My 1 year stretch is over! (pics)

You've made some wonderful strides in maintaining yr length, but I am confused a bit and not trying to be a kill joy, but did'nt you say in March you contemplated stretching and in April 09 you started the stretch? Well actually April 2010 will be yr 12 month stretch! Whatever the case your hair is gorgeous and thick and very healthy looking as well.:yep:
Thanks for the compliments ycj1! Didn't mean to be confusing with that statement about contemplating stretching in April. Let me clear it up for ya! I was supposed to get my relaxer touch-up in April (I would stretch for 17 weeks then relax), but I didn't schedule my appointment like I always had in the past. I had been reading about ladies stretching long term, and I wanted to try it too. Since I was already 17 weeks post relaxer at this point, it wasn't too hard. I found that if I just took it one week at a time, I could extend my stretch for months!!!:drunk: I never went back to the salon for a re-touch the rest of the year. Since my last retouch was the first week in January, and it is now the third week in December; (12 months later) I would say my 1 year stretch is definitely over...!!!!!!!!!
Thanks again lovely ladies for showering me with all these compliments, and congrats !!! You all are making me feel really special to be a part of the LHCF fam!!!!!!
Girl, you better do the dangone thang!!! That's fabulous progress! If you can stretch for a year...maybe you're a prime candidate for transitioning...
you've got your hair down to a science. Way to go!
WoW!! That is some growth. Glad you stuck with it. Looks great!! I am working my way up to six months.

Thanks for the comments! You're doing great also, if you made it to the six month already. Hang in there, and just take one day at a time..