into my HHJ and my long term transition. Here's a quick run down..I started out at SL in June 09, and a few weeks into my HHJ decided to transition to natural. My plan was to transition for 3 years, then I figured if I cut of the remaining relaxed ends next June at 2 years post, I'll still be at a length I'm comfortable with.

Well...I decided to straighten it for Christmas, but after feeling how thin my relaxed ends felt in comparison to my natural hair, I got a big urge to cut those thin ends...and I did! I didn't cut it all over just my ends where I could feel the texture difference...and that was about 6 inches!! A few weeks ago, I had a sew in and chopped all my relaxed ends of the my leave out hair. :)

I was set to make my goal of WL by next May/June and hopefully grazing HL by next Dec. But I've proven to myself I can grow and retain, and am pretty much to the point where I want to continue on my HHJ and reach my goals with a head full of natural hair! So I may very well chop the rest of the relaxed ends this weekend. I think I'm between APL and BSL now. I kinda couldn't believe I cut it because I've been going hard core with PSing and retaining every inch since I've began my HHJ, but it's hair and it'll grow back! :)

First 3 pics are when I straightened it:
4th pic is after taking the Caruso rollers out:
5th pic after shaking hair and fluffing it after taking rollers out:

Oh btw....I should have asked in the title but did I make MBL before chopping?

More pics in next post...


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whatt??? ok wait a minute let me actually read the post before i pass out from that title :lachen:

ETA: your hair looks great...and you thought it through. keep up the great work :yep:
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Congrats I love it! You should definitely just cut off the rest of those relaxed ends...you've already come this far!
Wow really pretty hair. Did I understand your post correctly - you cut your own hair?
Thanks ladies!!

Congrats I love it! You should definitely just cut off the rest of those relaxed ends...you've already come this far!

Thanks Adaoba..and funny you should say that because I just did The BC!!!!!!! I still am kinda in shock that I did it!! I really feel great and no regrets at all. I will post texture shots later.

Wow really pretty hair. Did I understand your post correctly - you cut your own hair?

Thank you mzteaze, and yep I cut my own hair. Just did the BC so more pics to come!!! :)
Wow! It was just a few short months ago I was asking you about your PS, and here your hair has grown sooo much! Congrats, my friend; it's stunning! :grin: My hair wants to be like yours when it grows up! LOL
I'm sure your ends look so much better. I've never admired long hair that ends in a thin tail that looks like a rat's tail (Exhibit A), so this "setback" may actually be a blessing.

Sorry so pic heavy...here's one more!


OP is that scale in centimeters or inches? I'm thinking centimeters coz inches tend to be divided into 8 or 16 parts, while centimeters are divided into 10 parts like your ruler shows. Here's a comparison of both scales, inches to the right, centimeters to the left. Your scale looks more like the left-hand one:
