14 Months Progress...


Nappy and Happy
I haven't posted on LHCF for about 14 months now, because I had been really disappointed with the direction the board was going. And I was sure to let everyone know it! :lachen:

After my diva-licious flounce post, I just lurked on the board and tried to do my own thing.
But I am happy to see that during that time, the board really has gone back to the way I remembered it when I first joined :)

So here's my white flag, y'all.
No more drama from me. I promise :look:

I just wanted to share some pics of how my hair has progressed:

Before (August 2006)

After (November 2007)

The first pic shows a WNG from when I first started texturizing. I didn't know what the hell I was doing, really and it showed :ohwell:
The second was taken after I self-relaxed this past Saturday after stretching for 14 weeks.
Definitely a lot better!

Here's a couple of straight length comparison shots:

Before (September 2006)

After (October 2007)

The before pic is when I gave myself a chop. I cut my hair down to about 6 inches all around after a pretty bad setback and LOTS of frustration.

The after pic is of when I flat-ironed my hair out of curiosity. My hair ought to be longer, but I was still fighting a scissor addiction :(

But I'm a done with scissors, and I really do feel like I'm finally on my way to reaching my goals :grin:
Are you natural? Your hair texture is very pretty!

And you've come a long way! It's always good to see progress shots like this. Thanks for sharing. :drunk: