13 week stretch over! Thank goodness! [pics]

:congrats:Chile, 13 Weeks Ain't Bad at All. Very Good !:grin:

I also bet you've gained so much Inisight about your Hair, that Your Next Stretch will be easier, smoother and less stressful.

It seems you learn so much after each stretching session.

i.e. next time I should do this and not that, use this and not that, detangle this way and not that way.....it really gives Great Insight and a Better Perspective.:yep:
Girl you have gotten some excellent growth during your stretch congratulations ! I hope that my stretch is as successful as yours. By the way I think that we are hair twins because your new growth looks very similar to mine.:yep:

Thank you! Oooooo my first hair twin! haha. If you new growth is like mine that you know just how frustrating it can be dealing with it, I don't think I could handle my hair if I was natural. It gets to thick, coupled with the fact I'm extremely tender-headed = pain when trying to detangle
:congrats:Chile, 13 Weeks Ain't Bad at All. Very Good !:grin:

I also bet you've gained so much Inisight about your Hair, that Your Next Stretch will be easier, smoother and less stressful.

It seems you learn so much after each stretching session.

i.e. next time I should do this and not that, use this and not that, detangle this way and not that way.....it really gives Great Insight and a Better Perspective.:yep:

You're so right, my next stretch will be so much easier! I'm trying to make myself the promise I'm only going to make certain mistakes once because set backs upon set backs are soooo discouraging!
Pretty hair. You have great growth.

Maybe you should do an ETA to your OP and say that there is a 26 week difference in the photos because most of the posters so far think they are 13 weeks apart.

You have retained a great amount for 6 months. How many inches do you grow per month?[/QUOTE]

I'm honestly not sure! I've never measured... I should though, it would be nice to know and compare month to month and season by season
Looks good and healthy. Do you think it would help your stylist if you go there with your hair already detangled or you can't do that if you are getting a relaxer? I haven't had a chemical since the early 90's, so I'm lost.
Looks good and healthy. Do you think it would help your stylist if you go there with your hair already detangled or you can't do that if you are getting a relaxer? I haven't had a chemical since the early 90's, so I'm lost.
I wondered about that too
The length gain is very apparent and you can see that. The texture of your hair has become silkier throughout. It looks beautiful!
:spinning: ur my new 'hair'spiration...This is another example of a successful stretch that ended in spectacular results....patience is virtue! Congrats :thumbsup:
Looks good and healthy. Do you think it would help your stylist if you go there with your hair already detangled or you can't do that if you are getting a relaxer? I haven't had a chemical since the early 90's, so I'm lost.

No it's not something that can't be done. I had detangled my roots 2 days prior to getting my relaxer because I didn't want to place the whole burden on my stylist, but I'm EXTREMELY tendered-headed :cry3: and didn't have the guts to really get down into the roots... but my stylist really likes to make sure the scalp is really protected so she parts the hair and bases, so my hair had to be realllyyy detangled.
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This thread and your gorgeous fotos have about pushed me over the edge!

I am headed to see your stylist, come Tuesday, if I don't chicken out.

When you have a moment: (1) When she detangles BEFORE the relaxer, does she use a brush or wide tooth comb? Does she use any product to help detangle before the relaxer; and (2) When your hair is wet, before it is roller set, does she detangle in small sections with a comb or a brush?

AAO: You have been super fantastic in helping me make this stylist relaxer decision.

Thank you!

This thread and your gorgeous fotos have about pushed me over the edge!

I am headed to see your stylist, come Tuesday, if I don't chicken out.

When you have a moment: (1) When she detangles BEFORE the relaxer, does she use a brush or wide tooth comb? Does she use any product to help detangle before the relaxer; and (2) When your hair is wet, before it is roller set, does she detangle in small sections with a comb or a brush?

AAO: You have been super fantastic in helping me make this stylist relaxer decision.

Thank you!

1.) She sections the hair and detangles with a wide tooth comb. She used no product but went so slow and was careful that she didn't harm my hair... i was carefully listening for excessive "snap! snap!" of strands while she was detangling.

2.) While hair is wet she detangled in sections with a wide tooth comb, spraying a little detangling spray that helped the comb glide through my hair.

You're welcome :)
What's your length goal and how long will be your next stretch?

Goal as of right now is BSL, I have a feeling once I hit BSL, I may want longer, but once I hit BSL, I'll settle for whatever I know I'll be able to care for and keep healthy.

My next stretch will be 12 weeks, my next touch will be 1/29, 1/30. I experienced increase in shedding during week 13, so I feel like that's my hairs limit.
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