11 month old hair snatched out

I am soooo sorry this happened to your daughter!


Not only were they negligent, but your daughter has been harmed both physically AND emotionally. Please dont feel bad for asking for the full amount, they need to be punished for such negligent behavior. :nono:
Please take her to the emergency room ASAP to been seen and file a police report. I wish you and your baby the best!
Yes PLEASE do that! Start a paper trail. They are gonna want to see that you got her immediate attention. They will say it must not have been to severe if you didnt take her to the emergency room. It will SEVERELY damage your case if you dont do that. PLEASE take here ASAP!! TODAY!
My childs daycare let her crawl under a crib get her hair stuck in the wiring under the crib and it pulled an entire corn row out by the roots.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I have an dermatologist on the 27th.
1. Has anyone ever seen damage like this before?
2. Do you think it will grow back?
3. Do you all think this was severe?

Im gonna sue the hell out of them. But because its military I have to go through them. They asked me to put a dollar amount on my claim. Hair to us is priceless. How in the :whyme:do I put a dollar amount on it.
It may not be that big of a deal to them but it is to me.

4. What would you say.

To top it off they lied about it until one of the workers found the hair and tried to say we broght her in like that.

BTW, I wouldn't wait till the 27th. That's too far out. I'd take her to the emergency room and tell them it's a personal injury issue. They'll give you some forms to fill out.
I am soooo sorry to hear about this. That truly hurts my heart that this had to happen to a child so young. You need to take legal action ASAP. Hopefully your daughters hair will grow back. I can't believe they had the nerve to lie about it.
It did happen at the CDC. I took her to see her doctor on base the next day. He gave me a refferal to see the dermatologist. who dosent have a opening until the 27th. They actually found the hair lodged inside the crib 2 days later. Still conrowed and intack. I took all kinds of pictures.
My heart goes out to you and your baby. This is so awful. Those pictures are heartbreaking. She may not have cried if happend very fast. Sometimes the trauma can deaden the senses of that area, especially since her hair came out from the scalp. Those nerve endings may have gone in shock. I had a ser She may begin to feel pain over the next couple of days. She definately needs to go to the dermatologist as soon as possible.

I would consider using some type of ointment to the scalp. Hopefully the trauma to the scalp won't cause the skin around the scalp to come back thicker.

I have adult hair but one time a stylist put tracks in my hair and when she took them out she took out my hair along with the tracks(2 tracks). My scalp was sore for a couple of weeks afterwards. It eventually did grow back.

When it starts to come back I would just give special attention to that area.
I am sooooo sorry to hear this:sad:...if that were my baby I would be mad mad mad!! I hope all works out for you and your baby with this situation. I hope that she is okay... I too would be worried about her scalp...but with her being so young.. her scalp may fully recover and produce hair cells again...if not already now. Baby's cells regenerate quickly unlike adults!
Wishing you all the best.
This is so awful!!! I hope your baby is ok and i would def recommend some type of antibiotic creme or something for the scalp area. I did read that as long as the hair follicle wasnt killed, it will grow back, regardless of it being pulled from the root. I pray you and your daughter get the compensation needed if you sue because thats awful and screams of negligence on the part of the daycare
oh dear God...........

the hell with the derm, i'd take her to the emergency room, have a doc look at her and start the papertrail properly.

so so sorry.

I agree start the papertrail and find out exactly what happened. I am having a hard time believing it was ripped out. They can do a chemocal test and see if something was applied to her hair, was cut off, etc.
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It did happen at the CDC. I took her to see her doctor on base the next day. He gave me a refferal to see the dermatologist. who dosent have a opening until the 27th. They actually found the hair lodged inside the crib 2 days later. Still conrowed and intack. I took all kinds of pictures.
The hair was still there 2 DAYS LATER?!?!? :nono: Well that goes to show they just dont give a damn. I would have at least looked under the crib to see if the hair was there first thing if I were them! Those are some retards that work at that place!

My heart goes out to you and the little one especially.
My childs daycare let her crawl under a crib get her hair stuck in the wiring under the crib and it pulled an entire corn row out by the roots.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I have an dermatologist on the 27th.
1. Has anyone ever seen damage like this before?
2. Do you think it will grow back?
3. Do you all think this was severe?

Im gonna sue the hell out of them. But because its military I have to go through them. They asked me to put a dollar amount on my claim. Hair to us is priceless. How in the :whyme:do I put a dollar amount on it.
It may not be that big of a deal to them but it is to me.

4. What would you say.

To top it off they lied about it until one of the workers found the hair and tried to say we broght her in like that.

Definitely negligence!!! How the heck did they allow her to crawl under a crib??? They should be responsible enough to watch each and every move your child makes. And there's no excuse - if they feel like they can't watch each and every child's move then they shoudn't be in the day care business!!! See if you can get in touch with one a lawyer that offers free consultations - they'll let you know whether or not you have a claim and what kind of dollar amount is reasonable for the unreasonable they have done!!!
OMG! You better take them down through there price wise. This is ridiculous. The outcome could have been worse and your poor baby could have been in even more danger with their negligence. I hope all is good, and you're definitely doing the right thing. Best Wishes.
Your poor daughter. The entire situation screams negligence. Good luck on your lawsuit as well as nursing your daughters scalp.
My childs daycare let her crawl under a crib get her hair stuck in the wiring under the crib and it pulled an entire corn row out by the roots.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

I have an dermatologist on the 27th.
1. Has anyone ever seen damage like this before?
2. Do you think it will grow back?
3. Do you all think this was severe?

Im gonna sue the hell out of them. But because its military I have to go through them. They asked me to put a dollar amount on my claim. Hair to us is priceless. How in the :whyme:do I put a dollar amount on it.
It may not be that big of a deal to them but it is to me.

4. What would you say.

To top it off they lied about it until one of the workers found the hair and tried to say we broght her in like that.

Wow I am sorry for what happened to your baby. Good luck with your case, You know how we have to hurry and wait for stuff to get done. Army here.
I took her out the same day. I had every agency fro child advocacy to security forces to safety swirling around that place for 3 days. It was negligent any way it goes. Im suing because not only do I not like the way the situation was handled given the fact that they lied but It was negligent. They have a cap of 200,000 on the amount they can be sued for. And that is even if she had died. I know the base is going to settle with me. I want to reallyyyyyyyyyyy make them hurt. I just dont want to look like a damn fool asking for the whole thing. However she could me self conscios when she gets older and a whole host of other problems what would you guys say?

Oh they are going down, being a military brat, in the military and now a spouse who worked as admin. for the Hourly CDC in Hawaii, I know they are going down. You can sue the individuals providers in the room also, not the the CDC itself. Make sure they never be able to work in child care again. The stuff I had to go through to work in the front office, plus taking the same classes as the teachers, just incase they needed backup. I am so glad I do not do that anymore. You have to watch the infants carefully, my daughters teachers in the room that she was in were great.
So very sorry this happened to your little one. I don't have kids but I'm sitting here so pissed off and upset that they let this happen. Please Please Please go to the ER to get those personal injury forms in motion. It really will help your case in the long run. You and especially your baby are in my prayers.
How are they gonna try and say she came in there like that, that is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It breaks my heart to imagine the kind of pain she was in. That is just terrible are'nt they suppose to have the area under cribs blocked off so children can't crawl underneath!
I'm cringing thinking about the pain she must have felt. There's no way she didn't cry. :(

I've never seen such before, and I'm really hoping her hair grows back properly (too bad you couldn't get an earlier appt with the dermatologist).

Their shameless cover up attempt is foul. They know they don't have a leg to stand on. Whoever slacked off on the job needs to be fired, and the daycare is responsible for negligence.

I'm sitting here gasping.....I'm so sorry that happened to the baby!
I know she had to have experienced pain and then they wanted to cover it up.... Mutherf*(&)&*)&&*((((()&

Get them forms filled out, get all the photos taken....
a price needs to be paid for her suffering...
First, how is your babay doing? I hope all is well and will get well. Okay hopefully this will help. When I was younger I was at a daycare myself and was playing on the play ground. My hair had gotten tangle up in somethin i was crawling around in. i can't remember what it was but anyway my hair was pulled out from the root on both sides of my head. There was blood and my hair, more like my edges were gone. I just remeber my mom just messaging the areas for a long time and not appling pressure and chemicals to the areas. matter of fact I didn't get a relaxer until I was 13 and this happend to me when I was five. My hair is back. if u look at it now u couldn't tell that this happend to me. my parents like to tell that story all the time when people compliment me on my hair. So, since she is very young and still has time to grow and develop, I think it will grow back. I will ask my mom if there was anything else she did when she gets home. keep your head up, it will get better. all of us here at lhcf will keep u and your daughter in our prayers.:yep:
I'm so sorry that this happened to your daughter.:sad:

I remember a little girl at a school I used to teach at who had the same thing happen to her. Only it was a little boy who snatched her hair and the whole cornrow came out by the root!:nono: Needless to say, her mother was very upset and had to have a meeting with the boy's parents. She ended up withdrawing her daughter from the school.
I'm so sorry this happened to your baby. I so wish I could pick her up and give her a snuggle. It sure is hard to put a price on our hair plus pain and suffering. I really think her hair will grow back with your TLC. Keep us posted.
My heart just dropped! I am so sorry for your poor daughter! That had to be so painful for her and I know you felt like cry when you saw it! I hope everything works out for her and you! :sad::sad::sad:
My heart just dropped! I am so sorry for your poor daughter! That had to be so painful for her and I know you felt like cry when you saw it! I hope everything works out for her and you! :sad::sad::sad:
i am sorry that she had too suffer from this pain...but it will grow back, just pray over it everyday and speak over ur baby's hair...as far as the amount you should sue for u should sue for pain and suffering/neglect and the cost of hair care and products for atleast five years...
The poor baby! And she probably didn't cry when she yanked it out because it happened too fast. The same thing happened to me when i was sportin Patra braids (yrs. ago). I was filing some documents into the file drawer, closed it and quickly lifted my head up. Well...I felt my braid give a really hard yank and I saw my braid dangling on the closed file drawer. I looked at it for a second thinking " I know I didn't do some dumb shyt like closed the drawer on my damn braid!" But lo and behold I did and the gigantic bald patch in the front was not lying to me. Sooo I basically covered that spot with the surrounding braids, put carrot oil, beeswax and olive oil and massaged my patch 3 x per day for 15 minutes. I started to see some fuzz growing back in about 2 weeks and once the fuzz started, I braided (lightly) that lil bit of fuzz, put the above mentioned ointments and continued to massage. By the end of the month, it filled in and by the time I took the braids out (believe it or not) that huge patch actually caught up w/ the rest of my hair! Sheeeit I wish that would work on me now, post partem (4 yrs) hair loss has definately ruined my edges ( i think) for good. Try this on your child because her hair folicles are probably in shock and need instant stimulation in order to recover and grow back quickly. And, what works for my daughter's thin spots (due to itchy scalp), is Dr. Miracles. It grows the hair back so quickly- seems like it only works for kids, not adults.
I don't think you should feel bad at all about suing for the whole amount. Your daughter experienced a lot of pain because of someone's negligence. I hope it isn't, but the damage could be permanent, and someone should definitely pay.
I'm feeling the pain for your little cutie.
I'm praying that she will recover from this physically and emotionally. Sue for as much as you can b/c God only knows how she'll be affected in both cases in the future.