12 inches in 12 Months 2012!


Well-Known Member

YES that caught your attention :)

So yes this seems ambitious but what's wrong with ambition? It's good to aim high right? Tell yourself that you can and YOU WILL. Sub title for this can be "MAX GROWTH 2012" - have you ever wondered what the absolute maximum is your hair can grow in a year? Let's find out!

Check-In: December 31, 2011 / January 1, 2012

'Thank' this post to join :)

You may use all or some of these methods listed below:

1. Scalp massages everyday we should be moisturising everyday even with protective styling so take a few minutes to massage your scalp with your fingers!). If you have soreness, avoid that area of your head and/or do it more gentler like a relaxing gentle massage, these few minutes could be your relaxation and reflection or the day :) I suggest incorporating oils, e.g a carrier oil mixed with essential oil. My carrier oil will be castor oil and trying mixing it with different essential oils e.g peppermint.
2. Protective styles/low manipulation styles at at least 3 to 5 days out of the week.*
3. No heat until December 31, 2012.*Exceptions for special occasions and if so, stretch out your hair first using Curlformers and/or overnight twist outs/braid outs (detangle first), unravel in the morning, spritz with water spray, blow dry on low heat and always use lots of heat protection! Only use heat if you have to.
4. Mild exercise often, this could be in the form of a brisk walk daily. Alter/cater for your wants/needs.
5. Incorporate either the Green House Effect or baggying method nightly/weekly (depends on what styles you'll be having)
6. Only get trims when necessary and if so use the "search and destroy" method.
7. Moisturize and seal everyday.
8. Whenever you shampoo, co-wash and deep conditioning, pre-poo if you must (particularly coconut oil to reduce swelling), make sure to detangle (includes finger combing) and divide hair into sections when washing it.*
9. In the winter month when wearing hats, wear either a silk bonnet underneath the hat OR have silk lining in the hat to protect hair.
10. Sleep with a silk or satin scarf every night or a silk pillowcase and/or both!
11. Drink lots of water I can assure you that if it wasn't for water, my hair wouldn't have grown to the length it is now. Drink it anyways for your health. Water allows the nutrients to circulate throughout your body.
12. Eat a healthy and BALANCED diet. Make sure to try and incorporate many fruits and vegetables a day. Some foods that really promote hair growth: fish (omega 3 fatty acids), eggs (omega three fatty acids), oranges (full of vitamin c), nuts (particularly almonds which strengthen hair and produces a shine), carrots (full of vitamin A and makes hair shiny), broccoli (calcium), spinach, bananas (full of biotin), meat/fish (protein), etc. As for vegetables, even if you don't like them now, your taste buds will adapt to the tastes and you may start to love them!
13. Take a daily multi-vitamin.
14. Use a growth aid. It can be anything from, e.g CastorOil/JBCO etc *- the list is endless.
15. Reduce stress. Don't worry, be happy! Yoga, meditation, relaxing, simply reduce it because it can slow down hair growth. SLEEP. SMILE. BREATHE :) - scalp massages in #1 can help!
16. If you are relaxed/texlaxed/transitioning, try your best to stretch your relaxers to as long as you feel is reasonable. Simply try to keep your hair in the best shape possible.
17. Every day, say a positive affirmation about yourself to motivate yourself. If you believe, YOU ARE.
18. Every two months (1st of that month) do a length check to see how you are coming along.*
19. Every month simply post on the wall on how you're doing, how much growth you have had etc
20. (20 for 2012!) Last but not least, we are a community, come back to this post as often as possible (I will be checking/posting EVERY day!) to offer/seek support, post any new tips/finds and positive motivational comments (I shall be doing this!).


December 31, 2011/ January 1, 2012:

Current Length:
Starting Pic: (optional if you don't want to post online, but make sure you take one for your own sake)

I didn't ask for a regimen as I'm hoping you'll be doing most of the above, otherwise please feel free to post your regimen or even better, put it in your signature.

February 1st 2012: Next check-in.

April 1st 2012: Picture check-in.

December 31, 2012:*
Final comparison and update. Challenge closed but we can do another one in 2013 and 2014 and 2015! We'll be floor length by then, the sky's the limit, well in this case the floor,*one step at a time haha :)

I've come so far since I started my hair journey age 15, from balding to MBL/WL (I'm 18 now) and I promise you, you can do it! I believe in YOU :) I will be posting on my hair journey soon so look out for that! You guys motivate me so much to the extent that I will be doing a blogpost everyday starting on 1st January 2012. I would absolutely LOVE to help you with anything.*

Follow me, ask questions and I'll answer straight away :)

Hmhg (happy max hair growth) LOL :) x


Current length: MBL
Goal: FULL HL, leaning towards tailbone (stretched!)
Starting Pic:
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I fellow UK lady :wave:
I'm in. This is my year for length retention (yes, i'm saying it out loud as i need to put a little pressure on myself). I have finally figured out what my hair likes and dislikes so now is the time to get some length. I have a friend in real life that wants to lose weight so we have decided to be in 'healthy compeition' with each other and see what we acheive over the next coming months. I know i can have long hair!

I have already.....
Cut out all heat, use a Castor Oil mix on my scalp every day and seal with it, incorporated regular dusting and without realising i am protective styling about 6 days a week (laziness and i have a growing collection of lovely berets that i wear in the office with a braid-out fringe. I also have upped my wash days from once every 2 weeks to twice a week. Increasing moisture products as i had been overloading my hair with protein and didn't realise - hair was breaking all over the place :nono:.
I know i need to.......
Take vitamins and drink more water esp as i'm on acne medication with is very drying to the skin.

Current Length: (nape) approx 7 inches - i'm no good with measuring my hair!
Goal Length: 11 inches (I'm 5'11" have have long everything and that brings me to just below APL)
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Hey, fellow uk lady here:grin:, I am in!!!!!!!!!! will be back with reggie! so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
I fellow UK lady :wave:
I'm in. This is my year for length retention (yes, i'm saying it out loud as i need to put a little pressure on myself). I have finally figured out what my hair likes and dislikes so now is the time to get some length. I have a friend in real life that wants to lose weight so we have decided to be in 'healthy compeition' with each other and see what we acheive over the next coming months. I know i can have long hair!

I have already.....
Cut out all heat, use a Castor Oil mix on my scalp every day and seal with it, incorporated regular dusting and without realising i am protective styling about 6 days a week (laziness and i have a growing collection of lovely berets that i wear in the office with a braid-out fringe. I also have upped my wash days from once every 2 weeks to twice a week. Increasing moisture products as i had been overloading my hair with protein and didn't realise - hair was breaking all over the place :nono:.
I know i need to.......
Take vitamins and drink more water esp as i'm on acne medication with is very drying to the skin.

Current Length: (nape) approx 7 inches - i'm no good with measuring my hair!
Goal Length: 11 inches (I'm 5'11" have have long everything and that brings me to just below APL)
Starting pic: I'm going to wear the same vest for length checks, right now it touches the top of the vest.

My fellow UK natural! Aww that's amazing that you know what you have to do :) your regimen sounds really good. As for your skin, have you considered going natural with your products? I've got mild eczema so I'm considering this. I'll be researching and updating on my blog http://bootyfurl.blogspot.com :)

Btw I love your starting pic!

Hmhg <3
My fellow UK natural! Aww that's amazing that you know what you have to do :) your regimen sounds really good. As for your skin, have you considered going natural with your products? I've got mild eczema so I'm considering this. I'll be researching and updating on my blog http://bootyfurl.blogspot.com :)

Btw I love your starting pic!

Hmhg <3

Aw thanks - i thought the pic was a rubbish.
I have a long term prob with acne that is both hormonal and 'proper' acne. Medication has to be done short term to stop looking looking like a spotty teenager. Without hijaking the thread i now only remove my make-up with Olive Oil and a hot cloth and use a sulphur based saop to wash and this is great. I'll check out your blog.

Back to the topic - Inspiired i think you have caught all the UK ladies early on line :lachen:.
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Aw thanks - i thought the pic was a rubbish.
I have a long term prob with acne that is both hormonal and 'proper' acne. Medication has to be done short term to stop looking looking like a spotty teenager. Without hijaking the thread i now only remove my make-up with Olive Oil and a hot cloth and use a sulphur based saop to wash and this is great. I'll check out your blog.

Back to the topic - Inspiired i think you have caught all the UK ladies early on line :lachen:.

I love it, it looks professional!
Niceee you're using olive oil! :)

Iknowright, UK ladies stand up! haha.

Hmhg <3
Btw guys, I'm 4A natural, I'll be doing my sig soon.
See an old pic (late 2009, early 2010) of a twist out on my hair :)
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I was on board til i saw the words 'no heat' - my poor hair wouldn't be able to survive :nono:

I'll be cheering you all on from the sidelines though!!!!:weird:
I was on board til i saw the words 'no heat' - my poor hair wouldn't be able to survive :nono:

I'll be cheering you all on from the sidelines though!!!!:weird:

I said "You may use all or some of these methods listed below" - you can pick and choose :)

Hmhg <3
You know what, I might as well join, nothing wrong with shooting for the stars!!
My screen name is Skysurfer..I should be aiming for the sky anyways!!
Can I be added pretty please? :lol:
Remember all this is also sub-titled MAX HAIR GROWTH 2012! Set your mind for 12 inches (if you believe, you will) but also identify your max growth! :)
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You know what, I might as well join, nothing wrong with shooting for the stars!!
My screen name is Skysurfer..I should be aiming for the sky anyways!!
Can I be added pretty please? :lol:

Exactly & there's nothing to loose Just 'thank, my first post, it's easier to track that way.
I was on your blog, how many years of med school have you done?
wow, has anyone EVER achieved 1 inch a month? (excluding all pregnant ladies! hehe)

if it's even achievable, I think all of LHCF would be in this thread. u know anyone on here whose achieved an inch per month?
wow, has anyone EVER achieved 1 inch a month? (excluding all pregnant ladies! hehe)

if it's even achievable, I think all of LHCF would be in this thread. u know anyone on here whose achieved an inch per month?

I didn't see any pics so I don't know how accurate their testimony is, but some ladies who posted in the Nioxin thread said they were getting 2 inches a month